275 research outputs found

    SNR Improvement Employing Dynamics Beamforming Based on Angle of Arrival for Mobile WiMax IEEE 802.16e

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    The development of telecommunicationtechnology and services is very rapid. One oftelecommunication technology that is beingdeveloped is WiMax (Worldwide Interoperabilityfor Microwave Access). The advantages of WiMaxis it possess much range and can operate in non -LOS conditions. So it fits implemented inIndonesia to accelerate the internet penetration.Some features of WiMax technology is higherbandwidth and further range/area. SNRImprovement is The effort to increase the rangeand improve the BER (Bit Error Rate). In thispaper, we propose the dynamics beamformingalgorithm to improve SNR in mobile WiMax.The algorithm will desire the best beamwidth andnumber of beam based on Angle of Arrival (AoA)of MS in the cell. In this paper, we also evaluatethe algorithm with compared to switched beamantenna. The simulation result shows thatdynamics beamforming have SNR performancebetter than switched beam antenna about 7dB

    SNR Improvement Employing Dynamics Beamforming Based on Angle of Arrival for Mobile WiMax IEEE 802.16e

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    The development of telecommunicationtechnology and services is very rapid. One oftelecommunication technology that is beingdeveloped is WiMax (Worldwide Interoperabilityfor Microwave Access). The advantages of WiMaxis it possess much range and can operate in non -LOS conditions. So it fits implemented inIndonesia to accelerate the internet penetration.Some features of WiMax technology is higherbandwidth and further range/area. SNRImprovement is The effort to increase the rangeand improve the BER (Bit Error Rate). In thispaper, we propose the dynamics beamformingalgorithm to improve SNR in mobile WiMax.The algorithm will desire the best beamwidth andnumber of beam based on Angle of Arrival (AoA)of MS in the cell. In this paper, we also evaluatethe algorithm with compared to switched beamantenna. The simulation result shows thatdynamics beamforming have SNR performancebetter than switched beam antenna about 7dB

    Local Good Governance Sustainability: Roles of Civil Society in Surakarta City, Indonesia

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    Civil society role is often seen as less powerful agent in forming or maintaininggood governance than two dominant agents (state and private actors). This research is intended to have knowledge whether civil society can play importantroles in forming and maintaining local good governance in Surakarta City, Indonesia. The civil society (both formally and informally associations or persons) in Surakarta city plays very pivotal roles in six sustainable elements, namely (1) by influencing policy analysis and advocacy; (2) by controlling regulations; (3) by monitoring local government actions and behavior of staff officials; (4) by enabling citizens to identify and articulate their values, beliefs, civic norms and democratic practices; (5) by mobilizing vulnerable and marginalized masses to participate more fully in politics and public affairs and finally (6) by establishing participatory development work to improve their own better life. Interestingly, there are two new factors found in the research in determining the success of sustainability of local good governance practices in Surakarta, namely informal networking or communication and spirit of togetherness. The existence of civil society (especially the informal one) in Surakarta City is a strong pillar for sustainable local good governance practices. Maintaining this strong civil society role will make it possible to guarantee the future of the good governance in Surakarta City, Indonesia

    Apresiasi Musik Klasik Melalui Electone = Classical Music Apreciation by Means of Electone

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    ABSTRACT The development and change in the world of art, especially music, is related to technological development. An electronic musical instrument utilizing technological development is electone, a keyboard instrument that produce various imitation sounds of acoustic instruments simultaneously alike an orchestra or a band. This thesis tried to identify tendencies found on arrangement of classical music for electone and musical appreciation fasilitated by such arrangement. The research applied textual and contextual approach. The textual approach was conducted by comparing a three scores of classical music and its arrangements for electone. To overcome constraints of electone notation system, e.g. the written text does not represent the sound it is produced, this study was supplemented by audio-visual recording of performance of three arrangements of classical repertoires for electone. Classical music appreciation was identified contextually by interviewing three electone player\u27s playing the selected repertoires. Analysis concerning the player\u27s appreciation was qualitatively held by finding significant relations amongst their opinions, the original scores and its arrangements, and the audio-visual recording of their playing. The research found out several tendencies on the arrangement of classical music for electone: (1) if the arrangement takes the whole composition of the classical music, it tends to keep the original characters and formsbut if the arrangement takes only a part or a theme of the original composition, the original characters and forms tend to be changed into more sophisticated ones, (2) the complexity of the original works tend to be reduced due to the constraint of fingering, (3) supported by chip memory technology, however, the overall sounds produced by electone are by no means more simple than its originals. On musical appreciation, it is found that: (1) the electone player\u27s tend to prefer parts of the works that are technically uncomplicated to be played, while they tend to dislike parts that are technically hard to be played, (2) electone can improve player\u27s sensitivity on tempo, since the instrument has a rhythm-beat switch that control the exact beat, (3) the instrument also develops player\u27s sensitivity on harmony and introduce them to improvisation. Keywords Appreciation - Electone -Arrangemen

    Implementasi Kebijakan Perizinan Perikanan Tangkap Di Kabupaten Pemalang

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    The system of regional autonomy provided the authority to manage the affairs of their own region. As well as with the implementation of the licensing policy fisheries catch in Pemalang. It is related to the discussion of the implementation of the licensing policy fisheries catch in Pemalang are not yet running optimally so that cause problems in practice. This research aims to analyze the process of capture fisheries licensing policy implementation in Kabupaten Pemalang, analyzing the factor endowments and a obstacle to implementation.The methods used in this study is a mixed method research, where the qualitative and quantitative data collection done in one time. In obtaining the data, researchers conduct interviews at the Office of the Department of marine and Fisheries of Central Java province, Coastal Asemdoyong fishing port, Port Services Unit Pekalongan, Regional Headquarters of HNSI in Pemalang, and distributed questionnaire to fisherman in the region of Pemalang district. Researchers also use secondary data from data documents about licensing policy fisheries catch and other literature sources such as books and journals.The results showed that the capture fisheries licensing organization of bringing about change in terms of the performance of the Government as well as the changes to people behavior. The purpose of the capture fisheries licensing policies to accelerate and simplify the licensing process for the fishermen have not been fully achieved. The large number of requirements that must be completed and the length of the procedure of licensing management service on an issue that has often complained of by the fishermen. In addition a transitional licensing fisheries catch which was originally located in the County and then redirected to the province is also one of the constraints given a distance far enough for the fishermen who live in the Regency of Pemalang. The Government is required to continue to evaluate the existence of licensing policy fisheries catch in order to always provide real benefits for fishermen and fishermen would be more active in participating in its implementation.Recommendations are provided to the Government was re-evaluating the capture fisheries licensing policy implementation to match the needs of fishermen, and organizer of the policy must be able to accommodate the interests of various sectors, ranging from Government, community, private sectors, and so created the effectiveness of implementation of policies on licensing fishing catch

    Rancang Bangun Memonitor Arus dan Tegangan Serta Kecepatan Motor Induksi 3 Fasa Menggunakan Web Berbasis Arduino Due

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    Zuhal. 2000. Dasar Teknik Tenaka Listrik dan Elektronika Daya. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka UtamaArduino. Arduino due. 12 Mei 2017 pukul 21.40.( https://www. arduino.cc/en /Main/ arduino BoardDue ).Kho, Dickso . Pengertian dan prinsip kerja optocoupler. 12 Mei 2017 pukul 20.20. (http: //teknikelektronika .com / pengertian- optocoupler- fungsi- prinsip- kerja- optocoupler).Quang, Sáng Bùi. Rotary Encoder Training Material. 12 mei 2017 pukul 22.15. (https: //www .slideshare.net /sangbuiquang3 /rotary-encoder -training- material).Sugito, Tega.2016. Rancang Bangun Pengasutan Star Delta Pada Motor Induksi Tiga Fasa Berbasis Sensor Kecepatan Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega 16 .Semarang : Laporan Tugas Akhir Teknik Elektro Universitas DiponegoroWidiyaman, Tresna . Pengertian Modul Wifi ESPN8266. 11 Mei 2017 pukul 16.50. ( http: // www. Warriornux .com / pengertian – modul - wifi - esp8266/).Labradoc. ESP8266 WiFi Module Quick Start Guide. 10 Mei pulul 17.40. (http://www.labradoc.com/i/follower/p/notes-esp8266).Prasetio, Andhi. 2012. Buku Pintar Pemrograman Web. Jakarta: Media K.Hidayat, Rahmat. 2010. Cara Praktis Membangun Website Gratis. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.Fathansyah. 2012. Basis Data. Bandung: Informatika Bandung

    Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Sudut Plat Pengganggu di Depan Returning Blade Turbin Angin Tipe Savonius terhadap Performa Turbin “ Studi Kasus untuk Rasio Lebar Plat Pengganggu terhadap Diameter Turbin (L/D) = 1,4144”

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    Energi Angin merupakan salah satu energi alternatif yang sangat menjanjikan jika dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Pemanfaatan energi angin untuk diubah menjadi energi listrik dapat menggunakan turbin angin dan generator. Turbin angin tipe Savonius merupakan rotor angin dengan sumbu tegak (vertical) yang dikembangkan oleh Singuard J. Savonius pada tahun 1920. Salah satu kelemahan yang dimiliki turbin Savonius yaitu efisiensi yang rendah. Torsi dan putaran yang dihasilkan oleh turbin Savonius disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan gaya drag pada advancing blade dan returning blade. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian plat pengganggu didepan returning blade. Untuk meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius dengan diameter D sebesar 60 mm dan tinggi h sebesar 80 mm, sebuah plat dengan tebal 3 mm dan lebar 84,9 mm digunakan sebagai pengganggu yang diletakkan didepan returning blade turbin. Pengganggu tersebut diletakkan dengan pada sudut 0o< ɑ < 90o. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada subsonic open circuit wind tunnel. Alat ini memiliki panjang 2980 mm, dengan test section 304 mm x 304 mm. Kecepatan free stream pada wind tunnel diatur sebesar 8,752 m/s, 10,94 m/s, 13,128 m/s, sesuai dengan Reynolds number Re = 6.0 x 104, 7.5 x 104, 9.0 x 104 (berdasarkan panjang karakteristik d = 2D-b, dimana b adalah lebar diameter overlap dari kedua sudu turbin, dan kecepatan free stream). Kecepatan aliran udara diukur menggunakan static pitot tube yang dihubungkan dengan inclined manometer. Putaran turbin Savonius diukur menggunakan tachometer. Torsi statis diukur menggunakan torsi meter digital dan daya output dihasilkan dari pengukuran tegangan dan arus listrik yang dihasilkan generator yang dihubungkan dengan poros turbin. Untuk Re = 60.000, penggunaan plat dengan lebar L/D = 1,4144 pada posisi ɑ = 40o sebagai pengganggu didepan turbin Savonius, terbukti paling efektif untuk meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius. Pada posisi tersebut didapatkan nilai putaran yang dihasilkan turbin 1,67 kali lebih tinggi dan coefficient of power menjadi 14,6 kali lebih tinggi daripada yang dihasilkan turbin Savonius tanpa plat pengganggu. Sedangkan, untuk nilai torsi statis yang dihasilkan menjadi 1,5 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan turbin Savonius tanpa plat pengganggu pada Re = 90.000 dan posisi ɑ = 0o