91 research outputs found

    Migratory Pathways and Connectivity in Asian Houbara Bustards: Evidence from 15 Years of Satellite Tracking

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    Information on migratory pathways and connectivity is essential to understanding population dynamics and structure of migrant species. Our manuscript uses a unique dataset, the fruit of 103 individual Asian houbara bustards captured on their breeding grounds in Central Asia over 15 years and equipped with satellite transmitters, to provide a better understanding of migratory pathways and connectivity; such information is critical to the implementation of biologically sound conservation measures in migrant species. At the scale of the distribution range we find substantial migratory connectivity, with a clear separation of migration pathways and wintering areas between western and eastern migrants. Within eastern migrants, we also describe a pattern of segregation on the wintering grounds. But at the local level connectivity is weak: birds breeding within the limits of our study areas were often found several hundreds of kilometres apart during winter. Although houbara wintering in Arabia are known to originate from Central Asia, out of all the birds captured and tracked here not one wintered on the Arabian Peninsula. This is very likely the result of decades of unregulated off-take and severe habitat degradation in this area. At a time when conservation measures are being implemented to safeguard the long-term future of this species, this study provides critical data on the spatial structuring of populations

    Female sexual preferences toward conspecific and hybrid male mating calls in two species of polygynous deer, Cervus elaphus and C. nippon

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    The behavioral processes at the basis of hybridization and introgression are understudied in terrestrial mammals. We use a unique model to test the role of sexual signals as a reproductive barrier to introgression by investigating behavioral responses to male sexual calls in estrous females of two naturally allopatric but reproductively compatible deer species, red deer and sika deer. Previous studies demonstrated asymmetries in acoustic species discrimination between these species: most but not all female red deer prefer conspecific over sika deer male calls while female sika deer exhibit no preference differences. Here, we extend this examination of acoustic species discrimination to the role of male sexual calls in introgression between parent species and hybrids. Using two-speaker playback experiments, we compared the preference responses of estrous female red and sika deer to male sexual calls from conspecifics versus red × sika hybrids. These playbacks simulate early secondary contact between previously allopatric species after hybridization has occurred. Based on previous conspecific versus heterospecific playbacks, we predicted that most female red deer would prefer conspecific calls while female sika deer would show no difference in their preference behaviors toward conspecific and hybrid calls. However, results show that previous asymmetries did not persist as neither species exhibited more preferences for conspecific over hybrid calls. Thus, vocal behavior is not likely to deter introgression between these species during the early stages of sympatry. On a wider scale, weak discrimination against hybrid sexual signals could substantially contribute to this important evolutionary process in mammals and other taxa

    Variability of Female Responses to Conspecific vs. Heterospecific Male Mating Calls in Polygynous Deer: An Open Door to Hybridization?

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    Males of all polygynous deer species (Cervinae) give conspicuous calls during the reproductive season. The extreme interspecific diversity that characterizes these vocalizations suggests that they play a strong role in species discrimination. However, interbreeding between several species of Cervinae indicates permeable interspecific reproductive barriers. This study examines the contribution of vocal behavior to female species discrimination and mating preferences in two closely related polygynous deer species known to hybridize in the wild after introductions. Specifically, we investigate the reaction of estrous female red deer (Cervus elaphus) to playbacks of red deer vs. sika deer (Cervus nippon) male mating calls, with the prediction that females will prefer conspecific calls. While on average female red deer preferred male red deer roars, two out of twenty females spent more time in close proximity to the speaker broadcasting male sika deer moans. We suggest that this absence of strict vocal preference for species-specific mating calls may contribute to the permeability of pre-zygotic reproductive barriers observed between these species. Our results also highlight the importance of examining inter-individual variation when studying the role of female preferences in species discrimination and intraspecific mate selection

    The Evolutionary Dynamics of the Lion Panthera leo Revealed by Host and Viral Population Genomics

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    The lion Panthera leo is one of the world's most charismatic carnivores and is one of Africa's key predators. Here, we used a large dataset from 357 lions comprehending 1.13 megabases of sequence data and genotypes from 22 microsatellite loci to characterize its recent evolutionary history. Patterns of molecular genetic variation in multiple maternal (mtDNA), paternal (Y-chromosome), and biparental nuclear (nDNA) genetic markers were compared with patterns of sequence and subtype variation of the lion feline immunodeficiency virus (FIVPle), a lentivirus analogous to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In spite of the ability of lions to disperse long distances, patterns of lion genetic diversity suggest substantial population subdivision (mtDNA ΦST = 0.92; nDNA FST = 0.18), and reduced gene flow, which, along with large differences in sero-prevalence of six distinct FIVPle subtypes among lion populations, refute the hypothesis that African lions consist of a single panmictic population. Our results suggest that extant lion populations derive from several Pleistocene refugia in East and Southern Africa (∼324,000–169,000 years ago), which expanded during the Late Pleistocene (∼100,000 years ago) into Central and North Africa and into Asia. During the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (∼14,000–7,000 years), another expansion occurred from southern refugia northwards towards East Africa, causing population interbreeding. In particular, lion and FIVPle variation affirms that the large, well-studied lion population occupying the greater Serengeti Ecosystem is derived from three distinct populations that admixed recently

    Die Stoffwechselwirkungen der Schilddrüsenhormone

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    Penentuan Harga Jual Smartphone Bekas Dengan Menerapkan Metode Logika Fuzzy Mamdani

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat cepat dalam bidang komunikasi mengakibatkan cepatnya bermunculan smartphone-smartphone baru dalam waktu dekat. Sehingga memicu meningkatnya tingkat pembelian smartphone baru, dan juga meningkatkan tingkat penjualan smartphone bekas. Dikarenakan mayoritas masyarakat akan menjual smartphone lamanya terlebih dahulu untuk kemudian beralih membeli smartphone yang lebih baru dengan spesifikasi yang lebih canggih. Hanya saja selama ini transaksi jual beli smartphone bekas yang dilakukan oleh toko sellular masih menggunakan cara manual dalam penentuan harga jualnya, yaitu berdasarkan perkiraan dimana hasilnya kurang akurat dan tidak sesuai dengan kondisi dari smartphone tersebut. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat menentukan harga jual smartphone bekas dengan akurat sesuai dengan kondisi smartphone tesebut dan juga sesuai dengan harga jual dipasaran. Dalam penelitian ini penentuan harga jualnya menggunakan metode logika fuzzy mamdani. Dengan adanya sistem penentuan harga jual tadi diharapkan dapat memudahkan pihak toko sellular dalam menentukan harga jual smartphone bekas dengan lebih akurat sesuai dengan kondisi dari smartphone yang akan dijual. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu berupa prototype yang dapat memproses masukan berupa kondisi fisik, fitur fungsional, minat pasar, dan harga beli baru dari smartphone menjadi keluaran berupa harga jual bekas smartphone bekas

    Nonconcordant evolutionary history of maternal and paternal lineages in Adriatic sturgeon.

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    Although analyses of intraspecific variability are an important prerequisite for species identification assays, only a few studies have focused on population genetics and historical biogeography of sturgeon species. Here we present the first study on genetic variability of the last remaining Adriatic sturgeon, Acipenser naccarii, derived from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Our mitochondrial DNA analyses arranged individuals into three distinguished mitochondrial DNA haplogroups (Po1, Po2 and Buna). Two haplogroups (Po1 and Buna) were correlated to geographical distribution, whereas the third (Po2) was not. It was, however, very closely related to one lineage of its Ponto-Caspian sister species, A. gueldenstaedtii. The distribution of nuclear markers (microsatellites and amplified fragment length polymorphism) was strongly correlated to geographical distribution. An assignment test based on nuclear data placed no specimen of A. naccarii to A. gueldenstaedtii and vice versa. Therefore, the presence of gueldenstaedtii -like haplotypes within the Po population is either the result of a postglacial introgression or an ancestral polymorphism and does not indicate a hybrid population. The most valuable tool for forensic species identification purposes is one diagnostic deletion separating all A. naccarii from A. gueldenstaedtii. As both A. naccarii populations are genetically differentiated, stocking of sturgeon from the Po River in Italy into waters of the Buna River would jeopardize the genetic differences between both populations and should thus be avoided
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