2,305 research outputs found

    Global Strong Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation without Angular Cut-off

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    We prove the existence and exponential decay of global in time strong solutions to the Boltzmann equation without any angular cut-off, i.e., for long-range interactions. We consider perturbations of the Maxwellian equilibrium states and include the physical cross-sections arising from an inverse-power intermolecular potential r−(p−1)r^{-(p-1)} with p>3p>3, and more generally, the full range of angular singularities s=ν/2∈(0,1)s=\nu/2 \in(0,1). These appear to be the first unique global solutions to this fundamentally important model, which grants a basic example where a range of geometric fractional derivatives occur in a physical model of the natural world. Our methods provide a new understanding of the effects of grazing collisions in the Boltzmann theory.Comment: This file has not changed, but this work has been combined with (arXiv:1002.3639v1), simplified and extended into a new preprint, please see the updated version: arXiv:1011.5441v

    Sharp anisotropic estimates for the Boltzmann collision operator and its entropy production

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    This article provides sharp constructive upper and lower bound estimates for the non-linear Boltzmann collision operator with the full range of physical non cut-off collision kernels (γ>−n\gamma > -n and s∈(0,1)s\in (0,1)) in the trilinear L2(Rn)L^2(\R^n) energy . These new estimates prove that, for a very general class of g(v)g(v), the global diffusive behavior (on ff) in the energy space is that of the geometric fractional derivative semi-norm identified in the linearized context in our earlier works [2009, 2010, 2010 arXiv:1011.5441v1]. We further prove new global entropy production estimates with the same anisotropic semi-norm. This resolves the longstanding, widespread heuristic conjecture about the sharp diffusive nature of the non cut-off Boltzmann collision operator in the energy space L2(Rn)L^2(\R^n).Comment: 29 pages, updated file based on referee report; Advances in Mathematics (2011

    A non-local inequality and global existence

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    In this article we prove a collection of new non-linear and non-local integral inequalities. As an example for u≥0u\ge 0 and p∈(0,∞)p\in (0,\infty) we obtain \int_{\threed} dx ~ u^{p+1}(x) \le (\frac{p+1}{p})^2 \int_{\threed} dx ~ \{(-\triangle)^{-1} u(x) \} \nsm \nabla u^{\frac{p}{2}}(x)\nsm^2. We use these inequalities to deduce global existence of solutions to a non-local heat equation with a quadratic non-linearity for large radial monotonic positive initial conditions. Specifically, we improve \cite{ksLM} to include all α∈(0,74/75)\alpha\in (0, 74/75).Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Global Classical Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation with Long-Range Interactions and Soft Potentials

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    In this work we prove global stability for the Boltzmann equation (1872) with the physical collision kernels derived by Maxwell in 1866 for the full range of inverse power intermolecular potentials, r−(p−1)r^{-(p-1)} with p>2p>2. This completes the work which we began in (arXiv:0912.0888v1). We more generally cover collision kernels with parameters s∈(0,1)s\in (0,1) and γ\gamma satisfying γ>−(n−2)−2s\gamma > -(n-2)-2s in arbitrary dimensions Tn×Rn\mathbb{T}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n with n≥2n\ge 2. Moreover, we prove rapid convergence as predicted by the Boltzmann H-Theorem. When γ+2s≥0\gamma + 2s \ge 0, we have exponential time decay to the Maxwellian equilibrium states. When γ+2s<0\gamma + 2s < 0, our solutions decay polynomially fast in time with any rate. These results are constructive. Additionally, we prove sharp constructive upper and lower bounds for the linearized collision operator in terms of a geometric fractional Sobolev norm; we thus observe that a spectral gap exists only when γ+2s≥0\gamma + 2s \ge 0, as conjectured in Mouhot-Strain (2007).Comment: This file has not changed, but this work has been combined with (arXiv:0912.0888v1), simplified and extended into a new preprint, please see the updated version: arXiv:1011.5441v

    Optimal time decay of the non cut-off Boltzmann equation in the whole space

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    In this paper we study the large-time behavior of perturbative classical solutions to the hard and soft potential Boltzmann equation without the angular cut-off assumption in the whole space \threed_x with \DgE. We use the existence theory of global in time nearby Maxwellian solutions from \cite{gsNonCutA,gsNonCut0}. It has been a longstanding open problem to determine the large time decay rates for the soft potential Boltzmann equation in the whole space, with or without the angular cut-off assumption \cite{MR677262,MR2847536}. For perturbative initial data, we prove that solutions converge to the global Maxwellian with the optimal large-time decay rate of O(t^{-\frac{\Ndim}{2}+\frac{\Ndim}{2r}}) in the L^2_\vel(L^r_x)-norm for any 2≤r≤∞2\leq r\leq \infty.Comment: 31 pages, final version to appear in KR

    Global Hilbert Expansion for the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann System

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    We study the Hilbert expansion for small Knudsen number ε\varepsilon for the Vlasov-Boltzmann-Poisson system for an electron gas. The zeroth order term takes the form of local Maxwellian: $ F_{0}(t,x,v)=\frac{\rho_{0}(t,x)}{(2\pi \theta_{0}(t,x))^{3/2}} e^{-|v-u_{0}(t,x)|^{2}/2\theta_{0}(t,x)},\text{\ }\theta_{0}(t,x)=K\rho_{0}^{2/3}(t,x).OurmainresultstatesthatiftheHilbertexpansionisvalidat Our main result states that if the Hilbert expansion is valid at t=0forwell−preparedsmallinitialdatawithirrotationalvelocity for well-prepared small initial data with irrotational velocity u_0,thenitisvalidfor, then it is valid for 0\leq t\leq \varepsilon ^{-{1/2}\frac{2k-3}{2k-2}},where where \rho_{0}(t,x)and and u_{0}(t,x)satisfytheEuler−Poissonsystemformonatomicgas satisfy the Euler-Poisson system for monatomic gas \gamma=5/3$

    Hilbert Expansion from the Boltzmann equation to relativistic Fluids

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    We study the local-in-time hydrodynamic limit of the relativistic Boltzmann equation using a Hilbert expansion. More specifically, we prove the existence of local solutions to the relativistic Boltzmann equation that are nearby the local relativistic Maxwellian constructed from a class of solutions to the relativistic Euler equations that includes a large subclass of near-constant, non-vacuum fluid states. In particular, for small Knudsen number, these solutions to the relativistic Boltzmann equation have dynamics that are effectively captured by corresponding solutions to the relativistic Euler equations.Comment: 50 page

    Electroreduction and photometric detection of low-level uranium in aqueous Purex solutions. Consolidated Fuel-Reprocessing Program

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    During proper operation of the Purex process for the recovery of uranium and plutonium from spent reactor fuel, there are only trace levels of uranium in the aqueous waste. In the event of an upset in the extraction columns the aqueous waste stream would give the first indication of breakthrough. From the standpoint of process control it would be desirable to have an in-line, real-time sensor for uranium in the aqueous waste stream. It was toward this end that this investigation was undertaken. The measurement technique that seems to provide the most sensitive method without addition of reagents appears to be the electrochemical reduction of UO{sub 2}{sup 2+} to U(IV) followed by spectral measurement. The electrochemical reduction to U(IV) increases the sensitivity by a factor of three to five and shifts the measurement wavelength to a spectral area (647 nm and 1075 nm) unaffected by fission products. Using the proposed analysis sequence it is possible to determine uranium at a level of 0.2 g/L in the presence of relatively high spectral background. This report details the electrochemical reduction of U(VI) in nitric acid solutions (0.5 M to 2.0 M) with platinum-vitreous carbon electrodes and examines the spectral behavior of U(IV) as a function of nitric acid concentration

    Asymptotic Stability of the Relativistic Boltzmann Equation for the Soft Potentials

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    In this paper it is shown that unique solutions to the relativistic Boltzmann equation exist for all time and decay with any polynomial rate towards their steady state relativistic Maxwellian provided that the initial data starts out sufficiently close in Lℓ∞L^\infty_\ell. If the initial data are continuous then so is the corresponding solution. We work in the case of a spatially periodic box. Conditions on the collision kernel are generic in the sense of (Dudy{\'n}ski and Ekiel-Je{\.z}ewska, Comm. Math. Phys., 1988); this resolves the open question of global existence for the soft potentials.Comment: 64 page

    Experimental demonstration of a suspended diffractively coupled optical cavity

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    All-reflective optical systems are under consideration for future gravitational wave detector topologies. One approach in proposed designs is to use diffraction gratings as input couplers for Fabry–Perot cavities. We present an experimental demonstration of a fully suspended diffractively coupled cavity and investigate the use of conventional Pound–Drever–Hall length sensing and control techniques to maintain the required operating condition
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