15 research outputs found

    Interpersonal intelligence : metode pengembangan kecerdasan interpersonal anak

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    191 p., : ill.,; 22 c

    Job stress among academic staff: A cross-cultural Qualitative study

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    The aim of this study is to explore the sources of job stress and type of coping among academic staff from two countries; namely Pahang, Malaysia and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study used qualitative design, and phenomenology technique conducted to analyze the data. Twenty two academic staffs were involved in this study. The result found several interesting findings. Seven stressors categories were found; (1) inadequate role occupancy, (2) increasing work demands, (3) deficient role preparedness, (4) insufficient role support, (5) role ambiguity, (6) role conflict and (7) work-family conflict. There were four responses of stress that was showed by university academic staffs, namely: (1) behavioral responses, (2) emotional responses, (3) cognitive responses, and (4) physiological responses. The reason that lead respondents still continue work as academic staff are (1) being a lecturer was the choice of his/her life, (2) teaching was noble work, (3) could share knowledge with others/students, (4) love the profession as a lecturer, and (5) feel happy to teach and discuss with students. The coping strategy that always used by academic staffs to cope with job related stress were five coping strategy patterns, namely: (1) problem focused coping, (2) emotion focused coping, (3) seeking social support, (4) using religious coping, and (5) making meaning.The aim of this study is to explore the sources of job stress and type of coping among academic staff from two countries; namely Pahang, Malaysia and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study used qualitative design, and phenomenology technique conducted to analyze the data. Twenty two academic staffs were involved in this study. The result found several interesting findings. Seven stressors categories were found; (1) inadequate role occupancy, (2) increasing work demands, (3) deficient role preparedness, (4) insufficient role support, (5) role ambiguity, (6) role conflict and (7) work-family conflict. There were four responses of stress that was showed by university academic staffs, namely: (1) behavioral responses, (2) emotional responses, (3) cognitive responses, and (4) physiological responses. The reason that lead respondents still continue work as academic staff are (1) being a lecturer was the choice of his/her life, (2) teaching was noble work, (3) could share knowledge with others/students, (4) love the profession as a lecturer, and (5) feel happy to teach and discuss with students. The coping strategy that always used by academic staffs to cope with job related stress were five coping strategy patterns, namely: (1) problem focused coping, (2) emotion focused coping, (3) seeking social support, (4) using religious coping, and (5) making meaning

    Tes kepribadian untuk seleksi pekerjaan

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    Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Happiness among College Students

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    Wellbeing is the ultimate goal for everyone, not only for adolescence. Present study explore the relationship between gratitude and forgiveness with happiness among college student. A total of 81 undergarduate psychology students were recruited in this study from a private university in Jogjakarta. 29.6% (24) of the sample were males and 70.4% (57) were females Regression analysis was used to predict the model. This model regression predict relationship between gratitude and forgiveness with happiness, explaining 28.9% of the variance (Adjusted R2= 0.289).Gratitude give the biggest contribution to happiness (b= .536 p= .000), but forgiveness has no significance relationship to happiness (b= .078, p= .414). This result means that gratitude is an important factor contribute to happiness among undergraduate student in this sample. The implication of study are discussing further


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    Malas adalah perilaku yang hampir semua orang miliki. Rasa malas juga sangat banyak ditemui kalangan para siswa. Sebagai penerus bangsa, para siswa seharusnya lebih giat lagi mencari ilmu, tidak hanya di sekolah, ilmu bisa dicari mana saja dan kapan saja. Siswa seharusnya mau menghilangkan kebiasaan malasnya. Karena kemalasan dapat menyebabkan kerugian. Misalnya jika seorang siswa malas belajar, maka tidak akan ada ilmu yang di dapatkan. Sebaliknya, jika siswa tekun dalam belajar dan mampu menghilangkan kemalasannya, maka siswa tersebut akan memiliki ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan yang luas. Adapun objek masalahnya yaitu Peserta didik kurang antusias dalam proses pembelajaran, Peserta didik tidak mengerjakan tugas dan mencatat, Peserta didik mengantuk dan Peserta didik sering izin keluar selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Metode pelaksanaan trentment yaitu dengan bimbingan kelompok dilakukan 3 tahapan: (1) Diawali dengan perkenalan dan pembawaan materi dengan tema “Belajar” memperkenalkan konsep belajar yang efektif untuk menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa. (2) Dilaksanakan dengan langsung menjelaskan materi dengan tema “Motivasi Belajar” mengajarkan siswa agar belajar dengan giat untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah. (3) Dilaksanakan yang terakhir memjelaskan materi dengan tema “Mengapa kita harus sekolah?” memberikan informasi kepada siswa “alasan kenapa harus belajar dan sekolah serta mengapa penempuh Pendidikan itu penting?”Maka hasil yang didapatkan dalam proses bimbingan kelompok dapat menumbuhkan semangat belajar yang efektif dan mau terlibat atau berpartisipasi pada proses belajar di kelas


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to define the profile of liver function of tuberculosis patients during the treatment. Methods: We conducted the longitudinal study with adult tuberculosis patients treated with the first line of antituberculosis as the inclusion criteria. The pregnant and patients with comorbidities which related to liver function were excluded. We measured the total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) over the 2nd, 4th, and 6th mo of the treatment. Results: We recruited 202 patients, with 58.91% male patients, and the mean age was 39.91 (SD: 17.18) years old. As 9% of tuberculosis patients experienced increased levels of bilirubin, AST, and ALT, and 50% among them experienced increased levels of bilirubin, AST, and ALT starting from 2nd mo of the treatment. The total bilirubin level in the 2nd,4th, and 6th mo were 0.57, 0.59 and 0.67 mg/dl, respectively. The AST levels were 27, 22, and 26 U/l in 2nd,4th and 6th mo, respectively, and the ALT levels were 21,19 and 25 U/l in 2nd,4th and 6th mo, respectively. At the end of the treatment, around 4.5% tuberculosis patients experienced high levels of bilirubin, AST and ALT. Conclusion: The monitoring treatment for tuberculosis patients should be conducted until the end of the treatment because the level of bilirubin, AST, and ALT increased after 6th mo of treatment