654 research outputs found

    Broadband suppression of phase-noise with cascaded phase-locked-loops for the generation of frequency ramps

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    The generation of analogue frequency ramps with non-fractional phase-locked-loops (PLL) is a cost effective way of linearising varactor controlled oscillators (VCO). In case that the VCO shows a high phase-noise level, a single non-fractional PLL is not able to suppress the phase-noise of the VCO sufficiently. The reason for this is the limited loopbandwidth of the PLL. In the field of precise measurements a high phase-noise level is mostly not tolerable. Examples of VCO-types with an extremely high phase noise level are integrated millimetre wave oscillators based on GaAs-HEMT technology. Both, a low quality factor of the resonator and a high flicker-noise corner frequency of the transistors are the main reason for the poor phase-noise behaviour. On the other hand this oscillator type allows a cost effective implementation of a millimetre-wave VCO. Therefore, a cascaded two-loop structure is presented that is able to linearise a VCO and additionally to reduce its phase-noise significantly

    Generation of short electrical pulses based on bipolar transistorsny

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    A system for the generation of short electrical pulses based on the minority carrier charge storage and the step recovery effect of bipolar transistors is presented.</p><p style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;> Electrical pulses of about 90 ps up to 800 ps duration are generated with a maximum amplitude of approximately 7V at 50Ω. The bipolar transistor is driven into saturation and the base-collector and base-emitter junctions become forward biased. The resulting fast switch-off edge of the transistor’s output signal is the basis for the pulse generation. The fast switching of the transistor occurs as a result of the minority carriers that have been injected and stored across the base-collector junction under forward bias conditions. If the saturated transistor is suddenly reverse biased the pn-junction will appear as a low impedance until the stored charge is depleted. Then the impedance will suddenly increase to its normal high value and the flow of current through the junction will turn to zero, abruptly.<p style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;> A differentiation of the output signal of the transistor results in two short pulses with opposite polarities. The differentiating circuit is implemented by a transmission line network, which mainly acts as a high pass filter.<p style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;> Both the transistor technology (pnp or npn) and the phase of the transfer function of the differentating circuit influence the polarity of the output pulses. The pulse duration depends on the transistor parameters as well as on the transfer function of the pulse shaping network.<p style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;> This way of generating short electrical pulses is a new alternative for conventional comb generators based on steprecovery diodes (SRD). Due to the three-terminal structure of the transistor the isolation problem between the input and the output signal of the transistor network is drastically simplified. Furthermore the transistor is an active element in contrast to a SRD, so that its current gain can be used to minimize the power of the driving signal

    Considerations on radar localization in multi-target environments

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    In a multitude of applications like e.g. in automotive radar systems a localization of multiple passive targets in the observed area is necessary. This contribution presents a robust approach based on trilateration to detect point scatterers in a two-dimensional plane using the reflection and transmission information of only two antennas. The proposed algorithm can identify and remove ambiguities in target detection which unavoidably occur in certain target constellations in such a two-antenna configuration

    Compact mode-matched excitation structures for radar distance measurements in overmoded circular waveguides

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    This contribution deals with guided radar level measurements of liquid materials in large metal tubes, socalled stilling wells, bypass or still pipes. In the RF domain these tubes function as overmoded circular waveguides and mode-matched excitation structures like waveguide tapers are needed to avoid higher order waveguide modes. Especially for high-precision radar measurements the multimode propagation effects need to be minimized to achieve submillimeter accuracy. Therefore, a still pipe simulator is introduced with the purpose to fundamentally analyze the modal effects. Furthermore, a generalized design criterion is derived for the spurious mode suppression of compact circular waveguide transitions under the constraint of specified accuracy levels. According to the obtained results, a promising waveguide taper concept will finally be presented. © Author(s) 2008

    Marginal/peripheral populations of forest tree species and their conservation status: report for Atlantic region

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    This report is a synthesis of information from the national reports, prepared as part of the COST Action FP1202 Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation of marginal/peripheral populations of forest trees to climate change in Europe (MaPFGR). The individual national reports can be found as part of the supplemental data to the COST action. The data compiled in this report indicate that the Atlantic area has sufficient resources in terms of knowledge and capacity to assess the potential impact of climate change on marginal and peripheral (MaP) sites within the area. Maps of vegetation, soil, climate and climatic predictions are publicly available for most countries and often are of high quality and resolution. These can be utilized to help identify MaP sites and populations in the Atlantic area. In addition, some species have been characterized genetically and the genetic data can also be utilized to identify and characterize sites. However, genetic data is not universally available and in particular may be absent for peripheral sites. There are many data sources for phenotypic traits, such as data from provenance trials but these have not been assessed for MaP populations. There may not be sufficient legislative capacity for the conservation of MaP populations in comparison to, for example, annex habitats of the EU Habitats Directive. Although some of the MaP sites lie within Natura 2000 boundaries, many are not in protected areas. If MaP populations are not characterized and conserved there is a risk of losing traits that may be of potential in adaptation to climate change. A detailed spatial analysis incorporating all of the data is needed to give a comprehensive assessment of the potential threats to MaP populations in this area

    Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions from Full Lattice QCD

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    We present a comprehensive study of the lowest moments of nucleon generalized parton distributions in N_f=2+1 lattice QCD using domain wall valence quarks and improved staggered sea quarks. Our investigation includes helicity dependent and independent generalized parton distributions for pion masses as low as 350 MeV and volumes as large as (3.5 fm)^3, for a lattice spacing of 0.124 fm. We use perturbative renormalization at one-loop level with an improvement based on the non-perturbative renormalization factor for the axial vector current, and only connected diagrams are included in the isosinglet channel.Comment: 40 pages, 49 figures; Revised chiral extrapolations in sections A-K, main conclusions unchange

    Chiral extrapolation of g_A with explicit Delta(1232) degrees of freedom

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    An updated and extended analysis of the quark mass dependence of the nucleon's axial vector coupling constant g_A is presented in comparison with state-of-the-art lattice QCD results. Special emphasis is placed on the role of the Delta(1232) isobar. It is pointed out that standard chiral perturbation theory of the pion-nucleon system at order p^4 fails to provide an interpolation between the lattice data and the physical point. In constrast, a version of chiral effective field theory with explicit inclusion of the Delta(1232) proves to be successful. Detailed error analysis and convergence tests are performed. Integrating out the Delta(1232) as an explicit degree of freedom introduces uncontrolled errors for pion masses m_pi >~ 300 MeV.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables; v2: minor change

    Modelling of the Mechanical Behaviour of Ultra-Fine Grained Titanium Alloys at High Strain Rates

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    Results of numerical simulations of the mechanical behaviour of coarse grained and UFG titanium alloys under quasi-static uniaxial compression and plane shock wave loading are presented in this paper. Constitutive equations predict the strain hardening behaviour, the strain rate sensitivity of the flow stress and the temperature softening of titanium alloys with a range of grain sizes from 20 µm to 100 nm. Characteristics of the mechanical behaviour of UFG a and a+ß titanium alloys in wide range of strain rates are discussed

    The Mechanical Behaviour of Ultra Fine Grained Titanium Alloys at High Strain Rates

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    Within this study the mechanical behaviour of ultra-fine grained Ti-6-22-22S titanium alloy was investigated and compared to coarse grained material. By severe plastic deformation using the cyclic channel die compression process, grain sizes between 300 and 500 nm were obtained. The mechanical behaviour was studied over a wide range of strain rates from 10^(-3) - 107 s^(-1) under compressive loading using different experimental techniques. A significant increase of flow stress with decreasing grain size compared to the coarse grain state was found. An evaluation of the strain hardening behaviour of the UFG material shows a significant increase of the strain hardening coefficient at high strain rates for low plastic deformation. The strain rate sensitivity of the material is found to be constant within a range of strain rates from 10^(-3) to 106 s^(-1) but increases at higher plastic strains. However, compressive deformability is nearly constant up to 102 s-1 and decreased disproportionately at higher rates of strain. With decreasing grain size a significant decrease of compressive deformability was found. The strength at failure is increased with increasing strain rate
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