275 research outputs found

    Is there a relativistic nonlinear generalization of quantum mechanics?

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    Yes, there is. - A new kind of gauge theory is introduced, where the minimal coupling and corresponding covariant derivatives are defined in the space of functions pertaining to the functional Schroedinger picture of a given field theory. While, for simplicity, we study the example of an U(1) symmetry, this kind of gauge theory can accommodate other symmetries as well. We consider the resulting relativistic nonlinear extension of quantum mechanics and show that it incorporates gravity in the (0+1)-dimensional limit, where it leads to the Schroedinger-Newton equations. Gravity is encoded here into a universal nonlinear extension of quantum theory. The probabilistic interpretation, i.e. Born's rule, holds provided the underlying model has only dimensionless parameters.Comment: 10 pages; talk at DICE 2006 (Piombino, September 11-15, 2006); to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2007

    Quantum fields, cosmological constant and symmetry doubling

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    Energy-parity has been introduced by Kaplan and Sundrum as a protective symmetry that suppresses matter contributions to the cosmological constant [KS05]. It is shown here that this symmetry, schematically Energy --> - Energy, arises in the Hilbert space representation of the classical phase space dynamics of matter. Consistently with energy-parity and gauge symmetry, we generalize the Liouville operator and allow a varying gauge coupling, as in "varying alpha" or dilaton models. In this model, classical matter fields can dynamically turn into quantum fields (Schroedinger picture), accompanied by a gauge symmetry change -- presently, U(1) --> U(1) x U(1). The transition between classical ensemble theory and quantum field theory is governed by the varying coupling, in terms of a one-parameter deformation of either limit. These corrections introduce diffusion and dissipation, leading to decoherence.Comment: Replaced by published version, no change in contents - Int. J. Theor. Phys. (2007

    General linear dynamics - quantum, classical or hybrid

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    We describe our recent proposal of a path integral formulation of classical Hamiltonian dynamics. Which leads us here to a new attempt at hybrid dynamics, which concerns the direct coupling of classical and quantum mechanical degrees of freedom. This is of practical as well as of foundational interest and no fully satisfactory solution of this problem has been established to date. Related aspects will be observed in a general linear ensemble theory, which comprises classical and quantum dynamics in the form of Liouville and von Neumann equations, respectively, as special cases. Considering the simplest object characterized by a two-dimensional state-space, we illustrate how quantum mechanics is special in several respects among possible linear generalizations.Comment: 17 pages; based on invited talks at the conferences DICE2010 (Castiglioncello, Italia, Sept 13-17, 2010) and Quantum Field Theory and Gravity (Regensburg, Germany, Sept 28 - Oct 1, 2010

    Isospin Fluctuations from a Thermally Equilibrated Hadron Gas

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    Partition functions, multiplicity distributions, and isospin fluctuations are calculated for canonical ensembles in which additive quantum numbers as well as total isospin are strictly conserved. When properly accounting for Bose-Einstein symmetrization, the multiplicity distributions of neutral pions in a pion gas are significantly broader as compared to the non-degenerate case. Inclusion of resonances compensates for this broadening effect. Recursion relations are derived which allow calculation of exact results with modest computer time.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Superselection from canonical constraints

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    The evolution of both quantum and classical ensembles may be described via the probability density P on configuration space, its canonical conjugate S, and an_ensemble_ Hamiltonian H[P,S]. For quantum ensembles this evolution is, of course, equivalent to the Schroedinger equation for the wavefunction, which is linear. However, quite simple constraints on the canonical fields P and S correspond to_nonlinear_ constraints on the wavefunction. Such constraints act to prevent certain superpositions of wavefunctions from being realised, leading to superselection-type rules. Examples leading to superselection for energy, spin-direction and `classicality' are given. The canonical formulation of the equations of motion, in terms of a probability density and its conjugate, provides a universal language for describing classical and quantum ensembles on both continuous and discrete configuration spaces, and is briefly reviewed in an appendix.Comment: MiKTex 2.3, no figures, minor clarifications, to appear in J. Phys.

    Transport equation for the photon Wigner operator in non-commutative QED

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    We derive an exact quantum equation of motion for the photon Wigner operator in non-commutative QED, which is gauge covariant. In the classical approximation, this reduces to a simple transport equation which describes the hard thermal effects in this theory. As an example of the effectiveness of this method we show that, to leading order, this equation generates in a direct way the Green amplitudes calculated perturbatively in quantum field theory at high temperature.Comment: 13 pages, twocolumn revtex4 styl

    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is developped appropriately for the study of relativistic heavy ion collision processes. In order to describe the flow of a high energy but low baryon number density fluid, the entropy is taken as the SPH base. We formulate the method in terms of the variational principle. Several examples show that the method is very promising for the study of hadronic flow in RHIC physics.Comment: 14 pages, 8figure

    Kinetic Equation for Gluons in the Background Gauge of QCD

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    We derive the quantum kinetic equation for a pure gluon plasma, applying the background field and closed-time-path method. The derivation is more general and transparent than earlier works. A term in the equation is found which, as in the classical case, corresponds to the color charge precession for partons moving in the gauge field.Comment: RevTex 4, 4 pages, no figure, PRL accepted versio

    Hydrodynamical instabilities in an expanding quark gluon plasma

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    We study the mechanism responsible for the onset of instabilities in a chiral phase transition at nonzero temperature and baryon chemical potential. As a low-energy effective model, we consider an expanding relativistic plasma of quarks coupled to a chiral field, and obtain a phenomenological chiral hydrodynamics from a variational principle. Studying the dispersion relation for small fluctuations around equilibrium, we identify the role played by chiral waves and pressure waves in the generation of instabilities. We show that pressure modes become unstable earlier than chiral modes.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure