4,958 research outputs found

    Ohmic contacts to n-type germanium with low specific contact resistivity

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    A low temperature nickel process has been developed that produces Ohmic contacts to n-type germanium with specific contact resistivities down to (2.3 ± 1.8) x10<sup>-7</sup> Ω-cm<sup>2</sup> for anneal temperatures of 340 degC. The low contact resistivity is attributed to the low resistivity NiGe phase which was identified using electron diffraction in a transmission electron microscope. Electrical results indicate that the linear Ohmic behaviour of the contact is attributed to quantum mechanical tunnelling through the Schottky barrier formed between the NiGe alloy and the heavily doped n-Ge.<p></p&gt

    3-d Lattice QCD Free Energy to Four Loops

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    We compute the expansion of the 3-d Lattice QCD free energy to four loop order by means of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory. The first and second order are already known and are correctly reproduced. The third and fourth order coefficients are new results. The known logarithmic divergence in the fourth order is correctly identified. We comment on the relevance of our computation in the context of dimensionally reduced finite temperature QCD.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, latex typeset with JHEP3.cl

    Optically tuned dimensionality crossover in photocarrier-doped SrTiO3_3: onset of weak localization

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    We report magnetotransport properties of photogenerated electrons in undoped SrTiO3_3 single crystals under ultraviolet illumination down to 2 K. By tuning the light intensity, the steady state carrier density can be controlled, while tuning the wavelength controls the effective electronic thickness by modulating the optical penetration depth. At short wavelengths, when the sheet conductance is close to the two-dimensional Mott minimum conductivity we have observed critical behavior characteristic of weak localization. Negative magnetoresistance at low magnetic field is highly anisotropic, indicating quasi-two-dimensional electronic transport. The high mobility of photogenerated electrons in SrTiO3_3 allows continuous tuning of the effective electronic dimensionality by photoexcitation.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Storage of correlated patterns in a perceptron

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    We calculate the storage capacity of a perceptron for correlated gaussian patterns. We find that the storage capacity αc\alpha_c can be less than 2 if similar patterns are mapped onto different outputs and vice versa. As long as the patterns are in general position we obtain, in contrast to previous works, that αc≥1\alpha_c \geq 1 in agreement with Cover's theorem. Numerical simulations confirm the results.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX ioplppt style, figures included using eps

    Limiting behaviour of Fréchet means in the space of phylogenetic trees

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    As demonstrated in our previous work on T4, the space of phylogenetic trees with four leaves, the topological structure of the space plays an important role in the non-classical limiting behaviour of the sample Fréchet means in T4. Nevertheless, the techniques used in that paper cannot be adapted to analyse Fréchet means in the space Tm of phylogenetic trees with m(⩾5)m(⩾5) leaves. To investigate the latter, this paper first studies the log map of Tm. Then, in terms of a modified version of this map, we characterise Fréchet means in Tm that lie in top-dimensional or co-dimension one strata. We derive the limiting distributions for the corresponding sample Fréchet means, generalising our previous results. In particular, the results show that, although they are related to the Gaussian distribution, the forms taken by the limiting distributions depend on the co-dimensions of the strata in which the Fréchet means lie

    Plaquette expectation value and gluon condensate in three dimensions

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    In three dimensions, the gluon condensate of pure SU(3) gauge theory has ultraviolet divergences up to 4-loop level only. By subtracting the corresponding terms from lattice measurements of the plaquette expectation value and extrapolating to the continuum limit, we extract the finite part of the gluon condensate in lattice regularization. Through a change of regularization scheme to MSbar and (inverse) dimensional reduction, this result would determine the first non-perturbative coefficient in the weak-coupling expansion of hot QCD pressure.Comment: 11 page

    The violent past of Cygnus X-2

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    Cygnus X-2 appears to be the descendant of an intermediate-mass X-ray binary (IMXB). Using Mazzitelli's (1989) stellar code we compute detailed evolutionary sequences for the system and find that its prehistory is sensitive to stellar input parameters, in particular the amount of core overshooting during the main-sequence phase. With standard assumptions for convective overshooting a case B mass transfer starting with a 3.5 M_sun donor star is the most likely evolutionary solution for Cygnus X-2. This makes the currently observed state rather short-lived, of order 3 Myr, and requires a formation rate > 1e-7 - 1e-6 per yr of such systems in the Galaxy. Our calculations show that neutron star IMXBs with initially more massive donors (> 4 M_sun) encounter a delayed dynamical instability; they are unlikely to survive this rapid mass transfer phase. We determine limits for the age and initial parameters of Cygnus X-2 and calculate possible dynamical orbits of the system in a realistic Galactic potential, given its observed radial velocity. We find trajectories which are consistent with a progenitor binary on a circular orbit in the Galactic plane inside the solar circle that received a kick velocity < 200 km/s at the birth of the neutron star. The simulations suggests that about 7% of IMXBs receiving an arbitrary kick velocity from a standard kick velocity spectrum would end up in an orbit similar to Cygnus X-2, while about 10% of them reach yet larger Galactocentric distances.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Intermediate mass stars: updated models

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    A new set of stellar models in the mass range 1.2 to 9 M⊙M_{\odot} is presented. The adopted chemical compositions cover the typical galactic values, namely 0.0001≤Z≤0.020.0001 \le Z \le 0.02 and 0.23≤Y≤0.280.23 \le Y \le 0.28. A comparison among the most recent compilations of similar stellar models is also discussed. The main conclusion is that the differencies among the various evolutionary results are still rather large. For example, we found that the H-burning evolutionary time may differ up to 20 %. An even larger disagreement is found for the He-burning phase (up to 40-50 %). Since the connection between the various input physics and the numerical algorithms could amplify or counterbalance the effect of a single ingredient on the resulting stellar model, the origin of this discrepancies is not evident. However most of these discrepancies, which are clearly found in the evolutionary tracks, are reduced on the isochrones. By means of our updated models we show that the ages inferred by the theory of stellar evolution is in excellent agreement with those obtained by using other independent methods applied to the nearby Open Clusters. Finally, the theoretical initial/final mass relation is revised.Comment: 35 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophisycal Journa

    Switching Mechanism in Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide Transistors: an Insight into Current Flow across Schottky Barriers

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    In this article, we study the properties of metal contacts to single-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) crystals, revealing the nature of switching mechanism in MoS2 transistors. On investigating transistor behavior as contact length changes, we find that the contact resistivity for metal/MoS2 junctions is defined by contact area instead of contact width. The minimum gate dependent transfer length is ~0.63 {\mu}m in the on-state for metal (Ti) contacted single-layer MoS2. These results reveal that MoS2 transistors are Schottky barrier transistors, where the on/off states are switched by the tuning the Schottky barriers at contacts. The effective barrier heights for source and drain barriers are primarily controlled by gate and drain biases, respectively. We discuss the drain induced barrier narrowing effect for short channel devices, which may reduce the influence of large contact resistance for MoS2 Schottky barrier transistors at the channel length scaling limit.Comment: ACS Nano, ASAP (2013

    Sequence of Mature Phosphoglycerate Kinase from Spinach Chloroplasts

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