46 research outputs found

    Prognostic value of molecules of average mass in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a socially significant disease affecting patient’s quality of life. Assessment of endogenous intoxication in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will allow to understand pathogenetic features of different phenotypes of this disease, which can be taken into account when predicting its course.The aim of the study. To determine the prognostic value of levels of mediumand low-molecular-weight substances and oligopeptides in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Materials and methods. One hundred and four patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 110 somatically healthy individuals were examined. Molecular weight medium and low molecular weight substances (LMWSM) and oligopeptides (OP) were determined in blood plasma, erythrocytes and urine. Based on these indicators mathematically calculated indices of endogenous intoxication and coefficient of elimination were defined. Statistical processing of the data was performed using the SPSS 26.0 software package (IBM Corp., USA).Results. In all biological fluids, the levels of average molecules and calculated indices in the COPD patients’ group were statistically significantly different from those in the control group. The indices characterizing endotoxin accumulation were statistically significantly higher, while those characterizing toxin elimination were lower. The level of endotoxemia was correlated with the frequency of exacerbations, clinical manifestations severity, quality of life, COPD group and phenotype.Conclusions. Frequent exacerbations, groups C and D, bronchitic and mixed COPD phenotypes are characterized by more severe endotoxicosis manifested by high levels of LMWSM, OP and calculated indices


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    This study shows that Yersinia pestis capsular antigen F1 conjugated to the CS nano-particles demonstrates apparent immunogenic effects. When injected to the test animals it was able to stimulate the production of specific antibodies under smaller antigenic load, it caused activation of the genetic apparatus in the immune system cells, and it stimulated hyperplastic processes in the lymphoid organs. Solutions of CS plus antigens appeared to be stable and caused neither general nor local responses in the test animals; they were easy to make use of, thus demonstrating their potentialities to be exploited as adjuvants in immunologic practices

    Construction of Recombinant Escherichia coli Strain – Producer of Basic Subunit of Toxin-Coregulated Pilus of Adhesion (TCPA) of Vibrio cholerae Biovar El Tor

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    Objective of the study is to construct recombinant E. coli strain – producer of TcpA protein of cholera agent El Tor, carrying tcpACIRS gene in its genome, and use the strains for antigen production. Materials and methods. Utilized was non-toxigenic genovariant strain of Vibrio cholerae biovar El Tor from the “State Collection of Pathogenic Bacteria” at the premises of RusRAPI “Microbe”, as well as commercial E. coli strains and plasmids for cloning (Invitrogen, USA). Chromosomal DNA from V. cholerae cells was extracted using Charge Smitch gDNA Mini Bacteria Kit applying nucleo-sorption. To extract plasmid DNA from E. coli cells PureLink Quick Plasmid DNA MiniprepKits were used. The presence of tcpACIRS gene was assayed by PCR, using designed through our own efforts primers. DNA fragments were isolated from agarose gel with the help of PCR Clear-Up-System panel. SDS-PAGE was performed according to U.K.Laemmli method. Protein content of samples was measured by M.M.Bradford method. The panel for affinity chromatography was applied for recombinant TcpA protein purification. Results and conclusions. Constructed safe strain of E. coli is the producer of recombinant TcpA protein, basic subunit of toxin-coregulated pilus of adhesion of cholera agent biovar El Tor. The region of tcpA gene of Vibrio cholerae biovar El Tor was cloned as part of vector plasmid pET302 by the restriction sites XhoI-BamHI in E. coli strain BL21(DE3)Star. In the stated design protein biosynthesis is under transcriptional control of phage promoter T7 and induced by isopropyl-ß-thiogalactoside (IPTG). Tested were the conditions for optimum TcpA protein production and the layout of its purification using affinity chromatography. It was demonstrated that TcpA is present in cells of intestinal bacterium, both in native form and as inclusion bodies. Overall TcpA protein production amounted to 60 mcg/ml. Obtained purified TcpA protein can be used for studies of its immunogenic and physical-chemical properties, as well as development of immune-diagnostic preparations to evaluate the level of TcpA production in various V. cholerae strains, and identification of antigen composition of cholera vaccine preparations


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    Diagnosis of hearing level in small children with conductive hearing loss associated with congenital craniofacial abnormalities, particularly with agenesis of external ear and external auditory meatus is a pressing issue. Conventional methods of assessing hearing in the first years of life, i. e. registration of brainstem auditory evoked responses to acoustic stimuli in the event of air conduction, does not give an indication of the auditory analyzer’s condition due to potential conductive hearing loss in these patients. This study was aimed at assessing potential of diagnosing the auditory analyzer’s function with registering brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAERs) to acoustic stimuli transmitted by means of a bone vibrator. The study involved 17 children aged 3–10 years with normal hearing. We compared parameters of registering brainstem auditory evoked responses (peak V) depending on the type of stimulus transmission (air/bone) in children with normal hearing. The data on thresholds of the BAERs registered to acoustic stimuli in the event of air and bone conduction obtained in this study are comparable; hearing thresholds in the event of acoustic stimulation by means of a bone vibrator correlates with the results of the BAERs registered to the stimuli transmitted by means of air conduction earphones (r = 0.9). High correlation of thresholds of BAERs to the stimuli transmitted by means of a bone vibrator with thresholds of BAERs registered when air conduction earphones were used helps to assess auditory analyzer’s condition in patients with any form of conductive hearing loss.  Диагностика уровня слуха у детей младшего возраста с кондуктивной тугоухостью, связанной с пороками развития челюстно-лицевой области, в частности с агенезией слуховой раковины и наружного слухового прохода, является актуальной проблемой. Традиционная методика оценки слуха в первые годы жизни, а именно регистрация слуховых вызванных потенциалов мозга на акустические стимулы при воздушном звукопроведении, не дает представления о состоянии слухового анализатора за счет кондуктивного компонента тугоухости у этой когорты пациентов. Целью данного исследования стала оценка возможности диагностики функции слухового анализатора методом регистрации коротколатентных слуховых вызванных потенциалов (КСВП) при использовании акустического стимула, подаваемого через костный вибратор. В исследование были включены 17 детей с нормальным слухом в возрасте 3−10 лет. Проводили сравнение параметров регистрации коротколатентных слуховых вызванных потенциалов (V пик) в зависимости от типа передачи стимула (воздух/кость) у нормально слышащих детей. Полученные в исследовании данные порогов КСВП, зарегистрированных на акустические стимулы воздушного и костного звукопроведения, сопоставимы, а значения порогов слуха при акустической стимуляции через костный вибратор соответствуют результатам регистрации КСВП на стимулы, подаваемые через воздушные телефоны (r = 0,9). Высокая корреляция порогов КСВП на стимулы, подаваемые через костный вибратор, и порогов КСВП, зарегистрированных через воздушные телефоны, позволяет оценивать состояние слухового анализатора у пациентов с любыми формами кондуктивной тугоухости.

    The efficiency of tear substitute therapy at dysfunction tear basic secretion

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    Purpose: to evaluate the efficiency and tolerance of drops replacing tear with hyaluronic acid 0.15% (Hylabak, thea, France) for the treatment of tear film diseases, in particular blepharoconjunctival form of dry eye syndrome.Methods: 32 patients (range 38 to 72 years) with blepharoconjunctival form of dry eye syndrome were treated lubricant Hylabak 2-4 times a day during 7-30 days.Results: After treatment was detected the elimination of complaints in 30 of 32 people, increasing the stability of the tear film (increasing values of the samples Norn test from 7.3 ±0.5 to 10.1±0.6 seconds), as well as normalization of Schirmer test (from 8.8±0.4 to 15.2±0.5 mm).Conclusion: the study was showed high efficacy of lubricant Hylabak and subjective tolerability at blepharoconjunctival form of dry eye syndrome

    New Method of Plague Agent Lipopolysaccharide Obtaining

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    Put forward are two alternatives of a new method for optimization of conditions of LPS obtaining and purification from Y. pestis strains; as well as for avoiding application of poisonous and hard-to-remove reagents; for simplification and cost-cutting of the technique; and for rationalization of production waste management. This method involves preliminary salt-water extraction of bacteria, for elimination of easy-dissolving substances, with the subsequent fracturing using ultrasound in lysing buffer (0,1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8,0; 10 mmol of EDTA, 1 % Triton X-100). The first alternative for deproteinization of non-purified endotoxin is the commercial preparation of proteinase K (Sigma), the second one - an enzyme complex - proteovibrin, isolated from waste material accumulated in the process of cholera chemical bivalent vaccine production. Apart from this, introduced has been a phase of sample acidification by applying glacial acetic acid up to pH 3,2-3,4 to decontaminate LPS from nucleic acids. These two variations of the method provide for enhancement of LPS preparation quality as compared to prototype method, and for obtainment of plague agent endotoxin that is hardly distinguishable in physical-chemical properties, homogeneity, immunochemical activity and specificity from the antigen, manufactured by means of water-phenol extraction following Westphal O. technique

    Новый цифровой источник статистической информации о населении

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    The article presents the authors’ views on using «Big Data» to gain new information on population and to study various social and economic phenomena and processes on its basis. As the foreign  experience clearly demonstrates, with the development of  information industry and the ubiquitous mobile communications  penetration, one of the most promising sources of «Big Data» in  terms of population coverage (using population as an object of  statistical observation) and efficiency in obtaining information on it,  is data from mobile operators. The paper also notes Russian  experience in this field, especially since 2014, when Russia managed to implement the «Geoanalysis» project on using data from mobile  operators in managerial activities of the Moscow Government. The  authors outline the history and development of the new digital data  source for population statistics, which is based on technical data of cellular networks. The paper covers baselines to Russian innovation methodological developments and algorithms for converting radio frequency events from base stations of mobile operators into  statistical indicators of number, density and dynamics of population  movements with full coverage of study area and high level of space- time specification. This article pays particular attention to issues  concerning protection of subscribers’ personal data, legality of collecting and processing the information received from mobile operators in accordance with the legislation of the Russian  Federation. The authors thoroughly examined directions for applying  statistical indicators, based on data from mobile operators, in the  field of economy, trade, culture, transport modeling, urban planning and management.В статье дается изложение авторского понимания вопросов использования больших данных в целях получения новых знаний о населении и исследовании на их основе различных  социально-экономических явлений и процессов. Указывается, что с развитием информационной индустрии и повсеместным проникновением мобильной связи,  как показывает зарубежный опыт, одним из наиболее перспективных источников больших  данных с точки зрения полноты охвата населения как объекта статистического наблюдения  и оперативности получения информации о нем являются данные сотовых операторов.  Авторы подробно рассматривают отечественный опыт в этой области. В частности, еще в  2014 г. в России удалось реализовать проект «Геоаналитика» по практическому применению данных операторов в управленческой деятельности органов исполнительной власти  Правительства Москвы. Авторами освещается история возникновения и развития нового  цифрового источника статистической информации о населении, в основе которого лежат  технические данные сотовых сетей. Излагаются основы инновационных российских методологических разработок и алгоритмов преобразования радиочастотных событий  базовых станций операторов сотовой связи в статистические показатели численности,  плотности и динамики перемещений населения с полным охватом исследуемой территории и высоким уровнем пространственно-временной детализации. Особое внимание в статье  уделяется вопросам защиты персональных данных абонентов, легальности процессов сбора  и обработки информации, получаемой от операторов сотовой связи, в соответствии с  требованиями законодательства Российской Федерации. Детально рассматриваются  направления практического применения статистических показателей, сформированных на основе данных сотовых операторов, в области экономики, торговли, культуры,  транспортного моделирования, сферах городского планирования и управления.


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    The problem of acute tonsillitis retains its relevance over the past few years. Its most frequent causative agent is the ß-hemolytic streptococcus group A. This article covers the clinical presentation of the disease and its differential diagnosis as well as modern methods of diagnosing and treating the disease. The therapy of acute tonsillitis is based on a complex approach, which allows to increase its effectiveness considerably. It is offered to use local-effect antibacterial drugs alongside the systemic antibacterial therapy. There are recommendations on the usage of pastilles for local antibacterial treatment, which allow to decrease the pain intensity during streptococcal tonsillitis and to decrease the probability of complications.В последние годы проблема острого тонзиллита сохраняет свою актуальность. Наиболее частым и значимым бактериальным возбудителем острого тонзиллита является β-гемолитический стрептококк группы А. В статье описаны клиническая картина болезни и дифференциальная диагностика, а также представлены современные методы диагностики и лечения данного заболевания. В основе терапии острого тонзиллита лежит комплексный подход, что позволяет значительно повысить ее эффективность. Помимо системной антибактериальной терапии предложено использовать антибактериальные препараты местного действия. Приведены рекомендации по использованию у детей пастилок с анестетиком, позволяющих уменьшить выраженность болевого синдрома при стрептококковом тонзиллите и снизить вероятность осложнений заболевания