110 research outputs found

    Effect of Complexes of Cobalt With Aminoacids on the Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)

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    Cobalt, being essential metal, influences different physiological and enzymatic functions. As cobalt does not accumulate in the body, Co-compounds have relatively low toxicity. The aim of the present study is the effect of complexes of Co(II) with aminoacids - lysine, arginine, histidine and serine on HSV-1 replication. No effect of [O2Co(his)4].nH2O and [O2Co(arg)2].nH2O on HSV-1 infection in vitro was found. Both, [O2Co(lys)2].nH2O and [O2Co(ser)2].nH2O suppress the attachement of HSV-1 particles onto target cells and the viral replication as well. Moreover, the properties of the particular Co-complex (charge, stability, structure) are manifestated by their virucidal effect. Thus, [O2Co(ser)2].nH2O irreversibly inhibits the infectious activity of free HSV-1 virions, while virucidal effect of [O2Co(lys)2].nH2O is completely reversible after the 2h of contact

    Direction Finding Estimators of Cyclostationary Signals in Array Processing for Microwave Power Transmission

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    A solar power satellite is paid attention to as a clean, inexhaustible large- scale base-load power supply. The following technology related to beam control is used: A pilot signal is sent from the power receiving site and after direction of arrival estimation the beam is directed back to the earth by same direction. A novel direction-finding algorithm based on linear prediction technique for exploiting cyclostationary statistical information (spatial and temporal) is explored. Many modulated communication signals exhibit a cyclostationarity (or periodic correlation) property, corresponding to the underlying periodicity arising from carrier frequencies or baud rates. The problem was solved by using both cyclic second-order statistics and cyclic higher-order statistics. By evaluating the corresponding cyclic statistics of the received data at certain cycle frequencies, we can extract the cyclic correlations of only signals with the same cycle frequency and null out the cyclic correlations of stationary additive noise and all other co-channel interferences with different cycle frequencies. Thus, the signal detection capability can be significantly improved. The proposed algorithms employ cyclic higher-order statistics of the array output and suppress additive Gaussian noise of unknown spectral content, even when the noise shares common cycle frequencies with the non-Gaussian signals of interest. The proposed method completely exploits temporal information (multiple lag ), and also can correctly estimate direction of arrival of desired signals by suppressing undesired signals. Our approach was generalized over direction of arrival estimation of cyclostationary coherent signals. In this paper, we propose a new approach for exploiting cyclostationarity that seems to be more advanced in comparison with the other existing direction finding algorithms

    Effect of Complexes of Zinc, Cobalt and Copper With D-Aminosugars on the Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)

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    Our previous results show that Zn(pic)2 and Zn(asp)2 inhibit key steps of the replication of HSV-1. Anti-HSV effect of complexes of Co(II) with aminoacids Lys and Ser was also found. In the present study we describe the effect of complexes of Zn(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) with D-aminosugars on the replication of HSV-1 and on the infectivity of free virions. The experiments were done using primary rabbit kidney cells (r.k.), diploid human embryonal fibroblasts (F) and Vero cells. No differences in the toxicity of metal complexes on diploid cells- r.k. and F, were found. Neither metal complexes, nor ligands-galactosoxime and glucosoxime, influenced the viral replication. During 1-4h prolonged contact only Cu(Gl.NOH)2 inactivated HSV-1 virions up to 90%. The results show that D-aminosugars are not suitable ligands for Zn(II), Cu(II) and Co(II) in respect of the inhibition of viral replication. However, only Cu(Gl.NOH)2 was able to inhibit the infectivity of free virions

    Complexes of Zinc With Picolinic and Aspartic Acids Inactivate Free Varicella-Zoster Virions

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    Zn(II) picolinate and aspartate, Zn(pic)2 and Zn(asp)2, have been shown to inhibit key steps of the replication of HSV-1. In the present study we describe the effect of Zn(pic)2 and Zn(asp)2 on the replication of VZV and on the infectivity of free virions. The experiments are done using BHK-21 cells, a clinical isolate of VZV and Zn-complexes in concentration of 10 μM. When Zn-complexes are present during the whole period of infection, the yield of infectious virus progeny decreases up to 98%. The infectivity of VZV is completely restored after the removal of zinc. The virucidal effect is manifested at the 2nd h of contact, when 90% of the virions are inactivated. The results show that both Zn(pic)2 and Zn(asp)2 specifically inactivate free VZV virions with no effect on viral replication

    The influence of different doses and ratios of mineral fertilizers on the yield of winter rye in the Urals

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    Winter rye is an important crop of the Non-Chernozem belt of Russia, the productivity of which depends on the use of fertilizers. The paper presents data on the agronomic and economic efficiency of cultivating Falenskaya 4 winter rye under conditions of long-term use of mineral fertilizers. The studies were carried out in 2019-2021 in Perm Region on sod-podzolic heavy loamy soil in a long-term stationary experiment based on a reduced factorial design (6x6x6) with a wide range of doses and NPK ratios. The highest yield in 2019 was obtained in N30P120K120 variant (3.07 t/ha), the highest payback of mineral fertilizers by grain was noted in N90 and N30P30K30 variants (6.00 and 5.69 kg of grain). The highest yield and payback of grain in the conditions of 2021 and for two years of research in average was obtained in the variant N90: in 2021, 3.01 t/ha and 13.96 kg of grain, for 2 years average – 2.95 t/ha and 9.82 kg of grain. The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers has been proved by a regression equation for two years average, phosphoric and potash fertilizers did not have a significant effect. The rise in the yield increase occurred up to a nitrogen dose of 90 kg/ha and amounted to 0.42 t/ha at N90. The highest payback by grain was noted among nitrogen treatments – by N30 (7.3 kg of grain), with each increase in doses by 30 kg/ha, this indicator decreased linearly by 1.3 kg. The highest profitability over the years of research was obtained in the variant without fertilizers– 60 %, over two years in average. The profitability of using N90 was higher compared with the control only in 2021 – 50 % versus 43 %. All the studied doses of nitrogen used separately provided positive profitability, but the most cost-effective was the use of N30 and N60 – profitability was 52 and 45 %, respectively

    Continuous selections of multivalued mappings

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    This survey covers in our opinion the most important results in the theory of continuous selections of multivalued mappings (approximately) from 2002 through 2012. It extends and continues our previous such survey which appeared in Recent Progress in General Topology, II, which was published in 2002. In comparison, our present survey considers more restricted and specific areas of mathematics. Note that we do not consider the theory of selectors (i.e. continuous choices of elements from subsets of topological spaces) since this topics is covered by another survey in this volume

    Soil Water Characteristics of European SoilTrEC Critical Zone Observatories

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    Most of soil functions depend directly or indirectly on soil water retention and transmission, which explains their importance for many environmental processes within Earth's Critical Zones. Soil hydraulic properties are essential in irrigation and drainage studies for closing water balance equation, for predicting leaching of nutrients, for water supply to plants, and for other agronomical and environmental applications. Soil hydraulic properties reflect the structure of the soil porous system comprising pores of different geometry and sizes. This investigation comprises a detailed analytical study of soil hydraulic properties and climate conditions at 18 methodologically selected sites in Damma Glacier, Slavkov Forest, Marchfeld, and Koiliaris Critical Zone Observatories of SoilTrEC project. The local moisture regimes were assessed on a long-term basis by the Newhall model. The experimental data for soil water content at different potentials were used for assessing water storage capacity, pore size distribution, parameters of fitted retention curve equation, curve slope at the inflection point, and water permeability characteristics of each soil horizon. The differences of soil water retention and transmission characteristics-as fundamental properties describing soil structure-were explained by the different stages of soil profile development, parent materials, organic matter content, and land use histories

    Промышленный унифицированный рекуператор на базе модульных элементов «Силал» М-I 115x460x860-05 и «Силал» М-II 230x460x860-1,0 (типоряд М-I и М-II)

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    The paper proposes a fundamentally new modification of cast iron recuperative heat exchanger assembled on the basis of the following modules: «Silal» M-I 115x460x860-05 and «Silal» M-II 230x460x860-1.0.It is shown that such recuperative heat exchanger does not have the disadvantages which are inherent to presently applied recuperators.Предлагается принципиально новая модификация чугунного рекуператора, собранного из модулей («Силал» М-I 115x460x860-05 и «Силал» М-II 230x460x860-1,0).Показано, что такой рекуператор лишен недостатков, которые присущи используемым в настоящее время


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    Analysis of hydrodynamic resistance of gas and air paths of a recuperator assembled with the help of unified module elements M-I and M-II has been carried out. The paper shows the possibility to change path resistance within a wide range of values. Выполнен анализ гидродинамического сопротивления газового и воздушного трактов рекуператора, собранного из унифицированных модульных элементов М-I и М-II. Показана возможность изменения сопротивления трактов в широком диапазоне значений