9,884 research outputs found

    The Size of a Polymer of String-Bits: A Numerical Investigation

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    In string-bit models, string is described as a polymer of point-like constituents. We attempt to use string-bit ideas to investigate how the size of string is affected by string interactions in a non-perturbative context. Lacking adequate methods to deal with the full complications of bit rearrangement interactions, we study instead a simplified analog model with only ``direct'' potential interactions among the bits. We use the variational principle in an approximate calculation of the mean-square size of a polymer as a function of the number of constituents/bits for various interaction strengths g in three specific models.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 9 postscript figure

    Moduli Spaces for D-branes at the Tip of a Cone

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    For physicists: We show that the quiver gauge theory derived from a Calabi-Yau cone via an exceptional collection of line bundles on the base has the original cone as a component of its classical moduli space. For mathematicians: We use data from the derived category of sheaves on a Fano surface to construct a quiver, and show that its moduli space of representations has a component which is isomorphic to the anticanonical cone over the surface.Comment: 8 page

    Winding effects on brane/anti-brane pairs

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    We study a brane/anti-brane configuration which is separated along a compact direction by constructing a tachyon effective action which takes into account transverse scalars. Such an action is relevant in the study of HQCD model of Sakai and Sugimoto of chiral symmetry breaking, where the size of the compact circle sets the confinement scale. Our approach is motivated by string theory orbifold constructions and gives a route to model inhomogeneous tachyon decay. We illustrate the techniques involved with a relatively simple example of a harmonic oscillator on a circle. We will then repeat the analysis for the Sakai-Sugimoto model and show that by integrating out the winding modes will provide us with a renormalized action with a lower energy than that of truncating to zero winding sector.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. v3: discussion and references added, published versio

    Universality and Clustering in 1+1 Dimensional Superstring-Bit Models

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    We construct a 1+1 dimensional superstring-bit model for D=3 Type IIB superstring. This low dimension model escapes the problems encountered in higher dimension models: (1) It possesses full Galilean supersymmetry; (2) For noninteracting polymers of bits, the exactly soluble linear superpotential describing bit interactions is in a large universality class of superpotentials which includes ones bounded at spatial infinity; (3) The latter are used to construct a superstring-bit model with the clustering properties needed to define an SS-matrix for closed polymers of superstring-bits.Comment: 11 pages, Latex documen

    Closed Bosonic String Partition Function in Time Independent Exact PP-Wave Background

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    The modular invariance of the one-loop partition function of the closed bosonic string in four dimensions in the presence of certain homogeneous exact pp-wave backgrounds is studied. In the absence of an axion field the partition function is found to be modular invariant. In the presence of an axion field modular invariace is broken. This can be attributed to the light-cone gauge which breaks the symmetry in the σ\sigma-, tt-directions. Recovery of this broken modular invariance suggests the introduction of twists in the world-sheet directions. However, one needs to go beyond the light-cone gauge to introduce such twists.Comment: 17 pages, added reference

    Detailed modelling of the circumstellar molecular line emission of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae

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    S-type AGB stars have a C/O ratio which suggests that they are transition objects between oxygen-rich M-type stars and carbon-rich C-type stars. As such, their circumstellar compositions of gas and dust are thought to be sensitive to their precise C/O ratio, and it is therefore of particular interest to examine their circumstellar properties. We present new Herschel HIFI and PACS sub-millimetre and far-infrared line observations of several molecular species towards the S-type AGB star W Aql. We use these observations, which probe a wide range of gas temperatures, to constrain the circumstellar properties of W Aql, including mass-loss rate and molecular abundances. We used radiative transfer codes to model the circumstellar dust and molecular line emission to determine circumstellar properties and molecular abundances. We assumed a spherically symmetric envelope formed by a constant mass-loss rate driven by an accelerating wind. Our model includes fully integrated H2O line cooling as part of the solution of the energy balance. We detect circumstellar molecular lines from CO, H2O, SiO, HCN, and, for the first time in an S-type AGB star, NH3. The radiative transfer calculations result in an estimated mass-loss rate for W Aql of 4.0e-6 Msol yr-1 based on the 12CO lines. The estimated 12CO/13CO ratio is 29, which is in line with ratios previously derived for S-type AGB stars. We find an H2O abundance of 1.5e-5, which is intermediate to the abundances expected for M and C stars, and an ortho/para ratio for H2O that is consistent with formation at warm temperatures. We find an HCN abundance of 3e-6, and, although no CN lines are detected using HIFI, we are able to put some constraints on the abundance, 6e-6, and distribution of CN in W Aql's circumstellar envelope using ground-based data. We find an SiO abundance of 3e-6, and an NH3 abundance of 1.7e-5, confined to a small envelope.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Parameters characterizing electromagnetic wave polarization

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    Quantum Hall Effect in a Holographic Model

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    We consider a holographic description of a system of strongly coupled fermions in 2+1 dimensions based on a D7-brane probe in the background of D3-branes, and construct stable embeddings by turning on worldvolume fluxes. We study the system at finite temperature and charge density, and in the presence of a background magnetic field. We show that Minkowski-like embeddings that terminate above the horizon describe a family of quantum Hall states with filling fractions that are parameterized by a single discrete parameter. The quantization of the Hall conductivity is a direct consequence of the topological quantization of the fluxes. When the magnetic field is varied relative to the charge density away from these discrete filling fractions, the embeddings deform continuously into black-hole-like embeddings that enter the horizon and that describe metallic states. We also study the thermodynamics of this system and show that there is a first order phase transition at a critical temperature from the quantum Hall state to the metallic state.Comment: v2: 27 pages, 12 figures. There is a major revision in the quantitative analysis. The qualitative results and conclusions are unchanged, with one exception: we show that the quantum Hall state embeddings, which exist for discrete values of the filling fraction, deform continuously into metallic state embeddings away from these filling fraction

    Magnetized Domain Walls in the Deconfined Sakai-Sugimoto Model at Finite Baryon Density

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    The magnetized pure pion gradient (5ϕ\mathcal{5}\phi) phase in the deconfined Sakai-Sugimoto model is explored at zero and finite temperature. We found that the temperature has very small effects on the phase. The thermodynamical properties of the phase shows that the excitations behave like a scalar solitonic free particles. By comparing the free energy of the pion gradient phase to the competing multiquark-pion gradient (MQ-5ϕ\mathcal{5}\phi) phase, it becomes apparent that the pure pion gradient is less thermodynamically preferred than the MQ-5ϕ\mathcal{5}\phi phase. However, in the parameter space where the baryonic chemical potential is smaller than the onset value of the multiquark, the dominating magnetized nuclear matter is the pion gradient phase.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure