366 research outputs found

    Bose-Einstein condensation in strong-coupling quark color superconductor near flavor SU(3) limit

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    Near the flavor SU(3) limit, we propose an analytical description for color-flavor-locked-type Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) phase in the Nambu Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. The diquark behaviors in light-flavor and strange-flavor-involved channels and Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of bound diquark states are studied. When the attractive interaction between quarks is strong enough, a BCS-BEC crossover is predicted in the environment with color-flavor-locked pairing pattern. The resulting Bose-Einstein condensed phase is found to be an intergrade phase before the emergence of the previous-predicted BEC phase in two-flavor quark superconductor.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; 2nd versio

    Systematic Comparison of Constitutive Promoters and the Doxycycline-Inducible Promoter

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    Constitutive promoters are used routinely to drive ectopic gene expression. Here, we carried out a systematic comparison of eight commonly used constitutive promoters (SV40, CMV, UBC, EF1A, PGK and CAGG for mammalian systems, and COPIA and ACT5C for Drosophila systems). We also included in the comparison the TRE promoter, which can be activated by the rtTA transcriptional activator in a doxycycline-inducible manner. To make our findings representative, we conducted the comparison in a variety of cell types derived from several species. We found that these promoters vary considerably from one another in their strength. Most promoters have fairly consistent strengths across different cell types, but the CMV promoter can vary considerably from cell type to cell type. At maximal induction, the TRE promoter is comparable to a strong constitutive promoter. These results should facilitate more rational choices of promoters in ectopic gene expression studies

    Superconductivity in Fluorine-Arsenide Sr_{1-x}La_xFeAsF

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    Since the discovery of superconductivity\cite{1} at 26 K in oxy-pnictide LaFeAsO1−xFxLaFeAsO_{1-x}F_x, enormous interests have been stimulated in the fields of condensed matter physics and material sciences. Among the five different structures in this broad type of superconductors\cite{2,3,4,5,6}, the ZrCuSiAs structure has received special attention since the TcT_c has been quickly promoted to 55-56 K\cite{7,8,9,10,11} in fluorine doped oxy-pnictides REFeAsO (RE = rare earth elements). The superconductivity can also be induced by applying a high pressure to the undoped samples\cite{12,13}. The mechanism of superconductivity in the FeAs-based system remains unclear yet, but it turns out to be clear that any change to the structure or the building blocks will lead to a change of the superconducting transition temperatures. In this Letter, we report the fabrication of the new family of compounds, namely fluorine-arsenides DvFeAsF (Dv = divalent metals) with the ZrCuSiAs structure and with the new building block DvF instead of the REO (both the layers DvF and REO have the combined cation state of "+1"). The undoped parent phase has a Spin-Density-Wave like transition at about 173 K for SrFeAsF, 118 K for CaFeAsF and 153 K for EuFeAsF. By doping electrons into the system the resistivity anomaly associated with this SDW transition is suppressed and superconductivity appears at 32 K in the fluorine-arsenide Sr1−x_{1-x}Lax_xFeAsF (x = 0.4). Our discovery here initiates a new method to obtain superconductors in the FeAs-based system.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, typos added, references added, and one figure adde

    Joint profiling of DNA methylation and chromatin architecture in single cells.

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    We report a molecular assay, Methyl-HiC, that can simultaneously capture the chromosome conformation and DNA methylome in a cell. Methyl-HiC reveals coordinated DNA methylation status between distal genomic segments that are in spatial proximity in the nucleus, and delineates heterogeneity of both the chromatin architecture and DNA methylome in a mixed population. It enables simultaneous characterization of cell-type-specific chromatin organization and epigenome in complex tissues

    Manfaat Retribusi TPI Terhadap Pendapatan Nelayan Di PPN Pekalongan : Sebuah Tinjauan Kebijakan

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    Pekalongan Archipelagic Fishing Port is one of many ports which it has not executed appeal wipping out of fisheries retribution include fish auction fee. Objectives of this research are analysis implementation of auction fee policy and its benefit for fishermen income on Pekalongan Archipelagic Fishing Port. Methods that it used on this research were study case. This research used analysis of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results of this research explained that fish auction fee referred to Perda No 12 in 2009. Fish auction fee is allocated both routine and incidental every year. Each fishermen who landed fish felt receiving benefit, but it were not equal which they were pay. If fish auction fee is stopped, operation of fish auction will be depend on both local government budget and particular alocation fund from center government.Key word : benefit, income, fish auction fe

    The 4D Nucleome Project [preprint]

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    The spatial organization of the genome and its dynamics contribute to gene expression and cellular function in normal development as well as in disease. Although we are increasingly well equipped to determine a genome\u27s sequence and linear chromatin composition, studying the three-dimensional organization of the genome with high spatial and temporal resolution remains challenging. The 4D Nucleome Network aims to develop and apply approaches to map the structure and dynamics of the human and mouse genomes in space and time with the long term goal of gaining deeper mechanistic understanding of how the nucleus is organized. The project will develop and benchmark experimental and computational approaches for measuring genome conformation and nuclear organization, and investigate how these contribute to gene regulation and other genome functions. Further efforts will be directed at applying validated experimental approaches combined with biophysical modeling to generate integrated maps and quantitative models of spatial genome organization in different biological states, both in cell populations and in single cells
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