25 research outputs found

    The Varicella-Zoster Virus ORF47 Kinase Interferes with Host Innate Immune Response by Inhibiting the Activation of IRF3

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    The innate immune response constitutes the first line of host defence that limits viral spread and plays an important role in the activation of adaptive immune response. Viral components are recognized by specific host pathogen recognition receptors triggering the activation of IRF3. IRF3, along with NF-κB, is a key regulator of IFN-β expression. Until now, the role of IRF3 in the activation of the innate immune response during Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) infection has been poorly studied. In this work, we demonstrated for the first time that VZV rapidly induces an atypical phosphorylation of IRF3 that is inhibitory since it prevents subsequent IRF3 homodimerization and induction of target genes. Using a mutant virus unable to express the viral kinase ORF47p, we demonstrated that (i) IRF3 slower-migrating form disappears; (ii) IRF3 is phosphorylated on serine 396 again and recovers the ability to form homodimers; (iii) amounts of IRF3 target genes such as IFN-β and ISG15 mRNA are greater than in cells infected with the wild-type virus; and (iv) IRF3 physically interacts with ORF47p. These data led us to hypothesize that the viral kinase ORF47p is involved in the atypical phosphorylation of IRF3 during VZV infection, which prevents its homodimerization and subsequent induction of target genes such as IFN-β and ISG15

    Enhanced contact hypersensitivity in human monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 transgenic mouse.

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    Monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 is a chemotactic cytokine for monocytes, memoryT cells and dendritic cells (DC). However, the precise role of MCP-1 in a variety of immunological responses remains unclear. In the present study, we analyzed contact hypersensitivity (CHS) using human MCP-1 transgenic mice (hMCP-1Tgm) that constitutively produce high levels of hMCP-1 in the sera. Following 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) sensitization, enhancement of CHS was demonstrated in Tgm as compared with that in non-Tgm. Anti-hMCP-1 antibodies significantly inhibited the CHS in Tgm. A prominent accumulation of B7-1+I-Ad+ Langerhans' cells (LC) bearing haptens was detected in draining lymph nodes (DLN) of Tgm 24 h after DNFB or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) sensitization. Similar results were obtained with BALB/c mice administrated recombinant (r) hMCP-1. Langerhans' cells (LC) in the epidermal sheets of Tgm increased in size and expressed high levels of I-Ad and B7-1 12 h after FITC application compared with those of non-Tgm. After 18 h, the number of LC in the epidermis was reduced in Tgm. It was also shown that the B7-1 expression on LC of BALB/c mice was augmented after culture with rhMCP-1. These findings demonstrate that MCP-1 not only accelerates LC migration from epidermis into the DLN after sensitization with haptens but also up-regulates the I-Ad and B7-1 expressions, which results in the enhanced T cell activation and CHS

    Beta defensin-3 engineered epidermis shows highly protective effect for bacterial infection

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    Defensins are small cationic proteins that harbor broad-spectrum microbicidal activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses. This study examines the effects on pathogens of the epidermis engineered to express human beta-defensin 3 (HBD3) to combat bacterial infections. First, we examined the localization of HBD3 in the epidermis and observed HBD3 in the intercellular spaces and lamellar bodies of the upper epidermal layers. This result showed HBD3 expressed and assembled in the outer layers of the epidermis was suspected to counter the invading microorganisms. Next, we established a keratinocyte cell line that stably expressed HBD3 and found that the culture medium showed antibacterial activity. Furthermore, we prepared an epidermal sheet of these cells with the HBD3 gene and grafted this onto a dermal wound on a nude rat. The HBD3 engineered epidermis demonstrated significant antimicrobial activity. Skin ulcers without epidermis are constantly exposed to invading microorganisms. Biopsy samples of re-epithelizing epidermis from patients with skin ulcers were collected, and HBD3 mRNA level measured in the epidermis. The epidermal samples from the ulcer skin expressed 2.5 times higher levels of HBD3 transcript than those in the control skin. These results, taken together, indicate that the therapeutic introduction of the HBD3 gene into somatic cells may provide a new gene therapy strategy for intractable infectious diseases