128 research outputs found

    Analisis.faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Pada Karyawan Tetap Dan Karyawan Kontrak (Studi Pada Karyawan Pizza Hut Kota Malang)

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    This research based on the importance,of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) for employees in an organization, because the organization will obtained many benefits if they have an employees with the high level of OCB. Therefore, the organization needs to know the things which can cause and or increase the OCB of employees. This.research aims to understand and analysis; 1) the components of the factors that influence the OCB; 2) the dominant factor that influence the OCB; 3) whether there are a differences in factors that influence the OCB between permanent employees and contract employees of Pizza Hut in Malang City. The result of factor.analysis shows that there are twenty two components which construct eight factors with seventy total items can influence the OCB. The dominant factor that influence the OCB is a trust in leadership factor. The result of Independent Samples T Test shows that there are no significant differences in factors that influence the OCB when viewed.from the factors of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee\u27s personality, motivation, leadership style, trust in leadership, and organizational culture factors. However, there is a significant.difference in factor that influence the OCB when viewed from the factor of employee\u27s morality

    Analisis Implementasi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (Studi Pada Departemen Human Capital PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance)

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    The objectives of this research are to identify and explain the implementation of people development management in PT. Surya Artha Nusantara Finance along with the performance of people development management of PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance today. The type of research that is used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The focus of research is divided into two parts, the first focus is about the implementation of people development in PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance (SANF). The second focus is to know the performance of people development in PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance today. The collection of data by the researcher is based on primary and secondary data. The results and issues evaluation which is undertaken from this research shows the implementation of people development SANF is in conformity with the Astra Human Capital Management (AHCM) consisting of Assessing Training Needs, Designing Training Program, Delivery Training, and Training Evaluation. The current performance of people development SANF is going through the stages of systematic and policies applied in the process of people development based on the company's needs for labor in the activities undertaken. Obstacles that occur during the people development a rise more dominant from the internal

    Penerapan Strategi Employer Branding dan Employee Value Proposition untuk Menciptakan Employee Engagement (Studi pada PT Bank Central Asia Tbk)

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    This research purpose is to understand more about form and implementation of newly developed strategy on Human Resource in getting a well competence employee candidates and maintain senior employer by building a positive working environment and employee-oriented excellent program. That new strategy called Employer Branding and Employee Value Proposition. This research is using a descriptive models with qualitative methods. The methods of collecting data are participated observation, structured interview, and documented. The interviewees are 5 employee representative, manager, and assistant manager of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk on M.H Thamrin Street no.1, Central Jakarta. Based on the research, PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk have a positive working environment, and support their employee to gain productivity. BCA also have some excellent program and employee-oriented policies. BCA, one of the biggest bank in Indonesia are aware about employer branding and form employee value proposition in getting and maintain their employee and lead the company to reach success on having a high levels employee engagement

    Effect of Glycerol on Physical Properties of Biofilms Gembili Starch (Dioscorea Esculenta) - Chitosan

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    In this present era, the demand of plastics as food packaging materials is increase rapidly. However, unfortunately the most of these products are non-environmentally friendly and non-biodegradable. Biofilm starch-chitosan is one of polymer that has been extensively studied for use as a biodegradable plastic. This study was conducted to determine the physical properties of biofilm that made from starch of Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta) and chitosan with glycerol plasticizer, with dope method. The results showed that biofilms obtained the biodegradability of 68%, water uptake ranging between 0.15 to 0.25, tensile strength ranging between 26.87 to 35.45 MPa and elongation ranging from 18.15 to 31.23%

    Effect of Glycerol on Physical Properties of Biofilms Gembili Starch (Dioscorea Esculenta) - Chitosan

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    In this present era, the demand of plastics as food packaging materials is increase rapidly. However, unfortunately the most of these products are non-environmentally friendly and non-biodegradable. Biofilm starch-chitosan is one of polymer that has been extensively studied for use as a biodegradable plastic. This study was conducted to determine the physical properties of biofilm that made from starch of Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta) and chitosan with glycerol plasticizer, with dope method. The results showed that biofilms obtained the biodegradability of 68%, water uptake ranging between 0.15 to 0.25, tensile strength ranging between 26.87 to 35.45 MPa and elongation ranging from 18.15 to 31.23%
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