18,063 research outputs found

    Studying Strange Meson Production with FOPI

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    The production of mesons containing strangeness is studied using elementary and heavy-ion probes with the FOPI detector at GSI-SIS. The observed inclusive cross section of neutral kaons points to an in-medium modification in the production. The momentum dependent ratio of cross sections of light and heavy target nuclei turns out to be a sensitive observable for the in-medium potential strength in transport codes. The experiments will continue studying the production of charged kaons with elementary probes including the search for deeply bound antikaon nuclear clusters in proton proton collisions.Comment: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction (MESON2008), Krak\'{o}w, Polan

    On Which Length Scales Can Temperature Exist in Quantum Systems?

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    We consider a regular chain of elementary quantum systems with nearest neighbor interactions and assume that the total system is in a canonical state with temperature TT. We analyze under what condition the state factors into a product of canonical density matrices with respect to groups of nn subsystems each, and when these groups have the same temperature TT. While in classical mechanics the validity of this procedure only depends on the size of the groups nn, in quantum mechanics the minimum group size nminn_{\text{min}} also depends on the temperature TT ! As examples, we apply our analysis to different types of Heisenberg spin chains.Comment: To appear in: Proceedings of the SPQS conference, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) Supp

    Deformed black strings in 5-dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We construct the first examples of deformed non-abelian black strings in a 5-dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills model. Assuming all fields to be independent of the extra coordinate, we construct deformed black strings, which in the 4-dimensional picture correspond to axially symmetric non-abelian black holes in gravity-dilaton theory. These solutions thus have deformed S^2 x R horizon topology. We study fundamental properties of the black strings and find that for all choices of the gravitational coupling two branches of solutions exist. The limiting behaviour of the second branch of solutions however depends strongly on the choice of the gravitational coupling.Comment: 8 Revtex pages; 4 eps figures; references adde

    A BeppoSAX observation of the super-soft source CAL87

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    We report on a BeppoSAX Concentrator Spectrometer observation of the super-soft source (SSS) CAL87. The X-ray emission in SSS is believed to arise from nuclear burning of accreted material on the surface of a white dwarf (WD). An absorbed blackbody spectral model gives a chi^2_v of 1.18 and a temperature of 42 +/- ^13 _11 eV. However, the derived luminosity and radius are greater than the Eddington limit and radius of a WD. Including an O viii edge at 0.871 keV gives a significantly better fit (at > 95% confidence) and results in more realistic values of the source luminosity and radius. We also fit WD atmosphere models to the CAL87 spectrum. These also give reasonable bolometric luminosities and radii in the ranges 2.7-4.8 10^{36} erg/s and 8-20 10^7 cm, respectively. These results support the view that the X-ray emission from CAL87 results from nuclear burning in the atmosphere of a WD.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for publication in A&A (Letters

    Accretion Disks Around Young Objects. III. Grain Growth

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    We present detailed models of irradiated T Tauri disks including dust grain growth with power-law size distributions. The models assume complete mixing between dust and gas and solve for the vertical disk structure self-consistentlyincluding the heating effects of stellar irradiation as well as local viscous heating. For a given total dust mass, grain growth is found to decrease the vertical height of the surface where the optical depth to the stellar radiation becomes unit and thus the local irradiation heating, while increasing the disk emission at mm and sub-mm wavelengths. The resulting disk models are less geometrically thick than our previous models assuming interstellar medium dust, and agree better with observed spectral energy distributions and images of edge-on disks, like HK Tau/c and HH 30. The implications of models with grain growth for determining disk masses from long-wavelength emission are considered.Comment: 29 pages, including 11 figures and 1 table, APJ accepte

    Multicritical Points and Crossover Mediating the Strong Violation of Universality: Wang-Landau Determinations in the Random-Bond d=2d=2 Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the phase diagram and critical behavior of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model are discussed. The system is studied in both the pure and disordered versions by the same efficient two-stage Wang-Landau method for many values of the crystal field, restricted here in the second-order phase transition regime of the pure model. For the random-bond version several disorder strengths are considered. We present phase diagram points of both pure and random versions and for a particular disorder strength we locate the emergence of the enhancement of ferromagnetic order observed in an earlier study in the ex-first-order regime. The critical properties of the pure model are contrasted and compared to those of the random model. Accepting, for the weak random version, the assumption of the double logarithmic scenario for the specific heat we attempt to estimate the range of universality between the pure and random-bond models. The behavior of the strong disorder regime is also discussed and a rather complex and yet not fully understood behavior is observed. It is pointed out that this complexity is related to the ground-state structure of the random-bond version.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Lower Critical Dimension of Ising Spin Glasses

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    Exact ground states of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses with Gaussian and bimodal (+- J) distributions of the disorder are calculated using a ``matching'' algorithm, which allows large system sizes of up to N=480^2 spins to be investigated. We study domain walls induced by two rather different types of boundary-condition changes, and, in each case, analyze the system-size dependence of an appropriately defined ``defect energy'', which we denote by DE. For Gaussian disorder, we find a power-law behavior DE ~ L^\theta, with \theta=-0.266(2) and \theta=-0.282(2) for the two types of boundary condition changes. These results are in reasonable agreement with each other, allowing for small systematic effects. They also agree well with earlier work on smaller sizes. The negative value indicates that two dimensions is below the lower critical dimension d_c. For the +-J model, we obtain a different result, namely the domain-wall energy saturates at a nonzero value for L\to \infty, so \theta = 0, indicating that the lower critical dimension for the +-J model exactly d_c=2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, revte

    Estimation of corrosion resistance of curing mixtures based on coal-bearing rocks from Western Donbass

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    Purpose. Substantiation of possible use of coal-bearing rocks as a replacement for a part of the filler in the preparation of shotcrete for lining of mine workings in the conditions of mineralized mine water. Methods. The research is based on carrying out corrosion testing of concrete specimens by dipping them into mine water. Chemical analysis of mine waters composition has been completed. A scanning microscope was used to study the state of concrete specimens microstructure. Findings. A comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate of the cement rock resistance to mineralized water, depending on the composition of the starting components for the grouting and shotcrete mixtures is carried out. The change in the chemical composition of mine water after soaking concrete specimens in it is defined. Photographs of concrete specimens microstructure after soaking in ordinary and mineralized water for 6 and 8 months are shown. Originality. Curing mixtures based on coal-bearing rocks from Western Donbass are mineralized water resistant and can act as a quality protection from aggressive water filtrationdue to the properties of rocks used as a filler. Practical implications. The results can be used for the rational choice of the composition of the concrete mixture with the replacement of filler part with mine rock. That will enhance the long-term stability of the mine working lined by these compositions.Мета. Обґрунтування можливості використання вуглевміщуючих порід у якості заміни частини заповнювача в процесі приготування бетону для кріплення гірничих виробок в умовах мінералізованих шахтних вод. Методика. Робота базується на проведенні корозійних випробувань бетонних зразків шляхом занурення їх у шахтну воду. Виконано хімічний аналіз складу шахтних вод. Використаний растровий мікроскоп для дослідження стану мікроструктури бетонних зразків. Результати. Виконано порівняльний аналіз оцінки стійкості цементного каменю до впливу мінералізованої води залежно від складу вихідних компонентів для тампонажних, торкрет-бетонних і набризкбетонних сумішей. Визначено зміну хімічного складу шахтної води після витримки у ній бетонних зразків. Наведено фотографії мікроструктури бетонних зразків після витримки у нормальних умовах та мінералізованої води протягом 6 і 8 місяців. Наукова новизна. Твердіючі суміші на основі вуглевміщуючих порід Західного Донбасу достатньо стійкі до впливу мінералізованих вод та є якісною протифільтраційною завісою завдяки властивостям порід, використаних у якості заповнювача. Практична значимість. Отримані результати можуть бути використані для раціонального підбору складу бетонної суміші із заміною частини заповнювача шахтної породою, що дозволить підвищити тривалу стійкість гірничої виробки, закріпленої з використанням даних складів.Цель. Обоснование возможности использование углевмещающих пород в качестве замены части заполнителя в процессе приготовления бетона для крепления горных выработок в условиях минерализованных шахтных вод. Методика. Работа базируется на проведении коррозионных испытаний бетонных образцов путем погружения их в шахтную воду. Выполнен химический анализ состава шахтных вод. Использован растровый микроскоп для исследования состояния микроструктуры бетонных образцов. Результаты. Выполнен сравнительный анализ оценки устойчивости цементного камня к воздействию минерализованной воды в зависимости от состава исходных компонентов для тампонажных, торкрет-бетонных и набрызгбетонных смесей. Определено изменение химического состава шахтной воды после выдержки в ней бетонных образцов. Представлены фотографии микроструктуры бетонных образцов после выдержки в нормальных условиях и минерализованной воде в течение 6 и 8 месяцев. Научная новизна. Твердеющие смеси на основе углевмещающих пород Западного Донбасса устойчивы к влиянию минерализованных вод и являются качественной противофильтрационной завесой благодаря свойствам пород, использованных в качестве заполнителя. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для рационального подбора состава бетонной смеси с заменой части заполнителя шахтной породой, что позволит повысить длительную устойчивость горной выработки, закрепленной с использованием данных составов.The authors express their gratitude to the administration of the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics of the National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine), represented by O. Shashenko and A. Solodiankin, as well as to all those who helped in carrying out works related to preparation of this paper