62 research outputs found

    Fossil fuels in a trillion tonne world.

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    The useful energy services and energy density value of fossil carbon fuels could be retained for longer timescales into the future if their combustion is balanced by CO2 recapture and storage. We assess the global balance between fossil carbon supply and the sufficiency (size) and capability (technology, security) of candidate carbon stores. A hierarchy of value for extraction-to-storage pairings is proposed, which is augmented by classification of CO2 containment as temporary (100,000 yr). Using temporary stores is inefficient and defers an intergenerational problem. Permanent storage capacity is adequate to technically match current fossil fuel reserves. However, rates of storage creation cannot balance current and expected rates of fossil fuel extraction and CO2 consequences. Extraction of conventional natural gas is uniquely holistic because it creates the capacity to re-inject an equivalent tonnage of carbon for storage into the same reservoir and can re-use gas-extraction infrastructure for storage. By contrast, balancing the extraction of coal, oil, biomass and unconventional fossil fuels requires the engineering and validation of additional carbon storage. Such storage is, so far, unproven in sufficiency

    Conscious and subconscious sensorimotor synchronization : prefrontal cortex and the influence of awareness

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    One of the most compelling challenges for modern neuroscience is the influence of awareness on behavior. We studied prefrontal correlates of conscious and subconscious motor adjustments to changing auditory rhythms using regional cerebral blood flow measurements. At a subconscious level, movement adjustments were performed employing bilateral ventral mediofrontal cortex. Awareness of change without explicit knowledge of the nature of change led to additional ventral prefrontal and premotor but not dorsolateral prefrontal activations. Only fully conscious motor adaptations to a changing rhythmic pattern showed prominent involvement of anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These results demonstrate that while ventral prefrontal areas may be engaged in motor adaptations performed subconsciously, only fully conscious motor control which includes motor planning will involve dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

    Elaboration d 'un protocole de routine pour l'identification génétique de mammifères sauvages (gibier) à partir d 'échantillons biologiques

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    L'identification spécifique d'un échantillon biologique récolté sur le terrain n'est pas toujours possible par le biais de méthodes conventionnelles. Afin de remédier à cette situation, nous avons développé un protocole rapide, rigoureux et reproductible, constitué de quatre étapes principales: (i) extraction (isolement) de l'ADN à partir d'échantillons biologiques de provenance variée; (ii) amplification par PCR d'un segment spécifique d'ADN; (iii) détermination de la séquence nucléotidique du segment d'ADN amplifié; (iv) comparaison de la séquence obtenue avec une base de données (si nécessaire, analyse phylogénétique) et détermination de l'espèce la plus proche. Cette approche nous a permis d'identifier sans ambiguïté la totalité des échantillons analysés, représentés par des tissus d'origine variée (sang, biopsies d'organe ou de tissu) d'espèces de mammifères sauvages