1,343 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian flows on null curves

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    The local motion of a null curve in Minkowski 3-space induces an evolution equation for its Lorentz invariant curvature. Special motions are constructed whose induced evolution equations are the members of the KdV hierarchy. The null curves which move under the KdV flow without changing shape are proven to be the trajectories of a certain particle model on null curves described by a Lagrangian linear in the curvature. In addition, it is shown that the curvature of a null curve which evolves by similarities can be computed in terms of the solutions of the second Painlev\'e equation.Comment: 14 pages, v2: final version; minor changes in the expositio

    Elementary Darboux transformations and factorization

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    A general theorem on factorization of matrices with polynomial entries is proven and it is used to reduce polynomial Darboux matrices to linear ones. Some new examples of linear Darboux matrices are discussed.Comment: 10 page

    Bubble concentration on spheres for supercritical elliptic problems

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    We consider the supercritical Lane-Emden problem (P_\eps)\qquad -\Delta v= |v|^{p_\eps-1} v \ \hbox{in}\ \mathcal{A} ,\quad u=0\ \hbox{on}\ \partial\mathcal{A} where A\mathcal A is an annulus in \rr^{2m}, m2m\ge2 and p_\eps={(m+1)+2\over(m+1)-2}-\eps, \eps>0. We prove the existence of positive and sign changing solutions of (P_\eps) concentrating and blowing-up, as \eps\to0, on (m1)(m-1)-dimensional spheres. Using a reduction method (see Ruf-Srikanth (2010) J. Eur. Math. Soc. and Pacella-Srikanth (2012) arXiv:1210.0782)we transform problem (P_\eps) into a nonhomogeneous problem in an annulus \mathcal D\subset \rr^{m+1} which can be solved by a Ljapunov-Schmidt finite dimensional reduction

    Aptitud de dos sedimentitas rojas cretácicas del departamento Confluencia, Neuquén, para ser usadas como barreras aislantes en rellenos sanitarios

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    En este trabajo se presenta la caracterización de dos sedimentitas de grano fino del departamento Confluencia, Neuquén, que forman parte de las formaciones Huincul y Anacleto (Grupo Neuquén - Cretácico Superior) con el objetivo dedeterminar su aptitud para ser usadas como materiales para impermeabilizar la base de rellenos sanitarios. Las muestras fueron extraídas de dos canteras inactivas de arcillas rojas, explotadas como materia prima para la industria de la cerámica, y representan el material que se comercializaba para este fin. Los resultados fueron comparados con una bentonita sódica natural comercial la cual se utilizó como material de referencia. En función de la distribución del tamaño de partículas, las sedimentitas se clasifican como una fangolita (F. Huincul) y una arcilita (F. Anacleto). La mineralogía de la fracción arcilla de estas sedimentitas está representada principalmente por un interestratificado I/S tipo R0 (55-80% Sm). Las sedimentitas rojas ensayadas cumplieron con los requisitos de conductividad hidráulica estipulados por la legislación internacional para suuso como barrera impermeable (menor que 1 x 10-9 m/s). Su capacidad de intercambio catiónico, como también la plasticidad y compresibilidad de las mismas, demostraron un comportamiento satisfactorio para su uso en rellenos sanitarios. En mezclas con una arena mal seleccionada, el agregado de un 15% de la arcilita de la Formación Anacleto permitió superar el requisito legal de conductividad hidráulica, mientras que la fangolita de la Formación Huincul no cumplió con dicha condición. No obstante, a diferencia de una bentonita sódica natural, estas sedimentitas podrían ser utilizadas sin ser mezcladas con otros materiales naturales (suelos o arena) por su baja compresibilidad y menor potencial expansivo. El uso de los materiales ensayados en el diseño de sistemas de impermeabilización de rellenos sanitarios constituiría una alternativa efectiva no sólo porque cumplen con los requisitos técnicos estipulados para este fin, sino también por su abundancia y bajo costo de extracción en el área de estudio

    Ruled Laguerre minimal surfaces

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    A Laguerre minimal surface is an immersed surface in the Euclidean space being an extremal of the functional \int (H^2/K - 1) dA. In the present paper, we prove that the only ruled Laguerre minimal surfaces are up to isometry the surfaces R(u,v) = (Au, Bu, Cu + D cos 2u) + v (sin u, cos u, 0), where A, B, C, D are fixed real numbers. To achieve invariance under Laguerre transformations, we also derive all Laguerre minimal surfaces that are enveloped by a family of cones. The methodology is based on the isotropic model of Laguerre geometry. In this model a Laguerre minimal surface enveloped by a family of cones corresponds to a graph of a biharmonic function carrying a family of isotropic circles. We classify such functions by showing that the top view of the family of circles is a pencil.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor correction: missed assumption (*) added to Propositions 1-2 and Theorem 2, missed case (nested circles having nonempty envelope) added in the proof of Pencil Theorem 4, missed proof that the arcs cut off by the envelope are disjoint added in the proof of Lemma

    An integrable discretization of the rational su(2) Gaudin model and related systems

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    The first part of the present paper is devoted to a systematic construction of continuous-time finite-dimensional integrable systems arising from the rational su(2) Gaudin model through certain contraction procedures. In the second part, we derive an explicit integrable Poisson map discretizing a particular Hamiltonian flow of the rational su(2) Gaudin model. Then, the contraction procedures enable us to construct explicit integrable discretizations of the continuous systems derived in the first part of the paper.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Lagrangian Curves in a 4-dimensional affine symplectic space

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    Lagrangian curves in R4 entertain intriguing relationships with second order deformation of plane curves under the special affine group and null curves in a 3-dimensional Lorentzian space form. We provide a natural affine symplectic frame for Lagrangian curves. It allows us to classify La- grangrian curves with constant symplectic curvatures, to construct a class of Lagrangian tori in R4 and determine Lagrangian geodesic

    Convergence of vector bundles with metrics of Sasaki-type

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    If a sequence of Riemannian manifolds, XiX_i, converges in the pointed Gromov-Hausdorff sense to a limit space, XX_\infty, and if EiE_i are vector bundles over XiX_i endowed with metrics of Sasaki-type with a uniform upper bound on rank, then a subsequence of the EiE_i converges in the pointed Gromov-Hausdorff sense to a metric space, EE_\infty. The projection maps πi\pi_i converge to a limit submetry π\pi_\infty and the fibers converge to its fibers; the latter may no longer be vector spaces but are homeomorphic to Rk/G\R^k/G, where GG is a closed subgroup of O(k)O(k) ---called the {\em wane group}--- that depends on the basepoint and that is defined using the holonomy groups on the vector bundles. The norms μi=i\mu_i=\|\cdot\|_i converges to a map μ\mu_{\infty} compatible with the re-scaling in Rk/G\R^k/G and the R\R-action on EiE_i converges to an R\R-action on EE_{\infty} compatible with the limiting norm. In the special case when the sequence of vector bundles has a uniform lower bound on holonomy radius (as in a sequence of collapsing flat tori to a circle), the limit fibers are vector spaces. Under the opposite extreme, e.g. when a single compact nn-dimensional manifold is re-scaled to a point, the limit fiber is Rn/H\R^n/H where HH is the closure of the holonomy group of the compact manifold considered. An appropriate notion of parallelism is given to the limiting spaces by considering curves whose length is unchanged under the projection. The class of such curves is invariant under the R\R-action and each such curve preserves norms. The existence of parallel translation along rectifiable curves with arbitrary initial conditions is also exhibited. Uniqueness is not true in general, but a necessary condition is given in terms of the aforementioned wane groups GG.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure, in V.2 added Theorem E and Section 4 on parallelism in the limit space

    Diagrammatic approach to non-Gaussianity from inflation

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    We present Feynman type diagrams for calculating the n-point function of the primordial curvature perturbation in terms of scalar field perturbations during inflation. The diagrams can be used to evaluate the corresponding terms in the n-point function at tree level or any required loop level. Rules are presented for drawing the diagrams and writing down the corresponding terms in real space and Fourier space. We show that vertices can be renormalised to automatically account for diagrams with dressed vertices. We apply these rules to calculate the primordial power spectrum up to two loops, the bispectrum including loop corrections, and the trispectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. v2: Comments and references added, v3: Introduction expanded, subsection on evaluating loop diagrams added, minor errors corrected, references adde

    Classical approximation to quantum cosmological correlations

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    We investigate up to which order quantum effects can be neglected in calculating cosmological correlation functions after horizon exit. As a toy model, we study ϕ3\phi^3 theory on a de Sitter background for a massless minimally coupled scalar field ϕ\phi. We find that for tree level and one loop contributions in the quantum theory, a good classical approximation can be constructed, but for higher loop corrections this is in general not expected to be possible. The reason is that loop corrections get non-negligible contributions from loop momenta with magnitude up to the Hubble scale H, at which scale classical physics is not expected to be a good approximation to the quantum theory. An explicit calculation of the one loop correction to the two point function, supports the argument that contributions from loop momenta of scale HH are not negligible. Generalization of the arguments for the toy model to derivative interactions and the curvature perturbation leads to the conclusion that the leading orders of non-Gaussian effects generated after horizon exit, can be approximated quite well by classical methods. Furthermore we compare with a theorem by Weinberg. We find that growing loop corrections after horizon exit are not excluded, even in single field inflation.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure; v2: corrected errors, added references, conclusions unchanged; v3: added section in which we compare with stochastic approach; this version matches published versio