11 research outputs found

    A Characterization Theorem for the K-functional Associated with the Algebraic Version of Trigonometric Jackson Integrals

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A25, 41A36.The purpose of this paper is to present a characterization of a certain Peetre K-functional in Lp[−1,1] norm, for 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 by means of a modulus of smoothness. This modulus is based on the classical one taken on a certain linear transform of the function

    Influence of some anticoagulants on dynamics of sugar concentration in the goats’ blood

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    Досліджено динаміку вмісту глюкози в крові кіз (у момент відбору проби, через 3, 6 та 24 години) під впливом чотирьох антикоагулянтів (розчини фториду та цитрату натрію, гепарину, комплек­сону III). При тривалому зберіганні проб крові відмічено зниження рівня глюкози, най­більше виражене при застосуванні цитрату натрію. Досліджено динаміку вмісту глюкози в крові кіз (у момент відбору проби, через 3, 6 та 24 години) під впливом чотирьох антикоагулянтів (розчини фториду та цитрату натрію, гепарину, комплек­сону III). При тривалому зберіганні проб крові відмічено зниження рівня глюкози, най­більше виражене при застосуванні цитрату натрію. Dynamics of the content in the goats’ blood (at the instant the sample was taken, and then after 3, 6 and 24 hours) under influence of 4 anticoagulants (sodium fluoride, sodium citrate, heparin and complexon III) were studied. Long term storage of the blood samples resulted in the glucose level decrease. It was mostly pronounced under the sodium citrate treatment.

    On the iterates of Jackson type operator GS,N in Hilbert space

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    In this paper we study the limit of the iterates of Jackson type operator. Our results continue the works of Badea [2] and Nagler et al. [9, 10]. The proofs are based on spectral theory of linear operators and are performed at first for Hilbert space and then are extended for some Banach spaces.Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 47A10, 41A35, 41A25.Keywords: Bounded linear operator, limit of iterates, spectral theory, Jackson type operato

    On the iterates of Jackson type operator G S,N

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    Blood serum concentrations of total proteins and main protein fractions in weaning rabbits experimentally infected with E. coli

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the changes in the concentrations of major blood proteins associated with experimental E. coli infection in weaning rabbits. For that, in the assay group. 12 weaning White New Zealand rabbits (45 days old) were orally infected with a bacterial suspension of enteropathogenic E. coli strain type O15:H- (6.107 cfu) whereas the 6 control rabbits received only 0.9% NaCI solution. Serum total protein, albumin, globulin and lysozyme concentrations as well as plasma fibrinogen concentrations were measured before (0h) and I, 3, 7, 11, 18 and 30 days after oral treatment. In parallel, presence of coliforms was investigated in rectal samples on days 0, 1.6. 11, 16, 25 and 30. Infected rabbits began to excrete E. coli strains on day 2 after administration, whereas the first signs of diarrhoea were observed on day 5. Between days 11 and 18 severe diarrhoea was found in all rabbits and then clinical signs gradually disappeared although 3 rabbits continue to excrete the bacteria on day 30. In inoculated rabbits, hypoproteinemia and hypo-albuminemia compared to control values were evidenced since the 7th day whereas the blood concentrations of lysozyme and fibrinogen at a lesser extend were dramatically increased on days 11-18 and on days 3-18 respectively, leading to a significantly lowered albumin/globulin ratio since the 11th day. These results confirm that albumin is a negative acute phase protein (APP) while fibrinogen and lysozyme were 2 positive APP in response to an experimental bacterial infection in rabbits