893 research outputs found

    An effect size statistical framework for investigating sexual dimorphism in non-avian dinosaurs and other extinct taxa

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    Despite reports of sexual dimorphism in extinct taxa, such claims in non-avian dinosaurs have been underrepresented recently (~the last decade) and often criticized. Since dimorphism is widespread in sexually reproducing organisms today, underrepresentation might suggest either methodological shortcomings or that this diverse group exhibited highly unusual reproductive biology. Univariate significance testing, especially for bimodality, is ineffective and prone to false negatives. Species recognition and mutual sexual selection hypotheses, therefore, may not be required to explain supposed absence of sexual dimorphism across the grade, likely a type II error. Instead, multiple lines of evidence support sexual selection and variation of structures consistent with secondary sexual characteristics, strongly suggesting sexual dimorphism in non-avian dinosaurs. We propose a framework for studying sexual dimorphism in fossils, focusing on likely secondarily sexual traits and testing against all alternate hypotheses for variation in them using multiple lines of evidence. We use effect size statistics appropriate for low sample sizes, rather than significance testing, to analyze potential divergence of growth curves in traits and constrain estimates for dimorphism magnitude. In many cases, estimates of sexual variation can be reasonably accurate, and further developments in methods to improve sex assignments and account for intrasexual variation (e.g., mixture modelling) will improve accuracy. It is better to compare estimates for the magnitude of and support for dimorphism between datasets than to dichotomously reject or fail to reject monomorphism in a single species, enabling the study of sexual selection across phylogenies and time. We defend our approach with simulated and empirical data, including dinosaur data, showing that even simple approaches can yield fairly accurate estimates of sexual variation in many cases, allowing for comparison of species with high and low support for sexual variation.Funding provided by: National Science FoundationCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000001Award Number: PLR 1341645 and FRES 192588

    Photometric quality of Dome C for the winter 2008 from ASTEP South

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    ASTEP South is an Antarctic Search for Transiting Exo- Planets in the South pole field, from the Concordia station, Dome C, Antarctica. The instrument consists of a thermalized 10 cm refractor observing a fixed 3.88\degree x 3.88\degree field of view to perform photometry of several thousand stars at visible wavelengths (700-900 nm). The first winter campaign in 2008 led to the retrieval of nearly 1600 hours of data. We derive the fraction of photometric nights by measuring the number of detectable stars in the field. The method is sensitive to the presence of small cirrus clouds which are invisible to the naked eye. The fraction of night-time for which at least 50% of the stars are detected is 74% from June to September 2008. Most of the lost time (18.5% out of 26%) is due to periods of bad weather conditions lasting for a few days ("white outs"). Extended periods of clear weather exist. For example, between July 10 and August 10, 2008, the total fraction of time (day+night) for which photometric observations were possible was 60%. This confirms the very high quality of Dome C for nearly continuous photometric observations during the Antarctic winter

    Direct measurement of the ionization quenching factor of nuclear recoils in germanium in the keV energy range

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    This article reports the measurement of the ionization quenching factor in germanium for nuclear recoil energies between 0.4 and 6.3 keVnr_{nr}. Precise knowledge of this factor in this energy range is relevant for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering and low mass dark matter searches with germanium-based detectors. Nuclear recoils were produced in a thin high-purity germanium target with a very low energy threshold via irradiation with monoenergetic neutron beams. The energy dependence of the ionization quenching factor was directly measured via kinematically constrained coincidences with surrounding liquid scintillator based neutron detectors. The systematic uncertainties of the measurements are discussed in detail. With measured quenching factors between 0.16 and 0.23 in the [0.4, 6.3] keVnr_{nr} energy range, the data are compatible with the Lindhard theory with a parameter kk of 0.162 ±\pm 0.004 (stat+sys)

    Constraints on elastic neutrino nucleus scattering in the fully coherent regime from the CONUS experiment

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    We report the best limit on coherent elastic scattering of electron antineutrinos emitted from a nuclear reactor off germanium nuclei. The measurement was performed with the CONUS detectors positioned at 17.1m from the 3.9GWth reactor core of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf, Germany. The antineutrino energies of less than 10 MeV assure interactions in the fully coherent regime. The analyzed dataset includes 248.7 kgd with the reactor turned on and background data of 58.8 kgd with the reactor off. With a quenching parameter of k = 0.18 for germanium, we determined an upper limit on the number of neutrino events of 85 in the region of interest at 90% confidence level. This new CONUS dataset disfavors quenching parameters above k = 0.27, under the assumption of standard-model-like coherent scattering of the reactor antineutrinos

    Enhanced antipneumococcal antibody electrochemiluminescence assay: validation and bridging to the WHO reference ELISA

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    AIM: To re-optimize the pneumococcal (Pn) electrochemiluminescence (ECL) assay and to validate and bridge the enhanced assay to the WHO ELISA, to support the Phase III clinical trial program for V114, a 15-valent Pn conjugate vaccine. MATERIALS & METHODS: The Pn ECL assay was re-optimized, validated and formally bridged to the WHO ELISA. RESULTS: The enhanced Pn ECL assay met all prespecified validation acceptance criteria and demonstrated concordance with the WHO ELISA. The corresponding threshold value remains at 0.35 μg/ml for all 15 serotypes. CONCLUSION: The enhanced Pn ECL assay has been validated for the measurement of antibodies to 15 Pn capsular polysaccharides and is concordant with the WHO ELISA, supporting its use in clinical trials

    Full background decomposition of the CONUS experiment

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    The CONUS experiment is searching for coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering of reactor anti-neutrinos with four low energy threshold point-contact high-purity germanium spectrometers. An excellent background suppression within the region of interest below 1keV (ionization energy) is absolutely necessary to enable a signal detection. The collected data also make it possible to set limits on various models regarding beyond the standard model physics. These analyses benefit as well from the low background level of ~10d−1^{-1}kg−1^{-1}below 1keV and at higher energies. The low background level is achieved by employing a compact shell-like shield, that was adapted to the most relevant background sources at the shallow depth location of the experiment: environmental gamma-radiation and muon-induced secondaries. Overall, the compact CONUS shield including the active anti-coincidence muon-veto reduces the background by more than four orders of magnitude. The remaining background is described with validated Monte Carlo simulations which include the detector response. It is the first time that a full background decomposition in germanium operated at reactor-site has been achieved. Next to remaining muon-induced background, 210^{210}Pb within the shield and cryostat end caps, cosmogenic activation and air-borne radon are the most relevant background sources. The reactor-correlated background is negligible within the shield. The validated background model together with the parameterization of the noise are used as input to the likelihood analyses of the various physics cases

    First upper limits on neutrino electromagnetic properties from the CONUS experiment

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    We report first constraints on neutrino electromagnetic properties from neutrino-electron scattering using data obtained from the CONUS germanium detectors, i.e. an upper limit on the effective neutrino magnetic moment and an upper limit on the effective neutrino millicharge. The electron antineutrinos are emitted from the 3.9 GWth_\mathrm{th} reactor core of the Brokdorf nuclear power plant in Germany. The CONUS low background detectors are positioned at 17.1 m distance from the reactor core center. The analyzed data set includes 689.1 kg⋅\cdotd collected during reactor ON periods and 131.0 kg⋅\cdotd collected during reactor OFF periods in the energy range of 2 to 8 keV. With the current statistics, we are able to determine an upper limit on the effective neutrino magnetic moment μν<7.5⋅10−11 μB\mu_\nu < 7.5\cdot10^{-11}\,\mu_B at 90% confidence level. From this first magnetic moment limit we can derive an upper bound on the neutrino millicharge of ∣\vertqν∣<3.3⋅10−12 e0_{\nu}\vert < 3.3\cdot10^{-12}\,e_0

    Large-size sub-keV sensitive germanium detectors for the CONUS experiment

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    Intense fluxes of reactor antineutrinos offer a unique possibility to probe the fully coherent character of elastic neutrino scattering off atomic nuclei. In this regard, detectors face the challenge to register tiny recoil energies of a few keV at the maximum. The CONUS experiment was installed in 17.1 m distance from the reactor core of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf, Germany, and was designed to detect this neutrino interaction channel by using four 1 kg-sized point contact germanium detectors with sub-keV energy thresholds. This report describes the unique specifications addressed to the design, the research and development, and the final production of these detectors. It demonstrates their excellent electronic performance obtained during commissioning under laboratory conditions as well as during the first two years of operation at the reactor site which started on April 1, 2018. It highlights the long-term stability of different detector parameters and the achieved background levels of the germanium detectors inside the CONUS shield setup.Comment: (18 pages, 12 figures
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