49 research outputs found

    Bounded Determinization of Timed Automata with Silent Transitions

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    Deterministic timed automata are strictly less expressive than their non-deterministic counterparts, which are again less expressive than those with silent transitions. As a consequence, timed automata are in general non-determinizable. This is unfortunate since deterministic automata play a major role in model-based testing, observability and implementability. However, by bounding the length of the traces in the automaton, effective determinization becomes possible. We propose a novel procedure for bounded determinization of timed automata. The procedure unfolds the automata to bounded trees, removes all silent transitions and determinizes via disjunction of guards. The proposed algorithms are optimized to the bounded setting and thus are more efficient and can handle a larger class of timed automata than the general algorithms. The approach is implemented in a prototype tool and evaluated on several examples. To our best knowledge, this is the first implementation of this type of procedure for timed automata.Comment: 25 page

    LTL Parameter Synthesis of Parametric Timed Automata

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    The parameter synthesis problem for parametric timed automata is undecidable in general even for very simple reachability properties. In this paper we introduce restrictions on parameter valuations under which the parameter synthesis problem is decidable for LTL properties. The investigated bounded integer parameter synthesis problem could be solved using an explicit enumeration of all possible parameter valuations. We propose an alternative symbolic zone-based method for this problem which results in a faster computation. Our technique extends the ideas of the automata-based approach to LTL model checking of timed automata. To justify the usefulness of our approach, we provide experimental evaluation and compare our method with explicit enumeration technique.Comment: 23 pages, extended versio

    Verification and Control of Turn-Based Probabilistic Real-Time Games

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    Quantitative verification techniques have been developed for the formal analysis of a variety of probabilistic models, such as Markov chains, Markov decision process and their variants. They can be used to produce guarantees on quantitative aspects of system behaviour, for example safety, reliability and performance, or to help synthesise controllers that ensure such guarantees are met. We propose the model of turn-based probabilistic timed multi-player games, which incorporates probabilistic choice, real-time clocks and nondeterministic behaviour across multiple players. Building on the digital clocks approach for the simpler model of probabilistic timed automata, we show how to compute the key measures that underlie quantitative verification, namely the probability and expected cumulative price to reach a target. We illustrate this on case studies from computer security and task scheduling

    Symbolic Verification and Strategy Synthesis for Linearly-Priced Probabilistic Timed Automata

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    Probabilistic timed automata are a formalism for modelling systems whose dynamics includes probabilistic, nondeterministic and timed aspects including real-time systems. A variety of techniques have been proposed for the analysis of this formalism and successfully employed to analyse, for example, wireless communication protocols and computer security systems. Augmenting the model with prices (or, equivalently, costs or rewards) provides a means to verify more complex quantitative properties, such as the expected energy usage of a device or the expected number of messages sent during a protocol’s execution. However, the analysis of these properties on probabilistic timed automata currently relies on a technique based on integer discretisation of real-valued clocks, which can be expensive in some cases. In this paper, we propose symbolic techniques for verification and optimal strategy synthesis for priced probabilistic timed automata which avoid this discretisation. We build upon recent work for the special case of expected time properties, using value iteration over a zone-based abstraction of the model

    Bounded Model Checking for Parametric Timed Automata

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    Abstract. The paper shows how bounded model checking can be ap-plied to parameter synthesis for parametric timed automata with con-tinuous time. While it is known that the general problem is undecidable even for reachability, we show how to synthesize a part of the set of all the parameter valuations under which the given property holds in a model. The results form a complete theory which can be easily applied to parametric verification of a wide range of temporal formulae – we present such an implementation for the existential part of CTL −X. 1 Introduction and related work The growing abundance of complex systems in real world, and their presence in critical areas fuels the research in formal specification and analysis. One of the established methods in systems verification is model checking, where the system is abstracted into the algebraic model (e.g. various versions of Kripke structures

    Model-Based Verification, Optimization, Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Systems

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    International audienceThis article aims at providing a concise and precise Travellers Guide, Phrase Book or Reference Manual to the timed automata modeling formalism introduced by Alur and Dill [8, 9]. The paper gives comprehensive definitions of timed automata, priced (or weighted) timed automata, and timed games and highlights a number of results on associated decision problems related to model checking, equivalence checking, optimal scheduling, the existence of winning strategies, and then statistical model checking