469 research outputs found

    Massless particles on supergroups and AdS3 x S3 supergravity

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    Firstly, we study the state space of a massless particle on a supergroup with a reparameterization invariant action. After gauge fixing the reparameterization invariance, we compute the physical state space through the BRST cohomology and show that the quadratic Casimir Hamiltonian becomes diagonalizable in cohomology. We illustrate the general mechanism in detail in the example of a supergroup target GL(1|1). The space of physical states remains an indecomposable infinite dimensional representation of the space-time supersymmetry algebra. Secondly, we show how the full string BRST cohomology in the particle limit of string theory on AdS3 x S3 renders the quadratic Casimir diagonalizable, and reduces the Hilbert space to finite dimensional representations of the space-time supersymmetry algebra (after analytic continuation). Our analysis provides an efficient way to calculate the Kaluza-Klein spectrum for supergravity on AdS3 x S3. It may also be a step towards the identification of an interesting and simpler subsector of logarithmic supergroup conformal field theories, relevant to string theory.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Conformal Current Algebra in Two Dimensions

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    We construct a non-chiral current algebra in two dimensions consistent with conformal invariance. We show that the conformal current algebra is realized in non-linear sigma-models on supergroup manifolds with vanishing dual Coxeter number, with or without a Wess-Zumino term. The current algebra is computed using two distinct methods. First we exploit special algebraic properties of supergroups to compute the exact two- and three-point functions of the currents and from them we infer the current algebra. The algebra is also calculated by using conformal perturbation theory about the Wess-Zumino-Witten point and resumming the perturbation series. We also prove that these models realize a non-chiral Kac-Moody algebra and construct an infinite set of commuting operators that is closed under the action of the Kac-Moody generators. The supergroup models that we consider include models with applications to statistical mechanics, condensed matter and string theory. In particular, our results may help to systematically solve and clarify the quantum integrability of PSU(n|n) models and their cosets, which appear prominently in string worldsheet models on anti-deSitter spaces.Comment: 33 pages, minor correction

    Non-chiral current algebras for deformed supergroup WZW models

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    We study deformed WZW models on supergroups with vanishing Killing form. The deformation is generated by the isotropic current-current perturbation which is exactly marginal under these assumptions. It breaks half of the global isometries of the original supergroup. The current corresponding to the remaining symmetry is conserved but its components are neither holomorphic nor anti-holomorphic. We obtain the exact two- and three-point functions of this current and a four-point function in the first two leading orders of a 1/k expansion but to all orders in the deformation parameter. We further study the operator product algebra of the currents, the equal time commutators and the quantum equations of motion. The form of the equations of motion suggests the existence of non-local charges which generate a Yangian. Possible applications to string theory on Anti-de Sitter spaces and to condensed matter problems are briefly discussed.Comment: 43 pages, Latex, one eps figure; v.2: minor corrections, a reference adde

    Modelling the unfolding pathway of biomolecules: theoretical approach and experimental prospect

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    We analyse the unfolding pathway of biomolecules comprising several independent modules in pulling experiments. In a recently proposed model, a critical velocity vcv_{c} has been predicted, such that for pulling speeds v>vcv>v_{c} it is the module at the pulled end that opens first, whereas for v<vcv<v_{c} it is the weakest. Here, we introduce a variant of the model that is closer to the experimental setup, and discuss the robustness of the emergence of the critical velocity and of its dependence on the model parameters. We also propose a possible experiment to test the theoretical predictions of the model, which seems feasible with state-of-art molecular engineering techniques.Comment: Accepted contribution for the Springer Book "Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications" (proceedings of the BIRS CMM16 Workshop held in Banff, Canada, August 2016), 16 pages, 6 figure

    Random walks on finite lattice tubes

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    Exact results are obtained for random walks on finite lattice tubes with a single source and absorbing lattice sites at the ends. Explicit formulae are derived for the absorption probabilities at the ends and for the expectations that a random walk will visit a particular lattice site before being absorbed. Results are obtained for lattice tubes of arbitrary size and each of the regular lattice types; square, triangular and honeycomb. The results include an adjustable parameter to model the effects of strain, such as surface curvature, on the surface diffusion. Results for the triangular lattice tubes and the honeycomb lattice tubes model diffusion of adatoms on single walled zig-zag carbon nano-tubes with open ends.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    The conformal current algebra on supergroups with applications to the spectrum and integrability

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    We compute the algebra of left and right currents for a principal chiral model with arbitrary Wess-Zumino term on supergroups with zero Killing form. We define primary fields for the current algebra that match the affine primaries at the Wess-Zumino-Witten points. The Maurer-Cartan equation together with current conservation tightly constrain the current-current and current-primary operator product expansions. The Hilbert space of the theory is generated by acting with the currents on primary fields. We compute the conformal dimensions of a subset of these states in the large radius limit. The current algebra is shown to be consistent with the quantum integrability of these models to several orders in perturbation theory.Comment: 45 pages. Minor correction

    Asymptotic Symmetries of String Theory on AdS3 X S3 with Ramond-Ramond Fluxes

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    String theory on AdS3 space-times with boundary conditions that allow for black hole states has global asymptotic symmetries which include an infinite dimensional conformal algebra. Using the conformal current algebra for sigma-models on PSU(1,1|2), we explicitly construct the R-symmetry and Virasoro charges in the worldsheet theory describing string theory on AdS3 X S3 with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. We also indicate how to construct the full boundary superconformal algebra. The boundary superconformal algebra plays an important role in classifying the full spectrum of string theory on AdS3 with Ramond-Ramond fluxes, and in the microscopic entropy counting in D1-D5 systems.Comment: 30 page

    The non-compact elliptic genus: mock or modular

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    We analyze various perspectives on the elliptic genus of non-compact supersymmetric coset conformal field theories with central charge larger than three. We calculate the holomorphic part of the elliptic genus via a free field description of the model, and show that it agrees with algebraic expectations. The holomorphic part of the elliptic genus is directly related to an Appell-Lerch sum and behaves anomalously under modular transformation properties. We analyze the origin of the anomaly by calculating the elliptic genus through a path integral in a coset conformal field theory. The path integral codes both the holomorphic part of the elliptic genus, and a non-holomorphic remainder that finds its origin in the continuous spectrum of the non-compact model. The remainder term can be shown to agree with a function that mathematicians introduced to parameterize the difference between mock theta functions and Jacobi forms. The holomorphic part of the elliptic genus thus has a path integral completion which renders it non-holomorphic and modular.Comment: 13 page

    Relationship between knee pain and the presence, location, size and phenotype of femorotibial denuded areas of subchondral bone as visualized by MRI

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    Objective: Conflicting associations between imaging biomarkers and pain in knee osteoarthritis (OA) have been reported. A relation between pain and denuded areas of subchondral bone (dABs) has been suggested and this study explores this relationship further by relating the presence, phenotype, location and size of dABs to different measures of knee pain. Methods: 633 right knees from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) (250 men, age 61.7 +/- 9.6 yrs, BMI 29.4 +/- 4.7 kg/m(2)) were included. Manual segmentation of the femorotibial cartilage plates was performed on 3 T coronal fast low angle shot with water excitation (FLASHwe) images. dABs were defined as areas where the subchondral bone was uncovered by cartilage. The following measures of pain were used: weightbearing-, non-weightbearing-, moderate-to-severe-, infrequent- and frequent knee pain. Results: Using pain measures from subjects without dABs as a reference, those with at least one dAB had a 1.64-fold higher prevalence ratio [PR, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.24-2.18] to have frequent and 1.45-fold higher for moderate-to-severe knee pain (95% CI 1.13-1.85). Subjects with dABs in central subregions had a 1.53-fold increased prevalence of having weightbearing pain (95% Cl 1.20-1.97), especially when the central subregion was moderately (>10%) denuded (PR 1.81, 95% CI 135-2.42). Individuals with cartilage-loss-type dABs had a slightly higher prevalence (PR 1.13, 95% CI 1.00-1.27) of having frequent knee pain compared to individuals with intra-chondral-osteophyte-type dABs. Conclusion: This study supports a positive relation between femorotibial dABs and knee pain, especially when the dABs are located centrally (i.e., in weightbearing regions) or when the respective central subregion is moderately denuded. (C) 2013 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Kinetics of active surface-mediated diffusion in spherically symmetric domains

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    We present an exact calculation of the mean first-passage time to a target on the surface of a 2D or 3D spherical domain, for a molecule alternating phases of surface diffusion on the domain boundary and phases of bulk diffusion. We generalize the results of [J. Stat. Phys. {\bf 142}, 657 (2011)] and consider a biased diffusion in a general annulus with an arbitrary number of regularly spaced targets on a partially reflecting surface. The presented approach is based on an integral equation which can be solved analytically. Numerically validated approximation schemes, which provide more tractable expressions of the mean first-passage time are also proposed. In the framework of this minimal model of surface-mediated reactions, we show analytically that the mean reaction time can be minimized as a function of the desorption rate from the surface.Comment: Published online in J. Stat. Phy