5,784 research outputs found

    Asteroseismic Signatures of Stellar Magnetic Activity Cycles

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    Observations of stellar activity cycles provide an opportunity to study magnetic dynamos under many different physical conditions. Space-based asteroseismology missions will soon yield useful constraints on the interior conditions that nurture such magnetic cycles, and will be sensitive enough to detect shifts in the oscillation frequencies due to the magnetic variations. We derive a method for predicting these shifts from changes in the Mg II activity index by scaling from solar data. We demonstrate this technique on the solar-type subgiant beta Hyi, using archival International Ultraviolet Explorer spectra and two epochs of ground-based asteroseismic observations. We find qualitative evidence of the expected frequency shifts and predict the optimal timing for future asteroseismic observations of this star.Comment: 5 pages including 3 figures and 1 table, MNRAS Letters accepte

    Constraints on the Space Density of Methane Dwarfs and the Substellar Mass Function from a Deep Near-Infrared Survey

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    We report preliminary results of a deep near-infrared search for methane-absorbing brown dwarfs; almost five years after the discovery of Gl 229b, there are only a few confirmed examples of this type of object. New J band, wide-field images, combined with pre-existing R band observations, allow efficient identification of candidates by their extreme (R-J) colours. Follow-up measurements with custom filters can then confirm objects with methane absorption. To date, we have surveyed a total of 11.4 square degrees to J~20.5 and R~25. Follow-up CH_4 filter observations of promising candidates in 1/4 of these fields have turned up no methane absorbing brown dwarfs. With 90% confidence, this implies that the space density of objects similar to Gl 229b is less than 0.012 per cubic parsec. These calculations account for the vertical structure of the Galaxy, which can be important for sensitive measurements. Combining published theoretical atmospheric models with our observations sets an upper limit of alpha <= 0.8 for the exponent of the initial mass function power law in this domain.Comment: 11 pages + 2 figures To be published in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - preliminary results from ground-based chromospheric activity measurements

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    Due to its unique long-term coverage and high photometric precision, observations from the Kepler asteroseismic investigation will provide us with the possibility to sound stellar cycles in a number of solar-type stars with asteroseismology. By comparing these measurements with conventional ground-based chromospheric activity measurements we might be able to increase our understanding of the relation between the chromospheric changes and the changes in the eigenmodes. In parallel with the Kepler observations we have therefore started a programme at the Nordic Optical Telescope to observe and monitor chromospheric activity in the stars that are most likely to be selected for observations for the whole satellite mission. The ground-based observations presented here can be used both to guide the selection of the special Kepler targets and as the first step in a monitoring programme for stellar cycles. Also, the chromospheric activity measurements obtained from the ground-based observations can be compared with stellar parameters such as ages and rotation in order to improve stellar evolution models.Comment: submitted to the proceedings of the IAU symposium No. 264, 200

    Lessons for Asteroseismology from White Dwarf Stars

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    The interpretation of pulsation data for Sun-like stars is currently facing challenges quite similar to those faced by white dwarf modelers ten years ago. The observational requirements for uninterrupted long-term monitoring are beginning to be satisfied by successful multi-site campaigns and dedicated satellite missions. But exploration of the most important physical parameters in theoretical models has been fairly limited, making it difficult to establish a detailed best-fit model for a particular set of oscillation frequencies. I review the past development and the current state of white dwarf asteroseismology, with an emphasis on what this can tell us about the road to success for asteroseismology of other types of stars.Comment: 10 pgs, 4 figs, Internat'l Workshop on Asteroseismology (Nainital

    Caltech Faint Field Galaxy Redshift Survey IX: Source detection and photometry in the Hubble Deep Field Region

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    Detection and photometry of sources in the U_n, G, R, and K_s bands in a 9x9 arcmin^2 region of the sky, centered on the Hubble Deep Field, are described. The data permit construction of complete photometric catalogs to roughly U_n=25, G=26, R=25.5 and K_s=20 mag, and significant photometric measurements somewhat fainter. The galaxy number density is 1.3x10^5 deg^{-2} to R=25.0 mag. Galaxy number counts have slopes dlog N/dm=0.42, 0.33, 0.27 and 0.31 in the U_n, G, R and K_s bands, consistent with previous studies and the trend that fainter galaxies are, on average, bluer. Galaxy catalogs selected in the R and K_s bands are presented, containing 3607 and 488 sources, in field areas of 74.8 and 59.4 arcmin^2, to R=25.5 and and K_s=20 mag.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS; some tables and slightly nicer figures available at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~hogg/deep

    Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - II. Ground-based observations

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    We have monitored 20 Sun-like stars in the Kepler field-of-view for excess flux with the FIES spectrograph on the Nordic Optical Telescope since the launch of Kepler spacecraft in 2009. These 20 stars were selected based on their asteroseismic properties to sample the parameter space (effective temperature, surface gravity, activity level etc.) around the Sun. Though the ultimate goal is to improve stellar dynamo models, we focus the present paper on the combination of space-based and ground-based observations can be used to test the age-rotation-activity relations. In this paper we describe the considerations behind the selection of these 20 Sun-like stars and present an initial asteroseismic analysis, which includes stellar age estimates. We also describe the observations from the Nordic Optical Telescope and present mean values of measured excess fluxes. These measurements are combined with estimates of the rotation periods obtained from a simple analysis of the modulation in photometric observations from Kepler caused by starspots, and asteroseismic determinations of stellar ages, to test relations between between age, rotation and activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sand stirred by chaotic advection

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    We study the spatial structure of a granular material, N particles subject to inelastic mutual collisions, when it is stirred by a bidimensional smooth chaotic flow. A simple dynamical model is introduced where four different time scales are explicitly considered: i) the Stokes time, accounting for the inertia of the particles, ii) the mean collision time among the grains, iii) the typical time scale of the flow, and iv) the inverse of the Lyapunov exponent of the chaotic flow, which gives a typical time for the separation of two initially close parcels of fluid. Depending on the relative values of these different times a complex scenario appears for the long-time steady spatial distribution of particles, where clusters of particles may or not appear.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Measuring the Angular Correlation Function for Faint Galaxies in High Galactic Latitude Fields

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    A photometric survey of faint galaxies in three high Galactic latitude fields (each 49 arcmin2\sim49~\rm{arcmin^{2}}) with sub-arcsecond seeing is used to study the clustering properties of the faint galaxy population. Multi-color photometry of the galaxies has been obtained to magnitude limits of V25V\sim25, R25R\sim25 and I24I\sim24. Angular correlation analysis is applied to magnitude-limited and color-selected samples of galaxies from the three fields for angular separations ranging from 1012610-126''. General agreement is obtained with other recent studies which show that the amplitude of the angular correlation function, ω(θ)\omega(\theta), is smoothly decreasing as a function of limiting magnitude. The observed decline of ω(θ)\omega(\theta) rules out the viability of ``maximal merger'' galaxy evolution models. Using redshift distributions extrapolated to faint magnitude limits, models of galaxy clustering evolution are calculated and compared to the observed I-band ω(θ)\omega(\theta). Faint galaxies are determined to have correlation lengths and clustering evolution parameters of either r04 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim4~h^{-1}~Mpc and ϵ01\epsilon\sim0-1; r056 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim5-6~h^{-1}~Mpc and ϵ>1\epsilon>1; or r023 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim2-3~h^{-1}~ Mpc and ϵ1.2\epsilon\sim-1.2, assuming q0=0.5q_{0}=0.5 and with h=H0/100 km s1 Mpc1h=H_{0}/100~ km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}. The latter case is for clustering fixed in co-moving coordinates and is probably unrealistic since most local galaxies are observed to be more strongly clustered. No significant variations in the clustering amplitude as a function of color are detected, for all the color-selected galaxy samples considered. (Abridged)Comment: LaTeX (aaspp4.sty), 54 pages including 15 postscript figures; 3 additional uuencoded, gzipped postscript files (~300 kb each) of Figs. 1, 2 and 3 available at ftp://ftp.astro.ubc.ca/pub/woods ; To be published in the Nov. 20, 1997 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    Test-Retest reliability of a commercial linear position transducer (GymAware PowerTool) to measure velocity and power in the Back Squat and Bench Press

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    This study examined the test-retest reliability of the GymAware PowerTool (GYM) to measure velocity and power in the free-weight back squat and bench press. Twenty-nine academy rugby league players (age: 17.6 ± 1.0 years; body mass: 87.3 ± 20.8 kg) completed 2 test-retest sessions for the back squat followed by 2 test-retest sessions for the bench press. GYM measured mean velocity (MV), peak velocity (PV), mean power (MP), and peak power at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 90% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM). GYM showed good reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] and standard error of measurement percentage, respectively) for the measurement of MV at loads of 40 (0.77, 3.9%), 60 (0.83, 4.8%), 80 (0.83, 5.8%), and 90% (0.79, 7.9%) of 1RM in the back squat. In the bench press, good reliability was evident for PV at 40 (0.82, 3.9%), 60 (0.81, 5.1%), and 80% (0.77, 8.4%) of 1RM, and for MV at 80 (0.78, 7.9%) and 90% (0.87, 9.9%) of 1RM. The measurement of MP showed good to excellent levels of reliability across all relative loads (ICC ≥0.75). In conclusion, GYM provides practitioners with reliable kinematic information in the back squat and bench press, at least with loads of 40–90% of 1RM. This suggests that strength and conditioning coaches can use the velocity data to regulate training load according to daily readiness and target specific components of the force-velocity curve. However, caution should be taken when measuring movement velocity at load

    Asteroseismic determination of obliquities of the exoplanet systems Kepler-50 and Kepler-65

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    Results on the obliquity of exoplanet host stars -- the angle between the stellar spin axis and the planetary orbital axis -- provide important diagnostic information for theories describing planetary formation. Here we present the first application of asteroseismology to the problem of stellar obliquity determination in systems with transiting planets and Sun-like host stars. We consider two systems observed by the NASA Kepler Mission which have multiple transiting small (super-Earth sized) planets: the previously reported Kepler-50 and a new system, Kepler-65, whose planets we validate in this paper. Both stars show rich spectra of solar-like oscillations. From the asteroseismic analysis we find that each host has its rotation axis nearly perpendicular to the line of sight with the sines of the angles constrained at the 1-sigma level to lie above 0.97 and 0.91, respectively. We use statistical arguments to show that coplanar orbits are favoured in both systems, and that the orientations of the planetary orbits and the stellar rotation axis are correlated.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 46 pages, 11 figure