824 research outputs found

    Rocking motion induced charging of C60 on h-BN/Ni(111)

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    One monolayer of C60 on one monolayer of hexagonal boron nitride on nickel is investigated by photoemission. Between 150 and 250 K the work function decreases and the binding energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) increases by approx. 100 meV. In parallel, the occupancy of the, in the cold state almost empty, lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) changes by 0.4 electrons. This charge redistribution is triggered by onset of molecular rocking motion, i.e. by orientation dependent tunneling between the LUMO of C60 and the substrate. The magnitude of the charge transfer is large and cannot be explained within a single particle picture. It is proposed to involve electron-phonon coupling where C60- polaron formation leads to electron self-trapping.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Hidden Supersymmetry

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    Inspired by the concept of complementarity, we present a illustrative model for the weak interactions with unbroken gauge symmetry and unbroken supersymmetry. The observable particles are bound states of some more fundamental particles. Supersymmetry is broken at the macroscopic scale of the observable particles by a discrete symmetry but remains exact at the scale of the fundamental particle and is thus hidden. This provides a link between theories at very high energies and the observed particle physics. Supersymmetric particles are confined in usual matter.Comment: 9 page

    Lattice Regularization of the Chiral Schwinger Model

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    We analyze the chiral Schwinger model on an infinite lattice using the continuum definition of the fermion determinant and a linear interpolation of the lattice gauge fields. For non-compact and Wilson formulation of the gauge field action it is proven that the effective lattice model is Osterwalder-Schrader positive, which is a sufficient condition for the reconstruction of a physical Hilbert space from the model defined on a Euclidean lattice. For the non-compact model we furthermore establish the existence of critical points where the corresponding continuum theory can be reconstructed. We show that the continuum limit for the two-point functions of field strength and chiral densities can be controlled analytically. The article ends with some remarks on fermionic observables.Comment: 18 page

    Continuum Limit of 2D2D Spin Models with Continuous Symmetry and Conformal Quantum Field Theory

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    According to the standard classification of Conformal Quantum Field Theory (CQFT) in two dimensions, the massless continuum limit of the O(2)O(2) model at the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) transition point should be given by the massless free scalar field; in particular the Noether current of the model should be proportional to (the dual of) the gradient of the massless free scalar field, reflecting a symmetry enhanced from O(2)O(2) to O(2)Ă—O(2)O(2)\times O(2). More generally, the massless continuum limit of a spin model with a symmetry given by a Lie group GG should have an enhanced symmetry GĂ—GG\times G. We point out that the arguments leading to this conclusion contain two serious gaps: i) the possibility of `nontrivial local cohomology' and ii) the possibility that the current is an ultralocal field. For the 2D2D O(2)O(2) model we give analytic arguments which rule out the first possibility and use numerical methods to dispose of the second one. We conclude that the standard CQFT predictions appear to be borne out in the O(2)O(2) model, but give an example where they would fail. We also point out that all our arguments apply equally well to any GG symmetric spin model, provided it has a critical point at a finite temperature.Comment: 19 page

    The Electroweak Interactions as a Confinement Phenomenon

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    We consider a model for the electroweak interactions based on the assumption that physical particles are singlets under the gauge group SU(2). The concept of complementarity explains why the standard model works with such an extraordinary precision although the fermions and bosons of the model can be viewed as composite objects of some more fundamental fermions and bosons. We study the incorporation of QED in the model. Furthermore we consider possible deviations from the standard model at very high energies, e.g. excited states of the weak bosons.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Physics Letters

    Measuring use of household drinking water filters: field experiences from Ethiopia

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    In rural Ethiopia, household defluoridation filters have been distributed in an effort to reduce fluoride exposure through drinking and cooking water. Submersible dataloggers were used to measure stored water levels in household filters, and to calculate the frequency of filter filling, as well as the amount of water added to and withdrawn from filters. These quantitative estimates of filter use are compared against different measures of self-reported filter use. Tally counters were also investigated as an alternative to simple self-reported filter usage. Comparison to datalogger records shows that tally counters underreport the frequency of filter filling, while household reports of filling frequency matched rather closely. However, households report treating much larger volumes of water than were calculated from datalogger records. Datalogger records indicate consumption of approximately 12.5 litres per day per filter, or 2.0 litres per person per day, which is probably adequate for drinking but not for cooking

    Inequalities for trace anomalies, length of the RG flow, distance between the fixed points and irreversibility

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    I discuss several issues about the irreversibility of the RG flow and the trace anomalies c, a and a'. First I argue that in quantum field theory: i) the scheme-invariant area Delta(a') of the graph of the effective beta function between the fixed points defines the length of the RG flow; ii) the minimum of Delta(a') in the space of flows connecting the same UV and IR fixed points defines the (oriented) distance between the fixed points; iii) in even dimensions, the distance between the fixed points is equal to Delta(a)=a_UV-a_IR. In even dimensions, these statements imply the inequalities 0 =< Delta(a)=< Delta(a') and therefore the irreversibility of the RG flow. Another consequence is the inequality a =< c for free scalars and fermions (but not vectors), which can be checked explicitly. Secondly, I elaborate a more general axiomatic set-up where irreversibility is defined as the statement that there exist no pairs of non-trivial flows connecting interchanged UV and IR fixed points. The axioms, based on the notions of length of the flow, oriented distance between the fixed points and certain "oriented-triangle inequalities", imply the irreversibility of the RG flow without a global a function. I conjecture that the RG flow is irreversible also in odd dimensions (without a global a function). In support of this, I check the axioms of irreversibility in a class of d=3 theories where the RG flow is integrable at each order of the large N expansion.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures; expanded intro, improved presentation, references added - CQ

    Connes-Lott model building on the two-sphere

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    In this work we examine generalized Connes-Lott models on the two-sphere. The Hilbert space of the continuum spectral triple is taken as the space of sections of a twisted spinor bundle, allowing for nontrivial topological structure (magnetic monopoles). The finitely generated projective module over the full algebra is also taken as topologically non-trivial, which is possible over S2S^2. We also construct a real spectral triple enlarging this Hilbert space to include "particle" and "anti-particle" fields.Comment: 57 pages, LATE

    The Higgs Boson Might Not Couple To B Quarks

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    We discuss an alternative version of the electroweak standard model, in which only the heavy t quark, not the light fermions, couples to the Higgs boson with a strength given by the standard model. The Higgs particle decays dominantly into two gluons jets. The branching ratio for the 2 gamma decay is about 3.5%. The Higgs particle would be a narrow object (width about 60 KeV), and its mass might be consistent with the value given by typical estimates of radiative effects measured by the LEP experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Physics Letters
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