10 research outputs found

    Standardization of patient modeling in hyperthermia simulation studies: introducing the Erasmus Virtual Patient Repository

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    Purpose: Thermal dose-effect relations have demonstrated that clinical effectiveness of hyperthermia would benefit from more controlled heating of the tumor. Hyperthermia treatment planning (HTP) is a potent tool to study strategies enabling target conformal heating, but its accuracy is affected by patient modeling approximations. Homogeneous phantoms models are being used that do not match the body shape of patients in treatment position and often have unrealistic target volumes. As a consequence, simulation accuracy is affected, and performance comparisons are difficult. The aim of this study is to provide the first step toward standardization of HTP simulation studies in terms of patient modeling by introducing the Erasmus Virtual Patient Repository (EVPR): a virtual patient model database.Methods: Four patients with a tumor in the head and neck or the pelvis region were selected, and corresponding models were created using a clinical segmentation procedure. Using the Erasmus University Medical Center standard procedure, HTP was applied to these models and compared to HTP for commonly used surrogate models.Results: Although this study was aimed at presenting the EVPR database, our study illustrates that there is a non-negligible difference in the predicted SAR patterns between patient models and homogeneous phantom-based surrogate models. We further demonstrate the dif

    Novel Machado-Joseph disease-modifying genes and pathways identified by whole-exome sequencing

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    Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3) is a neurodegenerative polyglutamine disorder exhibiting a wide spectrum of phenotypes. The abnormal size of the (CAG)n at ATXN3 explains ~55% of the age at onset variance, suggesting the involvement of other factors, namely genetic modifiers, whose identification remains limited. Our aim was to find novel genetic modifiers, analyse their epistatic effects and identify disease-modifying pathways contributing to MJD variable expressivity. We performed whole-exome sequencing in a discovery sample of four age at onset-concordant and four discordant first-degree relative pairs of Azorean patients, to identify candidate variants which genotypes differed for each discordant pair but were shared in each concordant pair. Variants identified by this approach were then tested in an independent multi-origin cohort of 282 MJD patients. Whole-exome sequencing identified 233 candidate variants, from which 82 variants in 53 genes were prioritized for downstream analysis. Eighteen disease-modifying pathways were identified; two of the most enriched pathways were relevant for the nervous system, namely the neuregulin signaling and the agrin interactions at neuromuscular junction. Variants at PARD3, NFKB1, CHD5, ACTG1, CFAP57, DLGAP2, ITGB1, DIDO1 and CERS4 modulate age at onset in MJD, with those identified in CFAP57, ACTG1 and DIDO1 showing consistent effects across cohorts of different geographical origins. Network analyses of the nine novel MJD modifiers highlighted several important molecular interactions, including genes/proteins previously related with MJD pathogenesis, namely between ACTG1/APOE and VCP/ITGB1. We describe novel pathways, modifiers, and their interaction partners, providing a broad molecular portrait of age at onset modulation to be further exploited as new disease-modifying targets for MJD and related diseases

    Kindler syndrome: report of two cases Síndrome de Kindler: relato de dois casos

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    Kindler syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genodermatosis characterized by trauma-induced blisters, progressive poikiloderma and varying degrees of photosensitivity. In 2003, loss-of-function mutations were identified in the gene KIND1 mapped to chromosome 20p12.3. In this paper, we report Kindler syndrome in two children born to consanguineous parents presenting acral blistering, photosensitivity, poikiloderma, cutaneous atrophy and periodontitis.<br>A síndrome de Kindler é uma genodermatose rara, autossômica recessiva, caracterizada pela presença de bolhas induzidas por traumas, fotossensibilidade, atrofia cutânea e poiquilodermia progressiva. A alteração genética da síndrome foi descrita em 2003, com a identificação de mutação no gene KINDIN1, localizado no cromossomo 20p12.3. Nesse trabalho relata-se a presença da síndrome de Kindler em irmãos, filhos de pais consangüíneos, que apresentavam, desde a infância, fotossensibilidade, bolhas após pequenos traumas, poiquilodermia, atrofia cutânea e periodontite


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    The cerebral cortex and complex cerebral functions

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