82 research outputs found

    Kewirausahaan Pemijahan Lele Sangkuriang di Kelurahan Bugel Kecamatan Sidorejo Kota Salatiga

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    Mayoritas mata pencaharian penduduk Desa Bugel adalah Buruh Harian Lepas dan Karyawan Swasta baru kemudian diikuti oleh Wiraswasta (±22%). Banyaknya warga desa Bugel yang menjadi Buruh harian lepas kemungkinan karena banyak warga Desa Bugel yang hanya menempuh pendidikan sampai Sekolah Dasar (SD/Sederajat) sehingga mengakibatkan mereka kesulitan untuk mencari kerja. Dari permasalahan yang ada diatas maka perlu melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan baik dan benar sehingga hasilnya bisa digunakan untuk kebutuhan pasar dan menciptakan pekerjaan sendiri. Tujuan dan manfaat penyelenggaraan KKN vokasi adalah 1) Peserta pelatihan diharapkan mampu memproduksi benih yang optimal dan bisa mengerjakan dengan baik dan benar memijahkan lele sangkuriang sehingga dihasilkan benih yang sehat 2) Peserta pelatihan diharapkan bisa membuka USAha sendiri dan bisa menyerap tenaga kerja masyarakat sekitarnya 3) Menggali dan mengembangkan sumber daya lokal Kelurahan Bugel 4) Meningkatkan peran aktif Perguruan Tinggi, seperti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Farming Semarang 5) Mewujudkan Kelurahan Bugel yang mandiri dan berbasis vokasi. Luaran kegiatan Yang Diharapkan: Peserta pelatihan bisa secara mandiri mengembangkan kewirausahaan pemijahan lele sangkuriang dan memenuhi kebutuhan benih lele di Kota Salatiga. Metode Pelaksanaan 1) Melalui proses pelatihan dan pendampingan di balai kelurahan, dan di Jl. Mutiara RT 02 RW 02 kelurahan Bugel untuk dibuatkan kolam percontohan yang dibantu oleh para Instruktur. Materi yang diberikan Pengenalan bahan, alat-alat dan kolam percontohan. Strategi-strateginya Memanfaatkan perangkat desa, Pokdakan yang berminat, untuk pelatihan pengembangan kewirausahaan pemijahan lele sangkuriang. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keuntungan, pengembalian investasi, maupun titik impas dilakukan analisis USAha. Dari perhitungan ternyata Usaha Pemijahan lele sangkuriang Skala Kecil secara finansial ini menguntungkan, dengan Nilai BEP harga sebesar Rp 45,75,- per ekor, BEP produksi sebesar 34.313 ekor maka USAha ini layak dipertahankan, maka USAha pemijahan ini dapat ditiru oleh semua anggota Pokdakan “Mina Kartika”

    Kesenjangan Fiskal Dana Bagi Hasil Minyak Dan Gas Bumi Atas Eksploitasi Blok Cepu

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    This research exemines the fiscal gap of the Revenue-Sharing on oil andgas resources exploitation in Block Cepu which located between two provinces ofCentral Java and East Java. The asessment used in this research is juridicalnormative method where using the law of Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun2004 Tentang Tentang Perimbangan Keuangan Antara Pemerintah Pusat danPemerintah daerah and Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 55 Tahun 2005 TentangDana Perimbangan as an approach. Regional Autonomy grants an opportunity forLocal Government to flourish each area. Because of this growth, can not beavoided, the resources generated by Local Government have different quantityand quality. The same thing occured in Block Cepu where the oil and gasresources is located between two provinces of Central Java and East java. Thefiscal gap arises when Blora regency, Central Java does not obtain the Revenue-Sharing because of the exploitation is located in Banyu Urip, Bojonegoro, EastJava but Blora has 34,66% of the oil and gas resources.Based on the research results, Blora regency does not abtain theRevenue-Sharing because of clash with the law Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun2004 which states that the beneficiary of Revenue-Sharing is producing areaswhere the oil and gas are exploited and another regency are located in oneprovince

    Dampak Pembangunan Kawasan Industri Di Kabupaten Semarang Terhadap Pekerja Wanita : Studi Kasus PT. Ungaran Sari Garmen

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    This study analyzed the number of industries , especially those engaged in the field of garment that are emerging and growing in Kab. Semarang industry district. The number of industrial companies that grow and flourish in the Kab. Semarang has a very large number of workers to be employed in the production process . Seeing the number of workers employed by the dominance of female labor is then raises a question , how is the company \u27s in the garment Kab. Semarang to employ more women than men ? , But it also impacts among female workers who work and other impacts of the presence of the industrial area . Impact on women workers and people who work in the industrial area that is able to split my time between family , community and social environment around them In this study , researchersused a qualitative approach that will generate descriptive data . This research was conducted in Semarang regency , Central Java . The data in this study was obtained through interviews , observation , and documentation . The key informant interviews were conducted by female workers who are working in PT . Unggaran Sari Garmen , exposure of the company HDR , DINSOSNAKERTRANS as the party of government regulations governing the company with its workforce and the general public . While the documentation of data obtained from personal documentation taken around the industrial area , and is equipped documentation Semarang District Central Bureau of Statistics . The company employs more women in the production process because of the reason that women workers working more thorough, diligent , diligent , deft , and it is not owned by the labor of men , . Another impact to the surrounding community is the number of people around who use land around the industrial area to trading activity , transportation activity , making boarding building for many workers and surrounding communities are employed in the garmen industry is thus indirectly also reduce the unemployment rate in the Kab. Semarang. The existence of this industry region also makes the biggest contributor to revenue in the Kab. Semarang is then in one after another in the agricultural sector . The impact of such congestion around the existing industrial area , ranging loss of customs that place is replaced by migrants make one of the negative impacts of the industrial area

    The Effect of Pedagogic Competence, Professional Competence, Social Competence, and Teachers’ Personal Competence on Teachers’ Performance in Marketing Program

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    Education is a human effort to expand knowledge in order to shape values, attitudes, and behavior. As a developing country, Indonesia needs a good quality in human resources. One effort to create quality human resources is through education. Schools as one of the formal education institutions have a very important role in realizing the goals of national education through the teaching and learning process. For this reason, the government is seeking quality education in Indonesia, especially formal education. Improving the quality of education in schools is directly related to students as learners and teachers as educators. One of the effort used to realize this goal is to improve teachers’ performance

    Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS) HIV/AIDS oleh Mahasiswa Pelaku Seks Bebas di Surabaya

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    A research conducted at Surabaya East Java reveal that 40% man and 7% woman of the college students had done premarital intercourse. In this case 10% of them ever got Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Meanwhile, there is increasing data of AIDS and positively HIV in East Java year 1985 to 2002 about 48% and 45% irrespectivelly. Based on these data, the study will learn free sex behavior on college students and their attempt to prevent Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS in Surabaya. In otherwise, these were expected to recommend to the Public Health Service to prevent spread of Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS. This study was a descriptive which used a qualitative approach. The observing population take by purposive sampling technique with inclussion criteria such as free sex behavior and students whose college at Surabaya. Some variables, which be analyzed were: demographic characteristic, sexually behavior, knowledge about STD-HIV/AIDS, perception to STD-HIV/AIDS, cues to action, and reinforcing factor from the public health providers. The result showed that effort to prevent spread of Sexually Transmitted DiseaseHIV/AIDS by most free sex college students not maximally yet. It might be caused by their believed that their couple was free from Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS. They enjoy the moment, without thinking on their behavior effect such as Sexually Transmitted DiseaseHIV/AIDS.Key words: prevention, STD, HIV/AIDS, college student
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