149,669 research outputs found

    Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan: research, conservation and management at a World Heritage Site

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    n the first issue of AI, Georgina Herrmann described the Institute’s initial involvement, from 1992, in survey, recording and excavation at the ancient Silk Road site of Merv. Now, a decade later, the Institute has embarked on a further collaborative project at this vast multiperiod site

    Training courses at the Old Silk Road city of Merv, Turkmenistan

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    The Institute has a long association with the World Heritage Site of Merv, as reported in the first issue of AI (1997/1998) and in AI 2002/2003. Faced with major problems in recording the huge mudbrick structures and ensuring the survival of this fragile archaeological resource, the Institute and the Turkmenistan Ministry of Culture now have a series of training programmes to support the staff of the Ancient Merv Archaeological Park

    Welding torch and wire feed manipulator

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    Welding torch and wire feed manipulator increase capability for performing automatic welding operations. The manipulator rotates on its horizontal axis to avoid obstacles as they approach the torch. The initial individual attitudes of the torch and wire guide are set with respect to the general configuration of the part

    Gene-environment interactions due to quantile-specific heritability of triglyceride and VLDL concentrations.

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    "Quantile-dependent expressivity" is a dependence of genetic effects on whether the phenotype (e.g., triglycerides) is high or low relative to its distribution in the population. Quantile-specific offspring-parent regression slopes (βOP) were estimated by quantile regression for 6227 offspring-parent pairs. Quantile-specific heritability (h2), estimated by 2βOP/(1 + rspouse), decreased 0.0047 ± 0.0007 (P = 2.9 × 10-14) for each one-percent decrement in fasting triglyceride concentrations, i.e., h2 ± SE were: 0.428 ± 0.059, 0.230 ± 0.030, 0.111 ± 0.015, 0.050 ± 0.016, and 0.033 ± 0.010 at the 90th, 75th, 50th, 25th, and 10th percentiles of the triglyceride distribution, respectively. Consistent with quantile-dependent expressivity, 11 drug studies report smaller genotype differences at lower (post-treatment) than higher (pre-treatment) triglyceride concentrations. This meant genotype-specific triglyceride changes could not move in parallel when triglycerides were decreased pharmacologically, so that subtracting pre-treatment from post-treatment triglyceride levels necessarily created a greater triglyceride decrease for the genotype with a higher pre-treatment value (purported precision-medicine genetic markers). In addition, sixty-five purported gene-environment interactions were found to be potentially attributable to triglyceride's quantile-dependent expressivity, including gene-adiposity (APOA5, APOB, APOE, GCKR, IRS-1, LPL, MTHFR, PCSK9, PNPLA3, PPARγ2), gene-exercise (APOA1, APOA2, LPL), gene-diet (APOA5, APOE, INSIG2, LPL, MYB, NXPH1, PER2, TNFA), gene-alcohol (ALDH2, APOA5, APOC3, CETP, LPL), gene-smoking (APOC3, CYBA, LPL, USF1), gene-pregnancy (LPL), and gene-insulin resistance interactions (APOE, LPL)

    Bubble-domain circuit wafer evaluation coil set

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    Coil structures have been designed to permit nondestructive testing of bubble wafers. Wafers can be electrically or optically inspected and operated from quasi-static frequency to maximum device operating frequency

    A property of the order statistics of an exponential variate

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    Order statistics of exponential variate used in estimating scale of exponential distribution of know locatio

    System for and method of freezing biological tissue

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    Biological tissue is frozen while a polyethylene bag placed in abutting relationship against opposed walls of a pair of heaters. The bag and tissue are cooled with refrigerating gas at a time programmed rate at least equal to the maximum cooling rate needed at any time during the freezing process. The temperature of the bag, and hence of the tissue, is compared with a time programmed desired value for the tissue temperature to derive an error indication. The heater is activated in response to the error indication so that the temperature of the tissue follows the desired value for the time programmed tissue temperature. The tissue is heated to compensate for excessive cooling of the tissue as a result of the cooling by the refrigerating gas. In response to the error signal, the heater is deactivated while the latent heat of fusion is being removed from the tissue while the tissue is changing phase from liquid to solid

    Engineering Civil Society

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    Papers originally presented at a conference and workshop