29 research outputs found

    Hvordan kan kommunerne bedst implementere kliniske retningslinjer? En evaluering af implementeringsprocessen i ni pilotkommuner

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    I denne rapport præsenteres resultaterne af Center for Interventionsforsknings evaluering af ni kommuners implementering af fire nyudviklede kliniske retningslinjer. De kliniske retningslinjer er blevet udviklet i forbindelse med et treårigt overenskomstprojekt igangsat af KL (Kommunernes Landsforening) og Sundhedskartellet (SHK). Formålet med evalueringen har været at undersøge og dokumentere, hvordan ni pilotkommuner har gennemført implementeringen af fire nyudviklede KR og de afledte instrukser. Evalueringen belyser, hvordan kommunerne har forberedt og gennemført implementeringen, hvordan ledelse og medarbejdere oplever anvendeligheden og brugen af KR samt betydningen af implementeringen for kommunernes indsats. Evalueringen bygger på individuelle interview, fokusgruppeinterview, observationer samt dokumenter, som vi har indsamlet fra de ni kommuner, KL og Sundhedskartellet

    High ratings of satisfaction with fertility treatment are common: findings from the Copenhagen Multi-centre Psychosocial Infertility (COMPI) Research Programme.

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    BACKGROUND: The aims were: (i) to identify gender differences in evaluation of medical and patient‐centred (psychosocial) care in fertility clinics and (ii) to identify predictors of satisfaction. METHODS: An epidemiological prospective study based on questionnaire responses among all new couples attending five fertility clinics. The response rate at the 12 month follow‐up was 87.7% and included a total of 1934 patients. RESULTS: During the follow‐up period about two‐thirds had achieved a pregnancy and about a third became parents. The participants were satisfied with both the medical and patient‐centred (psychosocial) services. There were no sex differences in the evaluation of treatment except that women were more satisfied than men with how the staff had performed their medical examinations. Satisfaction with medical and patient‐centred services was positively associated with a treatment‐related pregnancy/delivery and the report of marital benefits resulting from the infertility experience. Lower social class was a significant predictor for satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Both men and women in fertility treatment had high ratings on medical and patient‐centred care. It seemed that satisfaction with the psychosocial services was higher than in earlier studies from other countries