12,285 research outputs found

    Analysis And Performance Of A Picosecond Dye Laser Amplifier Chain

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    Design considerations are discussed for a simple, easy to use and relatively efficient high gain dye laser amplifier chain for CW mode-locked dye lasers. The amplifier boosts the output of a synchronously mode-locked dye laser to obtain ≈005 mj, ≤ 1 psec pulses over a ≈ 400 Å bandwidth. These pulses are suitable for efficient Raman Shifting, frequency mixing and continuum generation to vastly extend the spectral range of the system. Our amplifier is pumped by a frequency doubled Nd:YAG oscillator only, which longitudinally pumps three identical brewster cells with the same flowing dye solution in each. Contrary to popular belief, high small signal gains (≥ 105) are easily attained in a single stage with longitudinal pumping, with better beam homogeneity and easier alignment than transverse pumping. Gain saturation measurements are presented which agree well with calculations. Factors which relax the pump timing sensitivity are examined. The importance of gain saturation for both efficient amplification and for amplitude stability is also discussed. The need for isolated amplifier stages is stressed and optimal amplifier cell areas for a given stage are calculated

    Two-dimensional quasineutral description of particles and fields above discrete auroral arcs

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    Stationary hot and cool particle distributions in the auroral magnetosphere are modelled using adiabatic assumptions of particle motion in the presence of broad-scale electrostatic potential structure. The study has identified geometrical restrictions on the type of broadscale potential structure which can be supported by a multispecies plasma having specified sources and energies. Without energization of cool thermal ionospheric electrons, a substantial parallel potential drop cannot be supported down to altitudes of 2000 km or less. Observed upward-directed field-aligned currents must be closed by return currents along field lines which support little net potential drop. In such regions the plasma density appears significantly enhanced. Model details agree well with recent broad-scale implications of satellite observations

    On computations of the integrated space shuttle flowfield using overset grids

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    Numerical simulations using the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations and chimera (overset) grid approach were carried out for flows around the integrated space shuttle vehicle over a range of Mach numbers. Body-conforming grids were used for all the component grids. Testcases include a three-component overset grid - the external tank (ET), the solid rocket booster (SRB) and the orbiter (ORB), and a five-component overset grid - the ET, SRB, ORB, forward and aft attach hardware, configurations. The results were compared with the wind tunnel and flight data. In addition, a Poisson solution procedure (a special case of the vorticity-velocity formulation) using primitive variables was developed to solve three-dimensional, irrotational, inviscid flows for single as well as overset grids. The solutions were validated by comparisons with other analytical or numerical solution, and/or experimental results for various geometries. The Poisson solution was also used as an initial guess for the thin-layer Navier-Stokes solution procedure to improve the efficiency of the numerical flow simulations. It was found that this approach resulted in roughly a 30 percent CPU time savings as compared with the procedure solving the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations from a uniform free stream flowfield

    On the structures and mapping of auroral electrostatic potentials

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    The mapping of magnetospheric and ionospheric electric fields in a kinetic model of magnetospheric-ionospheric electrodynamic coupling proposed for the aurora is examined. One feature is the generalization of the kinetic current-potential relationship to the return current region (identified as a region where the parallel drop from magnetosphere to ionosphere is positive); such a return current always exists unless the ionosphere is electrically charged to grossly unphysical values. A coherent phenomenological picture of both the low energy return current and the high energy precipitation of an inverted-V is given. The mapping between magnetospheric and ionospheric electric fields is phrased in terms of a Green's function which acts as a filter, emphasizing magnetospheric latitudinal spatial scales of order (when mapped to the ionosphere) 50 to 150 km. This same length, when multiplied by electric fields just above the ionosphere, sets the scale for potential drops between the ionosphere and equatorial magnetosphere

    Studies in upper and lower atmosphere coupling

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    The theoretical and data-analytic work on upper and lower atmosphere coupling performed under a NASA Headquarters contract during the period April 1978 to March 1979 are summarized. As such, this report is primarily devoted to an overview of various studies published and to be published under this contract. Individual study reports are collected as exhibits. Work performed under the subject contract are in the following four areas of upper-lower atmosphere coupling: (1) Magnetosphere-ionosphere electrodynamic coupling in the aurora; (2) Troposphere-thermosphere coupling; (3) Ionosphere-neutral-atmosphere coupling; and (4) Planetary wave dynamics in the middle atmosphere

    Carrier leakage and temperature dependence of InGaAsP lasers

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    A direct measurement of electron and hole leakage in InGaAsP/InP lasers has been carried out. The effect of electron leakage on the temperature sensitivity of InGaAsP/InP lasers has been revealed

    Direct measurement of the carrier leakage in an InGaAsP/InP laser

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    Carrier leakage over the heterobarrier in an InGaAsP/InP laser is measured directly in a laser-bipolar-transistor structure. Experimental results indicate a significant amount of carrier leakage under normal laser operating conditions

    Low threshold InGaAsP terrace mass transport laser on semi-insulating substrate

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    Very low threshold InGaAsP terrace lasers on semi-insulating (SI) InP substrate have been fabricated using the mass transport technique. The fabrication process involves a single-step liquid phase epitaxial (LPE) growth followed by a mass transport of InP at ~675 °C in the presence of an InP cover wafer. Lasers operating in the fundamental transverse mode with smooth far-field patterns and threshold currents as low as 9.5 mA have been obtained

    Very low threshold InGaAsP mesa laser

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    Very low threshold currents InGaAsP/InP terrace mesa (T-ME) lasers with an unpassivated surface have been fabricated on semi-insulating (SI) InP substrates. Fabrication of the lasers involves a single-step liquid phase epitaxial (LPE) growth and a simple etching process. Lasers operating in the fundamental transverse mode with threshold currents as low as 6.3 mA (for a cavity length of 250 μm) have been obtained. Comparison between the unpassivated lasers and those passivated using the mass transport technique is described