2,407 research outputs found

    Random-Manifold to Random-Periodic Depinning of an Elastic Interface

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    We study numerically the depinning transition of driven elastic interfaces in a random-periodic medium with localized periodic-correlation peaks in the direction of motion. The analysis of the moving interface geometry reveals the existence of several characteristic lengths separating different length-scale regimes of roughness. We determine the scaling behavior of these lengths as a function of the velocity, temperature, driving force, and transverse periodicity. A dynamical roughness diagram is thus obtained which contains, at small length scales, the critical and fast-flow regimes typical of the random-manifold (or domain wall) depinning, and at large length-scales, the critical and fast-flow regimes typical of the random-periodic (or charge-density wave) depinning. From the study of the equilibrium geometry we are also able to infer the roughness diagram in the creep regime, extending the depinning roughness diagram below threshold. Our results are relevant for understanding the geometry at depinning of arrays of elastically coupled thin manifolds in a disordered medium such as driven particle chains or vortex-line planar arrays. They also allow to properly control the effect of transverse periodic boundary conditions in large-scale simulations of driven disordered interfaces.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Thermal rounding exponent of the depinning transition of an elastic string in a random medium

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    We study numerically thermal effects at the depinning transition of an elastic string driven in a two-dimensional uncorrelated disorder potential. The velocity of the string exactly at the sample critical force is shown to behave as VTψV \sim T^\psi, with ψ\psi the thermal rounding exponent. We show that the computed value of the thermal rounding exponent, ψ=0.15\psi = 0.15, is robust and accounts for the different scaling properties of several observables both in the steady-state and in the transient relaxation to the steady-state. In particular, we show the compatibility of the thermal rounding exponent with the scaling properties of the steady-state structure factor, the universal short-time dynamics of the transient velocity at the sample critical force, and the velocity scaling function describing the joint dependence of the steady-state velocity on the external drive and temperature

    Luttinger liquid theory of purple bronze Li0.9Mo6O17Li_{0.9}Mo_6O_{17} in the charge regime

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    Molybdenum purple bronze Li0.9_{0.9}Mo6_{6}O17_{17} is an exceptional material known to exhibit one dimensional (1D) properties for energies down to a few meV. This fact seems to be well established both in experiments and in band structure theory. We use the unusual, very 1-dimensional band dispersion obtained in \emph{ab-initio} DFT-LMTO band calculations as our starting point to study the physics emerging below 300meV. A dispersion perpendicular to the main dispersive direction is obtained and investigated in detail. Based on this, we derive an effective low energy theory within the Tomonaga Luttinger liquid (TLL) framework. We estimate the strength of the possible interactions and from this deduce the values of the TLL parameters for charge modes. Finally we investigate possible instabilities of TLL by deriving renormalization group (RG) equations which allow us to predict the size of potential gaps in the spectrum. While 2kF2k_F instabilities strongly suppress each other, the 4kF4k_F instabilities cooperate, which paves the way for a possible CDW at the lowest energies. The aim of this work is to understand the experimental findings, in particular the ones which are certainly lying within the 1D regime. We discuss the validity of our 1D approach and further perspectives for the lower energy phases.Comment: We wish to acknowledge financial support of MaNEP, SectionI

    Hall effect in strongly correlated low dimensional systems

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    We investigate the Hall effect in a quasi one-dimensional system made of weakly coupled Luttinger Liquids at half filling. Using a memory function approach, we compute the Hall coefficient as a function of temperature and frequency in the presence of umklapp scattering. We find a power-law correction to the free-fermion value (band value), with an exponent depending on the Luttinger parameter KρK_{\rho}. At high enough temperature or frequency the Hall coefficient approaches the band value.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Doping dependence of the vortex-core energy in bilayer films of cuprates

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    The energy needed to create a vortex core is the basic ingredient to address the physics of thermal vortex fluctuations in underdoped cuprates. Here we theoretically investigate its role on the occurrence of the Beresinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a bilayer film with inhomogeneity. From the comparison with recent measurements of the penetration depth in two-unit cell thin films of Y1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}Ba2_{2}Cu3_{3}O_{7-\d} (YBCO) by Hetel et al. [Nat. Phys. 3, 700 (2007)] we can extract the value of the vortex-core energy μ\mu, and show that μ\mu scales linearly with TcT_c at low doping.Comment: 4pages, 3 figures. References added, final versio

    Spin rotational symmetry breaking by orbital current patterns in two-leg ladders.

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    We investigate the physical consequences of orbital current patterns (OCP) in doped two-leg Cu-O Hubbard ladders. The internal symmetry of the pattern, in the case of the ladder structure, differs slightly from that suggested so far for cuprates. We focus on this OCP and look for measurable signatures of its existence. We compute the magnetic field produced by the OCP at each lattice site, and estimate its value in view of a possible experimental detection. Using a renormalization group (RG) analysis, we determine the changes that are caused by the SU(2) spin-rotational symmetry breaking which occurs when the OCP is present in the ground state phase diagram. The most signifcant one is an in-plane SDW gap opening in an otherwise critical phase, at intermediate dopings. We estimate the value of this gap, give an analytic expression for the correlation functions and examine some of the magnetic properties of this new phase which can be revealed in measurements. We compute the conductance in the presence of a single impurity, using an RG analysis. A discussion of the various sources of SU(2) symmetry breaking underscores the specificity of the OCP induced effects.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Thermal rounding of the depinning transition

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    We study thermal effects at the depinning transition by numerical simulations of driven one-dimensional elastic interfaces in a disordered medium. We find that the velocity of the interface, evaluated at the critical depinning force, can be correctly described with the power law vTψv\sim T^\psi, where ψ\psi is the thermal exponent. Using the sample-dependent value of the critical force, we precisely evaluate the value of ψ\psi directly from the temperature dependence of the velocity, obtaining the value ψ=0.15±0.01\psi = 0.15 \pm 0.01. By measuring the structure factor of the interface we show that both the thermally-rounded and the T=0 depinning, display the same large-scale geometry, described by an identical divergence of a characteristic length with the velocity ξvν/β\xi \propto v^{-\nu/\beta}, where ν\nu and β\beta are respectively the T=0 correlation and depinning exponents. We discuss the comparison of our results with previous estimates of the thermal exponent and the direct consequences for recent experiments on magnetic domain wall motion in ferromagnetic thin films.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Mode coupling induced dissipative and thermal effects at long times after a quantum quench

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    An interaction quench in a Luttinger liquid can drive it into an athermal steady state. We analyze the effects on such an out of equilibrium state of a mode coupling term due to a periodic potential. Employing a perturbative renormalization group approach we show that even when the periodic potential is an irrelevant perturbation in equilibrium, it has important consequences on the athermal steady state as it generates a temperature as well as a dissipation and hence a finite life-time for the bosonic modes.Comment: 4+ pages and 2 figure

    Deconfinement and cold atoms in optical lattices

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    Despite the fact that by now one dimensional and three dimensional systems of interacting particles are reasonably well understood, very little is known on how to go from the one dimensional physics to the three dimensional one. This is in particular true in a quasi-one dimensional geometry where the hopping of particles between one dimensional chains or tubes can lead to a dimensional crossover between a Luttinger liquid and more conventional high dimensional states. Such a situation is relevant to many physical systems. Recently cold atoms in optical traps have provided a unique and controllable system in which to investigate this physics. We thus analyze a system made of coupled one dimensional tubes of interacting fermions. We explore the observable consequences, such as the phase diagram for isolated tubes, and the possibility to realize unusual superfluid phases in coupled tubes systems.Comment: Proceedings of the conference on "Quantum Many Body Theories 13", to be published by World Scientifi