32 research outputs found

    The experience of using GRI Standards in sustainable development reports by Russian industrial corporations

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    The experience of disclosing information in the field of sustainable development by the largest metallurgical corporations having assets in the Russian Federation has been presented and analyzed as well. The research has shown that using the unified GRI Standards recommendations, management of each corporation independently determines the number and composition of indices required to assess the Triple Bottom Lin

    Some Problems of Anti-recessionary Public Management in Russia at Present

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    The most significant, in the author’s opinion, problems of anti-recessionary public management in Russia have been brought out in the article. The genesis of these problems having formed at present has been revealed. It has been shown that the whole complex of problems was generated with the change of the territorial approach to the public management. Some problems of public management of economic and political genesis have been formulate

    The experience of using GRI Standards in sustainable development reports by Russian industrial corporations

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    Some moments in the history of the formation of the concept and the modern components of the mechanism of industrial corporations sustainable development, which comprehensively combines the managerial, economic, social and environmental aspects have been presented in the pape

    Socio-economic aspects of steel production in conditions of Russia agriculture machinery demand increase

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    The paper is devoted to the study of socio-economic aspects of the production of Russian steel. The paper proves that the dynamics of production began to serve as an indicator of the development of the Russian industry and economy. It is shown in which industries steel is used in the national econom

    The population settlement in Russias Arctic Zone: facts and trends

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    In the paper the authors present the study of facts and trends in population settlement in regions of Russian Arctic Zone. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the location of the population in the Arctic Zone depends not only on the socio-economic development of the Arctic territories, but also on Russias geopolitical security. The authors considered population settlement from two interrelated positions: the process of a certain territory settling in the process of migration and the result of this process- the residents resettlement in region

    The experience and prospective use of alternative energy sources for the development of the remote human settlements of the Murmansk region

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    The experience and prospects for the use of alternative energy sources for the development of remote settlements in the Murmansk region have been considered in the pape

    Competitiveness of circumpolar countries in the digital environment

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    The paper is devoted to solving the fundamental problem of the countries which Arctic territories are rich in natural resources. This is a contradiction between the necessity of forming an innovative, digital model of the economy and the reality of the extractive econom

    Alternative energy sources: opportunities, experience and prospects of the Russian regions in the context of global trends

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    The article given presents an assessment of the trends in the development of renewable and alternative energy in the world. The Russian energy potential and the shaping factors have been estimated. Possibilities and experience have been considered; prospects of using alternative energy sources in the Russian regions with fundamentally different social-economic, natural-climatic and energy characteristics have been estimate

    Modern conditions and prospects of Russia’s coal mining industry development

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    This research assesses the current state of Russia's coal industry and its future prospects in the context of global trends in global natural resources and energy markets; and based on a qualitative analysis of the transition problems of Russian coal extraction and processing companies. The work addresses government support measures to the Russian coal industry today and in the past (Soviet period), considering the increased profitability of the mineral resources industry in the context of environmental hazards, difficult working conditions, high transportation costs and other risk

    The impact of retirement age increasing on demographic processes in Russia and its arctic territories

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    The paper deals with the assessment of the impact of the retirement age increasing on demographic processes in Russia and its Arctic territories. The aim of the research is the consideration of the question whether the effect of the change in the retirement age for Russia on the whole and the Russian Arctic in particular is justified from the standpoint of demographic