10,107 research outputs found

    Can the Services Sector Be an Engine of Economic Growth for the Philippines?

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    With the services sector outpacing the Philippines' manufacturing sector in terms of growth and contribution to the country's gross domestic product (GDP) for decades now, is it prudent, as some quarters propose, for the government to "abandon" the manufacturing sector and shift its policy in support of the services sector as the engine of economic growth for the Philippines? This Policy Notes emphatically says "no" and highlights the arguments against such policy shift.services sector, manufacturing sector, deindustrialization

    Children's computation of complex linguistic forms: a study of frequency and imageability effects.

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    This study investigates the storage vs. composition of inflected forms in typically-developing children. Children aged 8-12 were tested on the production of regular and irregular past-tense forms. Storage (vs. composition) was examined by probing for past-tense frequency effects and imageability effects--both of which are diagnostic tests for storage--while controlling for a number of confounding factors. We also examined sex as a factor. Irregular inflected forms, which must depend on stored representations, always showed evidence of storage (frequency and/or imageability effects), not only across all children, but also separately in both sexes. In contrast, for regular forms, which could be either stored or composed, only girls showed evidence of storage. This pattern is similar to that found in previously-acquired adult data from the same task, with the notable exception that development affects which factors influence the storage of regulars in females: imageability plays a larger role in girls, and frequency in women. Overall, the results suggest that irregular inflected forms are always stored (in children and adults, and in both sexes), whereas regulars can be either composed or stored, with their storage a function of various item- and subject-level factors

    Shedding of host autophagic proteins from the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane of Plasmodium berghei

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    The hepatic stage of the malaria parasite Plasmodium is accompanied by an autophagy-mediated host response directly targeting the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane (PVM) harbouring the parasite. Removal of the PVM-associated autophagic proteins such as ubiquitin, p62, and LC3 correlates with parasite survival. Yet, it is unclear how Plasmodium avoids the deleterious effects of selective autophagy. Here we show that parasites trap host autophagic factors in the tubovesicular network (TVN), an expansion of the PVM into the host cytoplasm. In proliferating parasites, PVM-associated LC3 becomes immediately redirected into the TVN, where it accumulates distally from the parasite's replicative centre. Finally, the host factors are shed as vesicles into the host cytoplasm. This strategy may enable the parasite to balance the benefits of the enhanced host catabolic activity with the risk of being eliminated by the cell's cytosolic immune defence