514 research outputs found

    Perencanaan dan Penyelengaraan Event Seminar Nasional Startup di Industri Kreatif Zaman Now Berbasis Digital Business

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    This seminar is an activity related to pioneering company that nowday runs its business in the creative industries world through a growing digital business. The specific objectives of the research are to know the technical aspects of the work donational implementation, to determine the required human resource, to determine job specification and job description committee, to determine the criteria of the resource, motivate the working team in the organization, know the descriptive reports and financial reports of human and operational aspects, to find out the constraints that occur from the beginning of preparation to the implementation of the seminar, to find out how the solution of the constraints that occur from the beginning of preparation to the implementation of the seminar. The methods used in planning and organizing this seminar consist of project preparatory plans, project implementation plans, project completion plans and project reporting plans. The result of the research shows that the initial plan that is the determination of activity specification and job description and looking for experienced and expert source. In the implementation of motivation given the extrinsic motivation, intrinsic and needs continued run the agenda of the event. While the form of supervision that is preventive and repressive. Project reporting consists of implementation reports and financial report

    Penerapan Mikroprosesor Untuk Mengendalikan Lalu-lintas Jalan Utama Dan Jalan Sisi

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    This study used qualitative research methods to find the facts straight spaciousness to dig and explore the factors inhibiting what makes Directorate of Special Crime Investigation Bali Regional Police are not optimal in carrying out   duties   in   handling   the   problem   of   corruption   in   Indonesia. The findings of the study authors to submit a brief that the Directorate of Special Crime Investigation Bali Regional Police is not optimal in the performance of its duties in the handling of corruption. Many of the obstacles faced by the Directorate of Special Crime Investigation Bali Regional Police & Police like in terms of personnel, educational background, lack of technical instructions  in  the  investigation  regarding  the  handling  of  the  Criminal Investigation Corruption, inadequate infrastructure, which is still very limited budget,  going  back  and  forth  frequently  the  case,  still  merged the investigation at the Directorate of Special Crime Investigation Bali Regional Police Criminal Investigation Police makes no maximum results in performance of duties by personnel of Directorate of Special Crime Investigation Bali Regional Police. So the conclusion of this research is the Directorate of Special Crime Investigation Bali Regional Police is not optimal in performing law enforcement duties of corruption and other organizational structure recommendation two researchers present the comparison with the Attorney (Assistant Attorney General for Specific Criminal Crime Case) and its Corruption Eradication Commission and other supporting data to prove that the, Directorate of Special Crime Investigation Bali Regional Police in the hope of renewal and improvement of the organizational

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Perbendaharaan dan Mobilisasi Dana RSUP Dr Sardjito

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      The purpose of this study is to describe (1) the effect of job satisfaction variable on employee performance, (2) the effect of work environment variable on employee performance, and (3) the influence of job satisfaction variable and work environment together to employee performance at Treasury and Fund Mobilization Division of Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta General Hospital.             This study uses quantitative approach with causal associative research category, with the population of all employees of Treasury and Fund Mobilization Division Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, with 40 people who are participate as research samples. Data collection methods used questionnaires, while data analysis techniques used simple linear regression analysis analysis supported by F (F-test) and T (T-test) test and classical assumption test consisting of multicolinearity test, normality test and heteroscedasticity test. Based on the results of the analysis shows that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the employee's performance on " Treasury and Fund Mobilization Division of Dr Sardjito General Hospital", proven with t-count value greater than t-table (4,082> 1,687), with probability value (0,000) smaller than the significant 0.05 level. The work environment has a positive and significant effect on the employee's performance on " Treasury and Funds Mobilization Division of  Sardjito General Hospital", as evidenced by the larger t-count value of t-table (3.661> 1.687), with the probability value (0,000) smaller than the significant level 0.05. Job satisfaction and work environment together have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees "Treasury and Fund Mobilization  Division of Dr Sardjito General Hospital", proved by the value of F-count larger than F-table (376.648> 3.24) with a significant value of 0.000, smaller than the significant level of 0.05. Coefficient of Determination of 32.5%, which means job satisfaction and work environment can affect the amount of 32.5% performance and the rest influenced other variables that do not exist in this study of 67.5%.   Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work Environment, Performanc

    Pengaruh Beberapa Konsentrasi Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Salmonella SP, Escherichia Coli Secara in Vitro

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    This study aims to determine the inhibition of Morinda citrifolia to the growth of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp through in vitro. This study used a bacterial isolate of E. coli and Salmonella sp gotten from Health Laboratory of Central Java. The design of research uses completely randomized design with six treatments which the concentration of 0% as control. Results of Mengkudu juice is produced from 500 grams of ripe Morinda citrifolia, crushed and then squeezed. With different concentration used were, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. All data were analyzed with five treatments using one way anova. Results showed that Morinda citrifolia juice can significantly inhibit the growth of bacteria E. coli and Saalmonella sp (p <0.01). The mean inhibition zone formed occurs in 40% concentration of 2.50 mm and then increases by the increasing concentration of Morinda citrifolia juice. Inhibition of growth of Salmonella sp bacteria occurs at 40% concentration which is equal to 1.25 mm and the largest occurs at 100% concentration of 4.33 mm. The test results showed significant difference inhibition in the growth of different Morinda citrifolia juice. The tendency is the higher concentration of Morinda citrifolia juice, the greater inhibition of the growth of E coli and Salmonella sp bacteria. Morinda citrifolia inhibits the growth of E. coli bacteria greater than the Salmonella sp bacteria

    Peningkatan Kualitas Perkuliahan Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Dan Program Bimbingan Dini Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia

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    Salah satu tugas penting yang harus dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa adalah menyusun skripsi yang berbobot sehingga akhirnya mahasiswa dapat lulus tepat waktu. Keterlambatan penyelesaian skripsi menghambat kelulusan tepat waktu. Jumlah mahasiswa yang lulus tepat waktu di masa lalu masih di bawah 50%, namun dengan adanya sinergi antara perkuliahan yang baik yang diperlukan untuk penyusunan skripsi dan program bimbingan dini, jumlah tersebut dapat meningkat. Artikel ini disusun berdasarkan pengalaman dan penelitian peningkatan efektivitas perkuliahan metode penelitian pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian meningkatkan kualitas perkuliahan metode penelitian pendidikan. Masalah penelitian adalah apakah dengan pendekatan pemecahan masalah bersinergi dengan program bimbingan dini dapat meningkatkan kualitas perkuliahan metode penelitian pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian tindakan ini adalah dengan pendekatan pemecahan masalah berorientasi Contextual Teaching and Learning. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan sinergi ini 87% proposal mahasiswa yang dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah juga disetujui oleh pembimbing untuk menjadi proposal skripsi. Di samping itu juga dapat dilaporkan rerata nilai akhir ujian mahasiswa mampu mencapai rerata 83,3; jumlah mahasiswa yang lulus mata kuliah 100%, serta kuliah menjadi lebih kondusif

    Effect of Increasing Use the Card Payment Equipment on the Indonesian Economy

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    Non-cash payments have been increasing significantly, followed by its substitution andefficiency effects. Cash payment is substituted, inducing a decrease of cash holding by economicagents, while on the other hand more money enters the banking system. The increase of non-cashpayments also cuts transaction costs, and the economy runs more efficiently. Using Vector ErrorCorrection Model (VECM), its impacts on the economy are investigated. The result shows thatcash holdings decrease, while money stock M1 and M2 increase. The increase of non-cashpayments also induces GDP growth and slight price decrease
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