261 research outputs found

    Anomalous magnetotransport in (Y1x_{1-x}Gdx_{x})Co2_{2} alloys: interplay of disorder and itinerant metamagnetism

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    New mechanism of magnetoresistivity in itinerant metamagnets with a structural disorder is introduced basing on analysis of experimental results on magnetoresistivity, susceptibility, and magnetization of structurally disordered alloys (Y1x_{1-x}Gdx_{x})Co2_{2}. In this series, YCo2_{2} is an enhanced Pauli paramagnet, whereas GdCo2_{2} is a ferrimagnet (Tc_{\rm c}=400 K) with Gd sublattice coupled antiferromagnetically to the itinerant Co-3d electrons. The alloys are paramagnetic for x<0.12x < 0.12. Large positive magnetoresistivity has been observed in the alloys with magnetic ground state at temperatures T<<Tc_{\rm c}. We show that this unusual feature is linked to a combination of structural disorder and metamagnetic instability of itinerant Co-3d electrons. This new mechanism of the magnetoresistivity is common for a broad class of materials featuring a static magnetic disorder and itinerant metamagnetism.Comment: 7 pages 7 figure

    Signatures of non-gaussianity in the isocurvature modes of primordial black hole dark matter

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    Primordial black holes (PBHs) are black holes which may have formed very early on during the radiation dominated era in the early universe. We present here a method by which the large scale perturbations in the density of primordial black holes may be used to place tight constraints on non-gaussianity if PBHs account for dark matter (DM). The presence of local-type non-gaussianity is known to have a significant effect on the abundance of primordial black holes, and modal coupling from the observed CMB scale modes can significantly alter the number density of PBHs that form within different regions of the universe, which appear as DM isocurvature modes. Using the recent \emph{Planck} constraints on isocurvature perturbations, we show that PBHs are excluded as DM candidates for even very small local-type non-gaussianity, fNL0.001|f_{NL}|\approx0.001 and remarkably the constraint on gNLg_{NL} is almost as strong. Even small non-gaussianity is excluded if DM is composed of PBHs. If local non-Gaussianity is ever detected on CMB scales, the constraints on the fraction of the universe collapsing into PBHs (which are massive enough to have not yet evaporated) will become much tighter.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures. V2: minor corrections and changes, matches published versio

    Association between household solid fuel use and tuberculosis: cross-sectional data from the Mongolian national tuberculosis prevalence survey

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) and indoor air pollution (IAP) are equally critical public health issues in the developing world. Mongolia is experiencing the double burden of TB and IAP due to solid fuel combustion. However, no study has assessed the relationship between household solid fuel use and TB in Mongolia. The present study aimed to assess the association between household solid fuel use and TB based on data from the Mongolian National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey (MNTP Survey). METHOD: The MNTP Survey was a nationally representative population-based cross-sectional survey targeting households in Mongolia from 2014 to 2015, with the aim of evaluating the prevalence of TB. The survey adopted a multistage cluster sampling design in accordance with the World Health Organization prevalence survey guidelines. Clusters with at least 500 residents were selected by random sampling. A sample size of 98 clusters with 54,100 participants was estimated to be required for the survey, and 41,450 participants were included in the final analysis of the present study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information on environmental and individual factors related to TB. Physical examination, chest X-ray, and sputum examinations were also performed to diagnose TB. RESULTS: The use of solid fuels for heating (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1-2.1), male gender (aOR: 2.2; 95% CI: 1.6-3.2), divorced or widowed (aOR: 2.6; 95% CI: 1.7-3.8), daily smoker (aOR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.3-2.5), contact with an active TB case (aOR: 1.7; 95% CI: 1.2-2.3), being underweight (aOR: 3.7; 95% CI: 2.4-5.7), and previous history of TB (aOR: 4.3; 95% CI: 3.0-6.1) were significantly associated with bacteriologically confirmed TB after adjusting for confounding variables. CONCLUSION: The use of solid fuels for heating was significantly associated with active TB in Mongolian adults. Increased public awareness is needed on the use of household solid fuels, a source of IAP

    Calculating the mass fraction of primordial black holes

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    We reinspect the calculation for the mass fraction of primordial black holes (PBHs) which are formed from primordial perturbations, finding that performing the calculation using the comoving curvature perturbation c in the standard way vastly overestimates the number of PBHs, by many orders of magnitude. This is because PBHs form shortly after horizon entry, meaning modes significantly larger than the PBH are unobservable and should not affect whether a PBH forms or not - this important effect is not taken into account by smoothing the distribution in the standard fashion. We discuss alternative methods and argue that the density contrast, Δ, should be used instead as super-horizon modes are damped by a factor k2. We make a comparison between using a Press-Schechter approach and peaks theory, finding that the two are in close agreement in the region of interest. We also investigate the effect of varying the spectral index, and the running of the spectral index, on the abundance of primordial black holes

    Influence of large local and non-local bispectra on primordial black hole abundance

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    Primordial black holes represent a unique probe to constrain the early universe on small scales - providing the only constraints on the primordial power spectrum on the majority of scales. However, these constraints are strongly dependent on even small amounts of non-Gaussianity, which is unconstrained on scales significantly smaller than those visible in the CMB. This paper goes beyond previous considerations to consider the effects of a bispectrum of the equilateral, orthogonal and local shapes with arbitrary magnitude upon the abundance of primordial black holes. Non-Gaussian density maps of the early universe are generated from a given bispectrum and used to place constraints on the small scale power spectrum. When small, we show that the skewness provides an accurate estimate for how the constraint depends on non-Gaussianity, independently of the shape of the bispectrum. We show that the orthogonal template of non-Gaussianity has an order of magnitude weaker effect on the constraints than the local and equilateral templates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, updated to match published version in JCAP02(2016)029, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Volume 2016, February 201

    Weak itinerant ferromagnetism in Heusler type Fe2VAl0.95

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    We report measurements of the magnetic, transport and thermal properties of the Heusler type compound Fe2VAl0.95. We show that while stoichiometric Fe2VAl is a non-magnetic semi-metal a 5% substitution on the Al-site with the 3d elements Fe and V atoms leads to a ferromagnetic ground state with a Curie temperature TC = 33+-3 K and a small ordered moment ms = 0.12 mB/Fe in Fe2VAl0.95. The reduced value of the ratio ms/mp = 0.08, where mp = 1.4 mB/Fe is the effective Curie-Weiss moment, together with the analysis of the magnetization data M(H,T), show magnetism is of itinerant nature. The specific heat shows an unusual temperature variation at low temperatures with an enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient, g = 12 mJK-2mol-1. The resistivity, r(T), is metallic and follows a power law behavior r(T) = r0+AT^n with n = 1.5 below TC. With applying pressure, TC decreases with the rate of (1/TC)(dTC /dP) = -0.061 GPa-1. We conclude substitution on the Al-site with Fe and V atoms results in itinerant ferromagnetism with a low carrier density.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Anomalous resistivity and thermopower of the spinel-type compounds CuIr2S4 and CuIr2Se4

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    Resistivity (ρ) and thermopower (S) of spinel-type compounds CuIr2S4 and CuIr2Se4 have been measured at temperatures from 2 to 900 K under magnetic field from 0 to 15 T. The thermopower is positive in the metallic phase of both compounds at high temperatures, as well as in the low-temperature insulating state of CuIr2S4. The positive thermopower of the insulating phase implies p-type charge carriers, in agreement with the recent photoemission results. The low-temperature resistivity of CuIr2S4 is in good agreement with the Efros-Shklovskii variable-range hopping conductivity mechanism: ρ=ρ0exp[(T*/T)1/2]. The most striking result is that the resistivity of the metallic phases is well described by an exponential-type temperature dependence in a wide temperature range from 2 K to at least 900 K. This unusual result for metals type of the resistivity temperature dependence, as well as other features in the transport properties, imply a nonconventional conductivity mechanism. The magnetoresistivity Δρ is positive and proportional to H2, while magnetothermopower ΔS=S(H,T)-S(0,T) is very small for both compounds at all temperature