22 research outputs found

    Centrifugal melt spinning of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/triacontene copolymer fibres

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    Polyvinylpyrrolidone/1-triacontene (PVP/TA) copolymer fibre webs produced by centrifugal melt spinning were studied to determine the influence of jet rotation speed on morphology and internal structure as well as their potential utility as adsorbent capture media for disperse dye effluents. Fibres were produced at 72 C with jet head rotation speeds from 7000 to 15,000 r min-1. The fibres were characterised by means of SEM, XRD and DSC. Adsorption behaviour was investigated by means of an isothermal bottle point adsorption study using a commercial disperse dye, Dianix AC-E. Through centrifugal spinning nanofibers and microfibers could be produced with individual fibres as fine as 200–300 nm and mean fibre diameters of ca. 1–2 lm. The PVP/TA fibres were mechanically brittle with characteristic brittle tensile fracture regions observed at the fibre ends. DSC and XRD analyses suggested that this brittleness was linked to the graft chain crystallisation where the PVP/TA was in the form of a radial brush copolymer. In this structure, the triacontene branches interlock and form small lateral crystals around an amorphous backbone. As an adsorbent, the PVP/TA fibres were found to adsorb 35.4 mg g-1 compared to a benchmark figure of 30.0 mg g-1 for a granular-activated carbon adsorbent under the same application conditions. PVP/TA is highly hydrophobic and adsorbs disperse dyes through the strong ‘‘hydrophobic bonding’’ interaction. Such fibrous assemblies may have applications in the targeted adsorption and separation of non-polar species from aqueous or polar environments

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    Borobudur merupakan barometer pariwisata Indonesia menjadi tolak ukur bagi pengembangan pariwisata destinasi lainnya. Pembangunan pariwisata borobudur dan sekitarnya yang telah dimulai sejak 20 tahun lalu mampu menjadikan sektor andalan kabupaten magelang selama bertahun-tahun. Industri pariwisata telah menciptakan multiplier effect bagi Provinsi Jawa Tengah khususnya Babupaten Magelang.Dengan begitu harus ada bebarapa cara marketing yang harus diterpakan agar orang dapat mengetahui tempat tersebut salah satunya dengan webite. Sekarang sebuah website telah diterapkan sebagai bahan dalam media promosi untuk memasarkan sebuah produk. Selain efektif, biayanya lebih murah serta mampu menjangkau ke seluruh dunia Akan tetapi belum semua website dapat memperoleh posisi teratas pada hasil pencarian atau SERP (Search Engine Result Page), bahkan sulit ditemukan oleh search engine karena sangat banyaknya website yang ada.Sehingga akan berdampak pada jumlah pengunjung website- nya. SEO adalah sebuah teknik pengoptimasian sebuah halaman yang mengandung kata kunci atau frase yang bersangkutan yang akan di index oleh mesin pencari sebagai kata kunci pecarian disini sagatlah diperlukan supaya website  menjadi optimal

    Kinetic Modelling of Hydrothermal Lignin Depolymerisation

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    Although lignin is one of the most abundant renewable organic materials in the world, it is principally a waste product of the paper industry which is used for the production of heat and power. Hydrothermal lignin depolymerisation aids in facilitating the valorization of lignin in aqueous solutions or suspensions. For the recovery of valuable phenolic products from lignin it is crucial to understand the main reaction pathways of lignin degradation and the reaction kinetics. Batch experiments were carried out for studying the depolymerisation of an enzymatic hydrolysis lignin from spruce wood in near critical water. Phenolic products were extracted from the aqueous phase and quantified via gas chromatography. The main reaction products were grouped (lumped), the main reaction pathways of hydrothermal lignin depolymerisation were discovered and formal kinetic rate coefficients were determined. Optimization of these formal kinetic parameters yielded a satisfying approximation of the experimental yields of phenolic products and describes the most important tendencies over temperature and residence time of solid residue and gas. The model is validated by the comparison with other kinetic studies of the degradation of lignin as well as the decomposition of intermediate phenolics, such as catechols and methoxyphenols