24 research outputs found

    Бокс в Томском Политехническом университете

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    Это первая книга о боксе в одном из томских университетов. События, факты, рассказы о боксёрах и их тренерах основаны на документальных материалах, в том числе из архивных источников, воспоминаниях ветеранов и действующих спортсменов. Это знак благодарности и признания боксёрам, тренерам и спортивным организаторам за их нелёгкую, но благодарную работу, за популяризацию бокса. В результате работы получилась содержательная и увлекательная книга, которая вызовет несомненный интерес у читателей, и будет способствовать популяризации такого замечательного вида единоборств как бокс

    4D treatment planning for scanned ion beams

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    At Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) more than 330 patients have been treated with scanned carbon ion beams in a pilot project. To date, only stationary tumors have been treated. In the presence of motion, scanned ion beam therapy is not yet possible because of interplay effects between scanned beam and target motion which can cause severe mis-dosage. We have started a project to treat tumors that are subject to respiratory motion. A prototype beam application system for target tracking with the scanned pencil beam has been developed and commissioned

    The Generation R Study: design and cohort update 2010

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    The Generation R Study is a population-based prospective cohort study from fetal life until young adulthood. The study is designed to identify early environmental and genetic causes of normal and abnormal growth, development and health during fetal life, childhood and adulthood. The study focuses on four primary areas of research: (1) growth and physical development; (2) behavioural and cognitive development; (3) diseases in childhood; and (4) health and healthcare for pregnant women and children. In total, 9,778 mothers with a delivery date from April 2002 until January 2006 were enrolled in the study. General follow-up rates until the age of 4 years exceed 75%. Data collection in mothers, fathers and preschool children included questionnaires, detailed physical and ultrasound examinations, behavioural observations, and biological samples. A genome wide association screen is available in the participating children. Regular detailed hands on assessment are performed from the age of 5 years onwards. Eventually, results forthcoming from the Generation R Study have to contribute to the development of strategies for optimizing health and healthcare for pregnant women and children

    The Rotterdam Study: 2012 objectives and design update

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    The Rotterdam Study is a prospective cohort study ongoing since 1990 in the city of Rotterdam in The Netherlands. The study targets cardiovascular, endocrine, hepatic, neurological, ophthalmic, psychiatric, dermatological, oncological, and respiratory diseases. As of 2008, 14,926 subjects aged 45 years or over comprise the Rotterdam Study cohort. The findings of the Rotterdam Study have been presented in over a 1,000 research articles and reports (see www.erasmus-epidemiology.nl/rotterdamstudy). This article gives the rationale of the study and its design. It also presents a summary of the major findings and an update of the objectives and methods

    4D deep learning for real-time volumetric optical coherence elastography

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    Purpose!#!Elasticity of soft tissue provides valuable information to physicians during treatment and diagnosis of diseases. A number of approaches have been proposed to estimate tissue stiffness from the shear wave velocity. Optical coherence elastography offers a particularly high spatial and temporal resolution. However, current approaches typically acquire data at different positions sequentially, making it slow and less practical for clinical application.!##!Methods!#!We propose a new approach for elastography estimations using a fast imaging device to acquire small image volumes at rates of 831 Hz. The resulting sequence of phase image volumes is fed into a 4D convolutional neural network which handles both spatial and temporal data processing. We evaluate the approach on a set of image data acquired for gelatin phantoms of known elasticity.!##!Results!#!Using the neural network, the gelatin concentration of unseen samples was predicted with a mean error of 0.65 ± 0.81 percentage points from 90 subsequent volumes of phase data only. We achieve a data acquisition and data processing time of under 12 ms and 22 ms, respectively.!##!Conclusions!#!We demonstrate direct volumetric optical coherence elastography from phase image data. The approach does not rely on particular stimulation or sampling sequences and allows the estimation of elastic tissue properties of up to 40 Hz

    Maternally transmitted isotopes and their effects on larval fish: a validation of dual isotopic marks within a meta-analysis context

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    Transgenerational marking enables mass-marking of larval fishes via transmission of enriched stable isotopes from mother to offspring, but potential impacts on the resultant progeny are poorly understood. We injected enriched stable isotopes (137Ba and 87Sr) into female purple-spotted gudgeon, Mogurnda adspersa, to produce multiple batch markers and examined larval morphology at hatch as well as survival and growth to 31 days posthatch in marked and unmarked offspring. Transgenerational marking had minimal effects on larval growth and survival, whereas body depth at hatch was significantly reduced in marked larvae. A meta-analysis of transgenerational marking effects on larval morphology at hatch and growth rates across multiple fish species found a nonsignificant positive effect of enriched stable barium isotopes on larval morphology at hatch, but a significant negative effect on growth. There were no significant effects of strontium on morphology or growth. Meta-regression analysis revealed that larval size at hatch increased with the dose of injected stable barium isotopes, but this result should be interpreted cautiously. Because of high levels of between-study heterogeneity, we caution against assuming there are no effects of transgenerational marking on fish offspring; any such effects should be validated and incorporated into transgenerational marking studies of fish dispersal

    Development of Ba-hexaferrite coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption applications

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    In this research, Ba-hexaferrite coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption applications were deposited bythermal spraying. A suitable powder feedstock was manufactured by blending a BaCO3+Fe2O3 mixture,which was then agglomerated by spray-drying. The agglomerates were processed by air plasma spraying(APS) without any further treatment or were heat-treated and reactively-sintered to stoichiometric Bahexaferriteprior to spraying. As-sprayed coatings were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and X-raydiffraction (XRD). Whereas the deposition of untreated agglomerates did not result in adequate amounts ofcrystalline Ba-hexaferrite in the coatings, the APS processing of reactively-sintered agglomerates led to ahigh content of Ba-hexaferrite and similar magnetic properties to those of Ba-hexaferrite bulk materials