788 research outputs found

    Contrast Mechanisms for the Detection of Ferroelectric Domains with Scanning Force Microscopy

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    We present a full analysis of the contrast mechanisms for the detection of ferroelectric domains on all faces of bulk single crystals using scanning force microscopy exemplified on hexagonally poled lithium niobate. The domain contrast can be attributed to three different mechanisms: i) the thickness change of the sample due to an out-of-plane piezoelectric response (standard piezoresponse force microscopy), ii) the lateral displacement of the sample surface due to an in-plane piezoresponse, and iii) the electrostatic tip-sample interaction at the domain boundaries caused by surface charges on the crystallographic y- and z-faces. A careful analysis of the movement of the cantilever with respect to its orientation relative to the crystallographic axes of the sample allows a clear attribution of the observed domain contrast to the driving forces respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetodielectric coupling in Mn3O4

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    We have investigated the dielectric anomalies associated with spin ordering transitions in the tetragonal spinel Mn3_3O4_4, using thermodynamic, magnetic, and dielectric measurements. We find that two of the three magnetic ordering transitions in Mn3_3O4_4 lead to decreases in the temperature dependent dielectric constant at zero applied field. Applying a magnetic field to the polycrystalline sample leaves these two dielectric anomalies practically unchanged, but leads to an increase in the dielectric constant at the intermediate spin-ordering transition. We discuss possible origins for this magnetodielectric behavior in terms of spin-phonon coupling. Band structure calculations suggest that in its ferrimagnetic state, Mn3_3O4_4 corresponds to a semiconductor with no orbital degeneracy due to strong Jahn-Teller distortion.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Scaled free energies, power-law potentials, strain pseudospins and quasi-universality for first-order structural transitions

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    We consider ferroelastic first-order phase transitions with NOPN_{OP} order-parameter strains entering Landau free energies as invariant polynomials, that have NVN_V structural-variant Landau minima. The total free energy includes (seemingly innocuous) harmonic terms, in the n=6NOPn = 6 -N_{OP} {\it non}-order-parameter strains. Four 3D transitions are considered, tetragonal/orthorhombic, cubic/tetragonal, cubic/trigonal and cubic/orthorhombic unit-cell distortions, with respectively, NOP=1,2,3N_{OP} = 1, 2, 3 and 2; and NV=2,3,4N_V = 2, 3, 4 and 6. Five 2D transitions are also considered, as simpler examples. Following Barsch and Krumhansl, we scale the free energy to absorb most material-dependent elastic coefficients into an overall prefactor, by scaling in an overall elastic energy density; a dimensionless temperature variable; and the spontaneous-strain magnitude at transition λ<<1\lambda <<1. To leading order in λ\lambda the scaled Landau minima become material-independent, in a kind of 'quasi-universality'. The scaled minima in NOPN_{OP}-dimensional order-parameter space, fall at the centre and at the NVN_V corners, of a transition-specific polyhedron inscribed in a sphere, whose radius is unity at transition. The `polyhedra' for the four 3D transitions are respectively, a line, a triangle, a tetrahedron, and a hexagon. We minimize the nn terms harmonic in the non-order-parameter strains, by substituting solutions of the 'no dislocation' St Venant compatibility constraints, and explicitly obtain powerlaw anisotropic, order-parameter interactions, for all transitions. In a reduced discrete-variable description, the competing minima of the Landau free energies induce unit-magnitude pseudospin vectors, with NV+1N_V +1 values, pointing to the polyhedra corners and the (zero-value) center.Comment: submitted to PR

    D-region ion–neutral coupled chemistry (Sodankylä Ion Chemistry, SIC) within the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM 4) – WACCM-SIC and WACCM-rSIC

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    This study presents a new ion–neutral chemical model coupled into the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM). The ionospheric D-region (altitudes ∼  50–90 km) chemistry is based on the Sodankylä Ion Chemistry (SIC) model, a one-dimensional model containing 307 ion–neutral and ion recombination, 16 photodissociation and 7 photoionization reactions of neutral species, positive and negative ions, and electrons. The SIC mechanism was reduced using the simulation error minimization connectivity method (SEM-CM) to produce a reaction scheme of 181 ion–molecule reactions of 181 ion–molecule reactions of 27 positive and 18 negative ions. This scheme describes the concentration profiles at altitudes between 20 km and 120 km of a set of major neutral species (HNO3, O3, H2O2, NO, NO2, HO2, OH, N2O5) and ions (O2+, O4+, NO+, NO+(H2O), O2+(H2O), H+(H2O), H+(H2O)2, H+(H2O)3, H+(H2O)4, O3−, NO2−, O−, O2, OH−, O2−(H2O), O2−(H2O)2, O4−, CO3−, CO3−(H2O), CO4−, HCO3−, NO2−, NO3−, NO3−(H2O), NO3−(H2O)2, NO3−(HNO3), NO3−(HNO3)2, Cl−, ClO−), which agree with the full SIC mechanism within a 5 % tolerance. Four 3-D model simulations were then performed, using the impact of the January 2005 solar proton event (SPE) on D-region HOx and NOx chemistry as a test case of four different model versions: the standard WACCM (no negative ions and a very limited set of positive ions); WACCM-SIC (standard WACCM with the full SIC chemistry of positive and negative ions); WACCM-D (standard WACCM with a heuristic reduction of the SIC chemistry, recently used to examine HNO3 formation following an SPE); and WACCM-rSIC (standard WACCM with a reduction of SIC chemistry using the SEM-CM method). The standard WACCM misses the HNO3 enhancement during the SPE, while the full and reduced model versions predict significant NOx, HOx and HNO3 enhancements in the mesosphere during solar proton events. The SEM-CM reduction also identifies the important ion–molecule reactions that affect the partitioning of odd nitrogen (NOx), odd hydrogen (HOx) and O3 in the stratosphere and mesosphere

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in surfactant protein A1 are not associated with a lack of responsiveness to antenatal steroid therapy in a pregnant sheep model

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    Treatment with antenatal steroids (ANS) is standard practice for reducing the risk of respiratory distress in the preterm infant. Despite clear overall benefits when appropriately administered, many fetuses fail to derive benefit from ANS therapies. In standardized experiments using a pregnant sheep model, we have demonstrated that around 40% of ANS-exposed lambs did not have functional lung maturation significantly different from that of saline-treated controls. Surfactant protein A is known to play an important role in lung function. In this genotyping study, we investigated the potential correlation between polymorphisms in SFTPA1, messenger RNA and protein levels, and ventilation outcomes in animals treated with ANS. 45 preterm lambs were delivered 48 h after initial ANS therapy and 44 lambs were delivered 8 days after initial ANS therapy. The lambs were ventilated for 30 min after delivery. SFTPA1 mRNA expression in lung tissue was not correlated with arterial blood PaCO2 values at 30 min of ventilation in lambs delivered 48 h after treatment. SFTPA1 protein in lung tissue was significantly correlated with PaCO2 at 30 min of ventilation in lambs ventilated both 48 h and 8 days after ANS treatment. Six different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Ovis aries SFTPA1 sequence were detected by Sanger Sequencing. No individual SNPs or SNP haplotypes correlated with alterations in PaCO2 at 30 min of ventilation or SFTPA1 protein levels in the lung. For the subset of animals analyzed in the present study, variable lung maturation responses to ANS therapy were not associated with mutations in SFTPA1

    Late Holocene palynology and palaeovegetation of tephra-bearing mires at Papamoa and Waihi Beach, western Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand.

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    The vegetation history of two mires associated with Holocene dunes near the western Bay of Plenty coast, North Island, New Zealand, is deduced from pollen analysis of two cores. Correlation of airfall tephra layers in the peats, and radiocarbon dates, indicate that the mires at Papamoa and Waihi Beach are c. 4600 and c. 2900 conventional radiocarbon years old, respectively. Tephras used to constrain the chronology of the pollen record include Rotomahana (1886 AD), Kaharoa (700 yr B.P.), Taupo (Unit Y; 1850 yr B.P.), Whakaipo (Unit V; 2700 yr B.P.), Stent (Unit Q; 4000 yr B.P.), Hinemaiaia (Unit K; 4600 yr B.P.), and reworked Whakatane (c. 4800 yr B.P.) at Papamoa, and Kaharoa and Taupo at Waihi Beach. Peat accumulation rates at Papamoa from 4600 - 1850 yr B.P. range from 0.94 to 2.64 mm/yr (mean 1.37 mm/yr). At Waihi Beach, from 2900 yr B.P. - present day, they range from 0.11 to 0.21 mm/yr (mean 0.20 mm/yr). Peat accumulation at both sites was slowest from 1850 to 700 yr B.P., suggesting a drier overall climate during this interval. At both sites, the earliest organic sediments, which are underlain by marine or estuarine sands, yield pollen spectra indicating salt marsh or estuarine environments. Coastal vegetation communities declined at both sites, as sea level gradually fell or the coast prograded, and were eventually superseded by a low moor bog at Papamoa, and a mesotrophic swamp forest at Waihi Beach. These differences, and the marked variation in peat accumulation rates, probably reflect local hydrology and are unlikely to have been climatically controlled. The main regional vegetation during this period was mixed northern conifer-angiosperm forest. Kauri (Agathis australis) formed a minor component of these forests, but populations of this tree have apparently not expanded during the late Holocene at these sites, which are near its present southern limit. Occasional shortlived forest disturbances are detectable in these records, in particular immediately following the deposition of Taupo Tephra. However, evidence for forest clearance during the human era is blurred by the downward dislocation of modern adventi ve pollen at these sites, preventing the clear differentiation of the Polynesian and European eras

    Macrofossils and pollen representing forests of the pre-Taupo volcanic eruption (c. 1850 yr BP) era at Pureora and Benneydale, central North Island, New Zealand.

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    Micro- and macrofossil data from the remains of forests overwhelmed and buried at Pureora and Benneydale during the Taupo eruption (c. 1850 conventional radiocarbon yr BP) were compared. Classification of relative abundance data separated the techniques, rather than the locations, because the two primary clusters comprised pollen and litter/wood. This indicates that the pollen:litter/wood within-site comparisons (Pureora and Benneydale are 20 km apart) are not reliable. Plant macrofossils represented mainly local vegetation, while pollen assemblages represented a combination of local and regional vegetation. However, using ranked abundance and presence/absence data, both macrofossils and pollen at Pureora and Benneydale indicated conifer/broadleaved forest, of similar forest type and species composition at each site. This suggests that the forests destroyed by the eruption were typical of mid-altitude west Taupo forests, and that either data set (pollen or macrofossils) would have been adequate for regional forest interpretation. The representation of c. 1850 yr BP pollen from the known buried forest taxa was generally consistent with trends determined by modern comparisons between pollen and their source vegetation, but with a few exceptions. A pollen profile from between the Mamaku Tephra (c. 7250 yr BP) and the Taupo Ignimbrite indicated that the Benneydale forest had been markedly different in species dominance compared with the forest that was destroyed during the Taupo eruption. These differences probably reflect changes in drainage, and improvements in climate and/or soil fertility over the middle Holocene

    Impact of the tip radius on the lateral resolution in piezoresponse force microscopy

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    We present a quantitative investigation of the impact of tip radius as well as sample type and thickness on the lateral resolution in piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) investigating bulk single crystals. The observed linear dependence of the width of the domain wall on the tip radius as well as the independence of the lateral resolution on the specific crystal-type are validated by a simple theoretical model. Using a Ti-Pt-coated tip with a nominal radius of 15 nm the so far highest lateral resolution in bulk crystals of only 17 nm was obtained

    Stratigraphy and chronology of a 15ka sequence of multi-sourced silicic tephras in a montane peat bog, eastern North Island, New Zealand.

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    We document the stratigraphy, composition, and chronology of a succession of 16 distal, silicic tephra layers interbedded with lateglacial and Holocene peats and muds up to c. 15 000 radiocarbon years (c. 18 000 calendar years) old at a montane site (Kaipo Bog) in eastern North Island, New Zealand. Aged from 665 +/- 15 to 14 700 +/- 95 14C yr BP, the tephras are derived from six volcanic centres in North Island, three of which are rhyolitic (Okataina, Taupo, Maroa), one peralkaline (Tuhua), and two andesitic (Tongariro, Egmont). Correlations are based on multiple criteria: field properties and stratigraphic interrelationships, ferromagnesian silicate mineral assemblages, glass-shard major element composition (from electron microprobe analysis), and radiocarbon dating. We extend the known distribution of tephras in eastern North Island and provide compositional data that add to their potential usefulness as isochronous markers. The chronostratigraphic framework established for the Kaipo sequence, based on both site-specific and independently derived tephra-based radiocarbon ages, provides the basis for fine-resolution paleoenvironmental studies at a climatically sensitive terrestrial site from the mid latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Tephras identified as especially useful paleoenvironmental markers include Rerewhakaaitu and Waiohau (lateglacial), Konini (lateglacial-early Holocene), Tuhua (middle Holocene), and Taupo and Kaharoa (late Holocene)

    Simulation study for ground-based Ku-band microwave observations of ozone and hydroxyl in the polar middle atmosphere

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    The Ku-band microwave frequencies (10.70–14.25 GHz) overlap emissions from ozone (O3) at 11.072 GHz and hydroxyl radical (OH) at 13.441 GHz. These important chemical species in the polar middle atmosphere respond strongly to high-latitude geomagnetic activity associated with space weather. Atmospheric model calculations predict that energetic electron precipitation (EEP) driven by magnetospheric substorms produces large changes in polar mesospheric O3 and OH. The EEP typically peaks at geomagnetic latitudes of ∼65∘ and evolves rapidly with time longitudinally and over the geomagnetic latitude range 60–80∘. Previous atmospheric modelling studies have shown that during substorms OH abundance can increase by more than an order of magnitude at 64–84 km and mesospheric O3 losses can exceed 50 %. In this work, an atmospheric simulation and retrieval study has been performed to determine the requirements for passive microwave radiometers capable of measuring diurnal variations in O3 and OH profiles from high-latitude Northern Hemisphere and Antarctic locations to verify model predictions. We show that, for a 11.072 GHz radiometer making 6 h spectral measurements with 10 kHz frequency resolution and root-mean-square baseline noise of 1 mK, O3 could be profiled over 8×10−4–0.22 hPa (∼98–58 km) with 10–17 km height resolution and ∼1 ppmv uncertainty. For the equivalent 13.441 GHz measurements with vertical sensor polarisation, OH could be profiled over 3×10−3–0.29 hPa (∼90–56 km) with 10–17 km height resolution and ∼3 ppbv uncertainty. The proposed observations would be highly applicable to studies of EEP, atmospheric dynamics, planetary-scale circulation, chemical transport, and the representation of these processes in polar and global climate models. Such observations would provide a relatively low-cost alternative to increasingly sparse satellite measurements of the polar middle atmosphere, extending long-term data records and also providing “ground truth” calibration data