913 research outputs found

    Relativistic quantum mechanics on the SL(2,R) spacetime

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    The Schr\"odinger-type formalism of the Klein-Gordon quantum mechanics is adapted for the case of the SL(2,R)SL(2,\R) spacetime. The free particle case is solved, the results of a recent work are reproduced while all the other, topologically nontrivial solutions and the antiparticle modes are also found, and a deeper insight into the physical content of the theory is given.Comment: version to appear in J. Math. Phys, 12 pages, LaTe

    Alfv\'enic instabilities driven by runaways in fusion plasmas

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    Runaway particles can be produced in plasmas with large electric fields. Here we address the possibility that such runaway ions and electrons excite Alfv\'enic instabilities. The magnetic perturbation induced by these modes can enhance the loss of runaways. This may have important implications for the runaway electron beam formation in tokamak disruptions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Distinguished rheological models in the framework of a thermodynamical internal variable theory

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    We present and analyze a thermodynamical theory of rheology with single internal variable. The universality of the model is ensured as long as the mesoscopic and/or microscopic background processes satisfy the applied thermodynamical principles, which are the second law, the basic balances and the existence of an additional-tensorial-state variable. The resulting model, which we suggest to call the Kluitenberg-Verh\'as body, is the Poynting-Thomson-Zener body with an additional inertial element, or, in other words, is the extension of Jeffreys model to solids. We argue that this Kluitenberg-Verh\'as body is the natural thermodynamical building block of rheology. An important feature of the presented methodology is that nontrivial inequality-type restrictions arise for the four parameters of the model. We compare these conditions and other aspects to those of other known thermodynamical approaches, like Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics or the original theory of Kluitenberg.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, revise

    Moebius Structure of the Spectral Space of Schroedinger Operators with Point Interaction

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    The Schroedinger operator with point interaction in one dimension has a U(2) family of self-adjoint extensions. We study the spectrum of the operator and show that (i) the spectrum is uniquely determined by the eigenvalues of the matrix U belonging to U(2) that characterizes the extension, and that (ii) the space of distinct spectra is given by the orbifold T^2/Z_2 which is a Moebius strip with boundary. We employ a parametrization of U(2) that admits a direct physical interpretation and furnishes a coherent framework to realize the spectral duality and anholonomy recently found. This allows us to find that (iii) physically distinct point interactions form a three-parameter quotient space of the U(2) family.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Electromagnetic waves destabilized by runaway electrons in near-critical electric fields

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    Runaway electron distributions are strongly anisotropic in velocity space. This anisotropy is a source of free energy that may destabilize electromagnetic waves through a resonant interaction between the waves and the energetic electrons. In this work we investigate the high-frequency electromagnetic waves that are destabilized by runaway electron beams when the electric field is close to the critical field for runaway acceleration. Using a runaway electron distribution appropriate for the near-critical case we calculate the linear instability growth rate of these waves and conclude that the obliquely propagating whistler waves are most unstable. We show that the frequencies, wave numbers and propagation angles of the most unstable waves depend strongly on the magnetic field. Taking into account collisional and convective damping of the waves, we determine the number density of runaways that is required to destabilize the waves and show its parametric dependences.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Physics of Plasma

    Egytengelyű eredő reológia, és relaxáció mint deviatorikus kúszás

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    Jelen írás arról számol be, hogy ha egy szilárd közeg akár deviatorikus, akár gömbi szempontból reológiai viselkedésű, akkor egytengelyű terhelés során a feszültség és a megnyúlás között egy bonyolultabb, eredő reológiai kapcsolat lép föl. Így például a legegyszerűbb reológiai esetben, a gömbi szempontból Hooke-, deviatorikusan Kelvin-modell (Hooke-rugalmasság plusz torzulási viszkozitás) esetén az eredő egytengelyű reológia egy Poynting –Thomson -modell. Ezért már egy ilyen egyszerű reológiájú közeg is mutat relaxációs viselkedést. Ez a relaxáció tehát deviatorikus kúszásból fakad

    Impurity transport in trapped electron mode driven turbulence

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    Trapped electron mode turbulence is studied by gyrokinetic simulations with the GYRO code and an analytical model including the effect of a poloidally varying electrostatic potential. Its impact on radial transport of high-Z trace impurities close to the core is thoroughly investigated and the dependence of the zero-flux impurity density gradient (peaking factor) on local plasma parameters is presented. Parameters such as ion-to-electron temperature ratio, electron temperature gradient and main species density gradient mainly affect the impurity peaking through their impact on mode characteristics. The poloidal asymmetry, the safety factor and magnetic shear have the strongest effect on impurity peaking, and it is shown that under certain scenarios where trapped electron modes are dominant, core accumulation of high-Z impurities can be avoided. We demonstrate that accounting for the momentum conservation property of the impurity-impurity collision operator can be important for an accurate evaluation of the impurity peaking factor.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Impurity flows and plateau-regime poloidal density variation in a tokamak pedestal

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    In the pedestal of a tokamak, the sharp radial gradients of density and temperature can give rise to poloidal variation in the density of impurities. At the same time, the flow of the impurity species is modified relative to the conventional neoclassical result. In this paper, these changes to the density and flow of a collisional impurity species are calculated for the case when the main ions are in the plateau regime. In this regime it is found that the impurity density can be higher at either the inboard or outboard side. This finding differs from earlier results for banana- or Pfirsch-Schl\"uter-regime main ions, in which case the impurity density is always higher at the inboard side in the absence of rotation. Finally, the modifications to the impurity flow are also given for the other regimes of main-ion collisionality.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Influence of massive material injection on avalanche runaway generation during tokamak disruptions

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    In high-current tokamak devices such as ITER, a runaway avalanche can cause a large amplification of a seed electron population. We show that disruption mitigation by impurity injection may significantly increase the runaway avalanche growth rate in such devices. This effect originates from the increased number of target electrons available for the avalanche process in weakly ionized plasmas, which is only partially compensated by the increased friction force on fast electrons. We derive an expression for the avalanche growth rate in partially ionized plasmas and investigate the effects of impurity injection on the avalanche multiplication factor and on the final runaway current for ITER-like parameters. For impurity densities relevant for disruption mitigation, the maximum amplification of a runaway seed can be increased by tens of orders of magnitude compared to previous predictions. This motivates careful studies to determine the required densities and impurity species to obtain tolerable current quench parameters, as well as more detailed modeling of the runaway dynamics including transport effects.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    KADoNiS-pp: The astrophysical pp-process database

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    The KADoNiS-pp project is an online database for cross sections relevant to the pp-process. All existing experimental data was collected and reviewed. With this contribution a user-friendly database using the KADoNiS (Karlsruhe Astrophysical Database of Nucleosynthesis in Stars) framework is launched, including all available experimental data from (p,γ\gamma), (p,n), (p,α\alpha), (α\alpha,γ\gamma), (α\alpha,n) and (α\alpha,p) reactions in or close to the respective Gamow window with cut-off date of August 2012 (www.kadonis.org/pprocess).Comment: Proceedings Nuclear Data Conference 2013, published in Nuclear Data Sheets 120 (2014) 19
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