292 research outputs found

    Uji Toleransi Tanaman Kentang Hitam (Plectranthus Rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.) Hasil Radiasi Sinar Gamma Terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan

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    Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng. is one of the potential root crops to become an alternative food. The aim of thisstudy was to determine drought resistant status of Plectranthus rotundifolius irradiated by gamma irradiation. Thisexperiment was conducted in the Green House using a Completely Randomized Design with 2 factors and 5 replications.The first factor was plant number consisted of 7 accessions (D116, D69, M343, D40, M95, D3, and Klefa Imut/KI). Thesecond factor was the level of field capacity (FC) consisted of 100% FC, 60% FC, and 20% FC. The observed parameterwere vegetative and generative growth stage, stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, and chlorophyll content. The resultshowed that the resistance level of the 7 accessions can be devided into 3 categories: 1) The plants that were susceptible todrought i.e. D116, D69, M343, and KI; 2) The plants that were semi-tolerant to drought i.e. D40 and M95; and 3) The plantthat was tolerant to drought i.e. D3

    Aplikasi High Energy Milling dalam Metalurgi Serbuk

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    APLIKASI HIGH ENERGY MILLING DALAM METALURGI SERBUK. Salah satu di antara metode untuk pembuatan bahan paduan logam dengan ukuran butiran yang sangat halus, nanokristalin adalah high energy milling (HEM). Mekanikal sintesis dapat dilakukan secara langsung menggunakan serbuk elemen dasar sesuai komposisi nominal material, baik dalam media udara biasa, inert gas, maupun cairan tertentu sesuai kebutuhan. Proses milling terhadap bahan serbuk Fe ukuran 100 mesh dan serpihan Ta dalam media toluena telah dilakukan. Hasil milling serbuk Fe dan Ta selama 10 jam tidak menunjukkan adanya pengaruh oksida dan ukuran butiran pada akhir milling masing-masing sekitar 60 nm dan 21 nm. Pengaruh milling terhadap sifat magnet serbuk Fe menunjukkan adanya peningkatan koersivitas intrinsik, iHc dari 108 Oe untuk milling 30 menit menjadi 150 Oe setelah milling selama 600 menit. Paduan intermetalik Ni3Fe telah berhasil disintesis secara mekanik tanpa media toluena selama 30 jam dari serbuk Ni dan Fe dengan perbandingan 76 : 24. Pola difraksi sinar-X terhadap serbuk hasil milling menunjukkan fasa Ni3Fe telah terbentuk tanpa fasa kontaminan yang berasal dari vial ataupun bola. Semua proses milling yang dilakukan menggunakan vial dan bola terbuat dari low carbon stainless steel

    Note on the electromagnetic radius of proton

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    We have analyzed the proton form factor data by using a number of phenomenological parameterizations (models) and extracting the proton electric and magnetic radii. To this end we performed a global fit to all available form factor data, with the virtual photon momentum squared Q2Q^2 from 0.00020.0002 to nearly 10 GeV2^2 for electric form factor and from 0.0150.015 to 31 GeV2^2 for magnetic one. Special attention was given to the small structure shown by the form factor data near Q2=0.2Q^2 = 0.2 GeV2^2. It was found that different models yield different structures with different numbers of minimum at this kinematics. Since the slope of form factor in the limit of Q2→0Q^2\to 0 is influenced by this structure, the extracted proton radii are consequently different for different models. Our finding recommends that future experiments should focus on this kinematics instead of low Q2Q^2. Experimental data with accuracies comparable to those of the latest data at low Q2Q^2 would clearly help to clarify the effect of this structure on the proton charge radius. Interestingly, most of the extracted proton charge radii were found to be closer to the value obtained from the muonic hydrogen atom spectroscopy.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Modern Physics Letters

    Adsorption of Pb2+ and Ni2+ Ions by γ-Fe2o3/fe3o4 Nanoparticle

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    Adsorption of Pb2+ and Ni2+ heavy metal ion by precipitated γ-Fe2O3/Fe3O4 was carried out. The purpose of this study is to determine adsorption capacity of γ-Fe2O3/Fe3O4 nanoparticle on Pb2+ and Ni2+ heavy metal ions. The varied parameters are pH solution, adsorption time and concentration of Pb2+ and Ni2+ in feed solution. Adsorbed ions were analyzed by using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). The optimal condition is feed solution at pH 6.0 with adsorption time of 90 minutes to 120 minutes and feed solution concentration of 50 mg/L for Pb2+ and 25 mg/L for Ni2+ onto 50 mg adsorbent. The adsorption efficiency on optimum condition is 100% for Pb2+ and Ni2+ with adsorption capacity of 37.73585 mg/g and 18.51852 mg/g absorbent respectively

    Pengaruh Aditif Bi2o3 terhadap Struktur Mikro dan Sifat Magnet Barium Heksaferit

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    PENGARUH ADITIF Bi2O3 TERHADAP STRUKTUR MIKRO DAN SIFAT MAGNET BARIUM HEKSAFERIT. Barium Heksaferit (BaO.6Fe2O3) adalah salah satu bahan magnet permanen yang banyak digunakan di industri. Pengaruh aditif Bi2O3 terhadap barium heksaferit dari prekursor gel dan dimilling selama 10 jam dengan high-energy milling cenderung meningkatkan ukuran kristalit secara significant. Strukturmikro dan sifat magnetik barium heksaferit baik dengan maupun tanpa aditif Bi2O3 hasil sintering pada suhu 800ºC selama 4 jam relatif sama, mengingat suhu sinter masih di bawah suhu leleh Bi2O3. Peningkatan suhu sinter sampai 1000ºC untuk 4 jam dan 10 jam, menunjukkan peningkatan ukuran grain yang sangat besar untuk bahan dengan aditif Bi2O3 dibandingkan dengan bahan tanpa aditif yang diikuti dengan penurunan koersivitas intrinsik (Hci). Koersivitas intrinsik (Hci) barium heksaferit dengan aditif Bi2O3 turun menjadi 50 %, sedangkan tanpa aditif hanya 10% dibandingkan cuplikan hasil sinter pada suhu 800ºC selama 4 jam

    Implementasi Kebijakan Kependudukan (Studi Kasus Peraturan Daerah Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 Tentang Retribusi Penggantian Biaya Cetak Kartu Tanda Penduduk dan Akte Catatan Sipil Tahun 2013)

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    The final conclusion is that communication in implementing local regulations No. 02 of 2012 on Print Cost Recovery Levy Identity Card And Deeds Registry runs as expected where the communication goes smoothly to the public good it komunikasilangsung or indirect communication so many people who know about the existence of regulation of this area . Source - the resources to implement local regulations No. 02 of 2012 on Print Cost Recovery Levy Identity Card And Deeds Registry has been fulfilled because in addition to human resources , the government is also preparing dna supporting infrastructure facilities in the implementation of this regulation . Position or attitude in implementing local regulations No. 02 of 2012 on Print Cost Recovery Levy Identity Card And Deeds Registry is considered not run as expected because of the attitude of the apparatus that implements this rule is not everything can be accepted by society . Bureaucratic structures in implementing local regulations No. 02 of 2012 on Print Cost Recovery Levy Identity Card And Deeds Registry rated highly convoluted so many people are confused and feel fatigue in obtaining citizenship documents .Keywords : Implementation , Policy , e - KT

    Is Gamification a Magic Tool?: Illusion, Remedy, and Future Opportunities in Enhancing Learning Outcomes during and beyond the COVID-19

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    Gamification in education has been discussed with potential for further implementation at universities; however, practical suggestions concerning which key issues educators need to consider has far not been shared in academia. This study applied a qualitative approach using interview data with 24 students who participated in the business class with games as learning measures. It has found that most of them believed that gamification could be useful in reinforcing key themes and topics after having learnt them through traditional means: They appreciated the games as a supportive measure to ‘glue’ key knowledge to their learning. A significant drawback that they emphasised was that taking notes is not easy while they are involved in games, which made them unconfident and uncertain about the learning outcome. As a result, a conceptual framework for pedagogy stakeholders was proposed for further discussion of how to design a gamification-based curriculum effectively

    Relationship of bizygomatic and bigonial breadth with the suitability of surgical masks

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    Use of masks is mandatory to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Appropriate masks that match the face size is very important to avoid leakage. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between bizygomatic and bigonial breadth with the suitability of surgical masks. It was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design conducted at the Occupational Medicine Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta during March to April 2021. A total 132 employees of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti aged from 20 to 64 y.o. who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria participated in this study. No significantly difference in age (p=0.248) and body mass index (BMI) (p=0.226) was observed. However, there was a significantly difference in bizygomatic width (p=0.000) and bigonial width (p=0.001) between men and women. The use of appropriate surgical masks was observed in 89 respondents, but not suitable for 43 respondents. There was no significantly difference between BMI, bizygomatic width and bigonial width with the suitability of surgical masks. However, old age was significantly more appropriate for using surgical masks than young people. In conclusion, BMI, bizygomatic width, and bigonial width are not substantially different with the suitability of surgical masks. However, older age is more suitable for employing surgical masks than younger age

    Persepsi Diri Gaya Berpakaian secara Muslimah (Studi Deskriptif Mahasiswi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politk Universitas Riau)

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    Allah obligates for Islamic women to wearing muslim clothing for cover his private partswho is not mahram. Muslim clothing weared for closing her genitals in various activities. InIndonesia, muslim clothing has become a fashion trend because of manyused by artists, thataffect adolescents included in Pekanbaru, especially in the Faculty of Social and PoliticalSciences, University of Riau. Basically nospecific regulations that require student using muslimclothing in a campus and that make various self perceptions. This study aims to determine thefactors that influence the self perception and to know the process formation of self-perceptionamong student of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,University of Riau.This research used qualitative method research. Informants in this study were 12 femalestudents of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Riau that used muslimclothing and selected by using purposive sampling technique and accidental sampling. Data wascollected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniquesincluded at collection, data reduction, organizing data as well as the conclusion of the exposureand verification.These results indicate that the process of formation the perception created by the style ofdress of muslim student of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Riauthrough clothing size close the genitals, made of thick and loose, dark color, body movementsthat keep it from the male, always use muslim clothing in any activity, feel more protected fromthe hot sun, understand how the criteria of muslim dress according to religious teachings ofIslam, as well as have a favorable view of muslim clothing. And than their perception is alsoinfluenced by several factors, including changing attitudes for the better, the feeling of beingcomfortable and calm, has a back ground based of islam education, has many friends in sociallife, saving when use the money, the past experiences that triggerto use muslim clothing,have abest friend who likes to use muslim clothing, and was active in Islamic organizations.Keywords: communication, persepticion, clothing muslim, fashion styl
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