104 research outputs found
Rasionalitas Like di Sosial Media Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Teras, Boyolali
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) alasan mengapa siswa SMAN 1 Teras melakukan like di sosial media; (2) bagaimana upaya siswa SMAN 1 Teras untuk mendapatkan like di sosial media; dan (3) bagaimana dampak like bagi siswa SMAN 1 Teras. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMAN 1 Teras, Boyolali. Sampel yang dipilih adalah siswa kelas XI dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis model interaktif. Dengan menggunakan teori tindakan rasional Max Weber yaitu tindakan rasional instrumental (mempertimbangkan alat dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai). Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut ini. Pertama, like di sosial media yang dilakukan oleh siswa SMAN 1 Teras disebabkan oleh adanya pemaknaan siswa terhadap like. Kedua,upaya yang dilakukan oleh siswa SMAN 1 Teras untuk mendapatkan like di sosial media terdiri dari upaya nyata (meminta langsung ke teman) dan upaya virtual (menggunakan hashtaq populer, dan melakukan like untuk mendapatkan like balasan). Ketiga, dampak like bagi siswa SMAN 1 Teras terdiri dari dampak nyata (mendapat masalah, dimusuhi teman, perasaan senang atau sedih akibat like) dan dampak virtual (tidak mendapat like, adanya relasi like for like)
Understanding the Core Ideas of Hermeneutics Figures
This article will talk about core ideas of hermeneutics figures bearing many concepts in the interpretation discipline. Those core ideas are crucial because the scope, postulation, and hypotheses are very comprehensive due to philosophical language making it hard work to understand them. The research methodology applied in this article is qualitative library research. Based on the analysis, it was found that Friederich Schleiermacher was the founding father of hermeneutics. His well-known theory is about intuitive interpretation or intuition-based interpretation. The other problem with this article is about highlighting the other figures’ contribution. Dilthey, Heidegger, Gadamer, Betti, and Hirsch have opposing ideas, albeit somehow identical in some senses, in regard to hermeneutics. Nevertheless, they had an enormously significant impact in hermeneutics. On the other hand, Ricoeur and Habermas impacted hermeneutics differently by introducing new concepts. Ricoeur popularized hermeneutic phenomenology while Habermas claimed the importance of dialogue in understanding a meaning that had three crucial aspects in this world: an objective, social, and subjective world.
Keywords: core ideas, hermeneutics figures, intuition-based interpretatio
Penggunaan Metode Electre (Elimination Et Choix Traduisant La Realite) Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menu Makanan Sehat
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnnya pemenuhan kebutuhan energi bagi setiap individu. Maka untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut diperlukan aplikasi yang dapat membantu individu dalam proses pemilihan menu makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat merekomendasikan paket menu makanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan energi. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini maka dirancang dan dibangun sistem pendukung keputusan menu makanan dengan menggunakan model waterfall atau air terjun. Berdasarkan landasan pengembangan aplikasi model waterfall maka penelitian diawali dengan analisis perencanaan sistem. Setelah melakukan analisis sistem dilanjutkan dengan mendesain sistem, dilanjutkan dengan pengkodean dan diakhiri dengan proses pengujian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sistem pendukung keputusan dapat merekomendasikan paket menu makanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan energi. Hal ini ditunjukan dari hasil pengujian blackbox, pengujian kelayakan aspek materi dengan skor presentase 75% atau dengan kriteria “Layak” dan pengujian kelayakan aspek perangkat lunak dengan skor presentase 77,5% atau dengan kriteria “sangat layak
Catalytic and Thermal Decarboxylation of Mg-Zn Basic Soap to Produce Drop-in Fuel in Diesel Boiling Ranges
Fatty acid deoxygenation is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon fuels such as green diesel, jet biofuel and biogasoline. In the present commercial method, deoxygenation is directly applied to vegetable oils through liquid phase hydrotreatment. This method is expensive because it consumes a large amount of hydrogen and requires severe operating conditions. The objective of this study was the production of a diesel-like hydrocarbon fuel that can be considered as drop-in replacement for petroleum-based diesel fuels, by catalytic thermal decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap. In particular, this study investigated the decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap at low temperature and pressure, without external supply of hydrogen. The Mg-Zn basic soap (9/1 mole ratio of Mg/Zn) was derived from palm stearin and decarboxylated at 350 °C and atmospheric pressure for 5 hours. The basic soap effectively decarboxylated, yielding a diesel-like hydrocarbon fuel with a liquid product yield of 62%-weight. The resulting hydrocarbon product is a complex mixture consisting of normal paraffins in the range of carbon chain length C8–C19, iso-paraffins and various olefin products
Water Condition of Tajwid Lake in the Langgam District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province
Tajwid Lake is an oxbow lakes that located in the Langgam District, Pelalawan Regency,Riau Province. The potency of the Tajwid Lake is currently under reviewed by the governmentof Pelalawan as it will be developed into a tourist destination. Water quality in the lake Tajwidmight be changed as a result of human activities conducted around the lake. A study aims toprovide basic information on water quality and determine the trophic status of the lake wasconducted in February 2016. There are three stations (Station 1, Station 2 and Station 3) and thewater was sampled from three depths, surface, middle and the bottom of the lake. The samplingswere conducted 3 times, once / week. The water quality parameters measured were depth,transparency, temperature, pH, free CO2-, DO, Nitrate and Phosphate concentration. Resultsshown that the depth of the lake was ranged from 6.3 to 12.3 m, transparency 51.3- 69 cm,temperature 27.7-30.3 °C, pH 5, dissolved oxygen 2.3-8.3 mg / L. Free carbon dioxide ranged4.9-13.9 mg / L, nitrate 0.02- 0.11 mg / L, phosphate from 0.02 to 0.1 mg /L. The Nitrate andphosphate concentrations indicate that the condition of the Tajwid Lake is between oligotrophicto mesotrophic
Rotated Rectangular Slots And Mirrored Inversed Cantor-sets On Ultrawideband Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna
Variants of antipodal Vivaldi antenna (AVA) design suitable for access point working on 0.5 – 6.0 GHz are proposed in this paper. The novel designs were produced by employing three novel techniques to conventional AVA: (i) rotated-slot pattern to shift down the frequency cutoff and enhancing bandwidth, (ii) curve design to miniaturize rotated-slot-inserted antipodal Vivaldi, and (iii) fractal-director (Cantor set) to increase the gain of antipodal Vivaldi. Using FR4 (relative permittivity of 4.4) with an overall dimension of 300 mm x 143 mm x 1.6 mm the antenna designs are able to work at a frequency of 0.472 GHz to higher than 6 GHz with a maximum gain of 11.9 dBi
Pengembangan Sistem Mobile Journal Berbasis Android untuk Referensi Belajar Mahasiswa di Lingkungan Fakultas Ekonomi Uny
Students have a variety of academic tasks in their study, such as scientific research. Students require a lot of resources in the execution of his duty as a reference. Developments in science and technology is very rapid. Almost everyone has a cell phone. The technology used in mobile phones becomes more advanced. Nowadays mobile phones have emerged and have a variety of operating system that could perform a variety of functions in addition to phone and texting. One of the operating system is the most rapidly growing is Android. Android has an advantage in terms of hardware and software that is open source. So everyone can develop aplication by their own.Based on the above facts the study develops an Android-based application called mobile learning journal as a student reference. Applications can operate online and offline. While online applications are used to locate the journal needed to be downloaded, then can be read offline anytime. The application development through the planning, design, programming, testing. Results of this program is the Android-based applications that can be downloaded and used by anyone. Through testing of various devices stated that Mobiju applications can run properly on all devices
Characteristics of Oxidative Storage Stability of Canola Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Stabilised with Antioxidants
The storage effects on the oxidation characteristics of fatty acid methyl ester of canola oil (CME) were investigated in this study.CME stabilised with two antioxidants, i.e.2,6-di-tert-bytyl-p-cresol (BHT) and 6,6-di-tert-butyl-2, 2'-methylendi-p-cresol (BPH), was stored at 20, 40 and 60°C.The oxidation stability data were measured by the Rancimat test method and it was found that both BHT and BPH addition increased the oxidation resistance of the CME. The results showed that when BPH or BHT was added at a concentration of 100 ppm, the oxidation induction period of the neat CME samples increased from 5.53 h to 6.93 hand 6.14 h, respectively. Comparing both antioxidants, BPH proved to be more effective in increasing the oxidation resistance when both antioxidants were added at the same concentration. Furthermore, the oxidation induction timedecreased linearly with the storage time. It was shown that the oxidation occurred rapidly in the first 8 weeks of storage. Later, a kinetic study was undertaken and first-order kinetics were applied to explain the oxidation characteristics of the CME added with antioxidants. This kinetic study focused on exploiting the activation energy values obtained from the Arrheniusequations. Also, the oxidation effects on other quality parameters, including acid value, peroxide value, kinematic viscosity, and water content, were examined
An active downlink photonic antenna
This paper presents an active photonic antenna concept whereby an interface circuit is introduced in order to integrate the antenna with the photodiode. The operating frequencies ranges are 1.8 to 3.5 GHz which support the GSM 1800, WLAN and WiMAX applications. The simulated and measured results of interface circuit and antenna are presented. Thus, the photonic antenna is developed by integrating photodiode, interface circuit, RF amplifier and printed antenna and fabricated on FR4 board. The experiment was setup and spectrums at desired frequencies were measured. Measurement results show that an active downlink photonic antenna (ADPha) is successfully developed
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