854 research outputs found

    The Effect of Congressional Committee Assignments on National Park Annual Operating Budget Appropriations

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    Yearly funding for individual national parks is overseen and determined by the House Appropriations and Natural Resources Committees. This process has resulted in the National Park Service being underfunded and facing a $12 billion maintenance backlog. Congress has passed temporary funding to help reduce this backlog but has not indicated a shift in how funding decisions are made to prevent future shortfalls. This thesis uses statistical analysis to explore how individual members of Congress are impacting funding for national Parks in their states or districts. Often congressional committee’s act on personal incentives to make funding decisions rather than basing their decisions on recommendations by experts. These results have significant implications for the future of national park funding and the role of committees in Congress

    Global gaps in trait data for terrestrial vertebrates

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    AIM: Trait data are increasingly being used in studies investigating the impacts of global changes on the structure and functioning of ecological communities. Despite a growing number of trait data collations for terrestrial vertebrates, there is to date no global assessment of the gaps and biases the data present. Here, we assess whether terrestrial vertebrate trait data are taxonomically, spatially and phylogenetically biased. LOCATION: Global. TIME PERIOD: Present. MAJOR TAXA STUDIED: Terrestrial vertebrates. METHODS: We compile seven ecological traits and quantify coverage as the proportion of species for which an estimate is available. For a species, we define completeness as the proportion of non‐missing values across traits. We assess whether coverage and completeness differ across classes and examine phylogenetic biases in trait data. To investigate spatial biases, we test whether wider‐ranging species have more complete trait data than narrow‐ranging species. Additionally, we test whether species‐rich regions, which are of most concern for conservation, are less well sampled than species‐poor regions. RESULTS: Mammals and birds are well sampled even in species‐rich regions. For reptiles and amphibians (herptiles), only body size presents a high coverage (>80%), in addition to habitat‐related variables (amphibians). Herptiles are poorly sampled for other traits. The shortfalls are particularly acute in some species‐rich regions and for certain clades. Across all classes, geographically rarer species have less complete trait information. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Trait information is less available on average in some of the most diverse areas and in geographically rarer species, both of which crucial for biodiversity conservation. Gaps in trait data might impede our ability to conduct large‐scale analyses, whereas biases can impact the validity of extrapolations. A short‐term solution to the problem is to estimate missing trait data using imputation techniques, whereas a longer‐term and more robust filling of existing gaps requires continued data‐collection efforts

    UV solar irradiance in observations and the NRLSSI and SATIRE-S models

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    Total solar irradiance and UV spectral solar irradiance have been monitored since 1978 through a succession of space missions. This is accompanied by the development of models aimed at replicating solar irradiance by relating the variability to solar magnetic activity. The NRLSSI and SATIRE-S models provide the most comprehensive reconstructions of total and spectral solar irradiance over the period of satellite observation currently available. There is persistent controversy between the various measurements and models in terms of the wavelength dependence of the variation over the solar cycle, with repercussions on our understanding of the influence of UV solar irradiance variability on the stratosphere. We review the measurement and modelling of UV solar irradiance variability over the period of satellite observation. The SATIRE-S reconstruction is consistent with spectral solar irradiance observations where they are reliable. It is also supported by an independent, empirical reconstruction of UV spectral solar irradiance based on UARS/SUSIM measurements from an earlier study. The weaker solar cycle variability produced by NRLSSI between 300 and 400 nm is not evident in any available record. We show that although the method employed to construct NRLSSI is principally sound, reconstructed solar cycle variability is detrimentally affected by the uncertainty in the SSI observations it draws upon in the derivation. Based on our findings, we recommend, when choosing between the two models, the use of SATIRE-S for climate studies

    Manganese-Catalyzed Electrochemical Deconstructive Chlorination of Cycloalkanols via Alkoxy Radicals

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    A manganese-catalyzed electrochemical deconstructive chlorination of cycloalkanols has been developed. This electrochemical method provides access to alkoxy radicals from alcohols and exhibits a broad substrate scope, with various cyclopropanols and cyclobutanols converted into synthetically useful β- and γ-chlorinated ketones (40 examples). Furthermore, the combination of recirculating flow electrochemistry and continuous inline purification was employed to access products on a gram scale

    Discussion Law & Society Review at Fifty: A Debate on the Future of Publishing by the Law & Society Association

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    This contribution presents a series of statements on the future of publishing by the Law & Society Review and the Law & Society Association generally. Framed by the first author's introductory and concluding comments are contributions by Halliday, Liu, Morrill, Seron, and Silbey. This debate, based on a LSR 50th anniversary panel held at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the LSA, is intended to open up a broader conversation among members of the Association. Positions by individual contributors can only be linked to them and not to the group of contributors

    Psychoactive substances and the political ecology of mental distress

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    The goal of this paper is to both understand and depathologize clinically significant mental distress related to criminalized contact with psychoactive biotic substances by employing a framework known as critical political ecology of health and disease from the subdiscipline of medical geography. The political ecology of disease framework joins disease ecology with the power-calculus of political economy and calls for situating health-related phenomena in their broad social and economic context, demonstrating how large-scale global processes are at work at the local level, and giving due attention to historical analysis in understanding the relevant human-environment relations. Critical approaches to the political ecology of health and disease have the potential to incorporate ever-broadening social, political, economic, and cultural factors to challenge traditional causes, definitions, and sociomedical understandings of disease. Inspired by the patient-centered medical diagnosis critiques in medical geography, this paper will use a critical political ecology of disease approach to challenge certain prevailing sociomedical interpretations of disease, or more specifically, mental disorder, found in the field of substance abuse diagnostics and the related American punitive public policy regimes of substance abuse prevention and control, with regards to the use of biotic substances. It will do this by first critically interrogating the concept of "substances" and grounding them in an ecological context, reviewing the history of both the development of modern substance control laws and modern substance abuse diagnostics, and understanding the biogeographic dimensions of such approaches. It closes with proposing a non-criminalizing public health approach for regulating human close contact with psychoactive substances using the example of cannabis use

    The Risk of Hepatotoxicity with Fluoroquinolones: A National Case-Control Safety Study

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    Purpose. Fluoroquinolones are generally considered safe and well-tolerated. However, suspected fluoroquinolone induced hepatotoxicity has been increasingly reported, but data are lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the risk of hepatotoxicity in patients using fluoroquinolones compared to non-users. Methods. National Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital admissions were assessed between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2008. Our case-control study matched patients with a primary diagnosis of hepatotoxicity (cases) to those with myocardial infarction (controls) on admission date (matched up to 1:6). Conditional logistic regression was used to compute adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of hepatotoxicity associated with fluoroquinolone exposure. Results. Our study included 7,862 cases and 45,512 matched controls. The majority of study patients were white (63.4%), males (97.7%), with a mean age of 61 years. After adjusting for confounders, fluoroquinolone use was significantly associated with a 20% increased risk of hepatotoxicity development (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.04-1.38) compared to non-users. A statistically significant increased risk of hepatotoxicity was associated with ciprofloxacin use individually (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.05-1.58), but not with levofloxacin or moxifloxacin use. Conclusion. The use of fluoroquinolones was associated with an increased risk of hepatotoxicity relative to non-users in our national VA study population

    Mechanochemical organocatalysis: do high enantioselectivities contradict what we might expect?

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    Ball mills input energy to samples by pulverising the contents of the jar. Each impact on the sample or wall of the jar results in an instantaneous transmission of energy in the form of a temperature and pressure increase (volume reduction). Conversely, enantioselective organocatalytic reactions proceed through perceived delicate and well-organised transition states. Does there exist a dichotomy in the idea of enantioselective mechanochemical organocatalysis? This Review provides a survey of the literature reporting the combination of organocatalytic reactions with mechanochemical ball milling conditions. Where possible, direct comparisons of stirred in solution, stirred neat and ball milled processes are drawn with a particular focus on control of stereoselectivity

    Expedient organocatalytic Aza-Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction through ball-milling

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    A ball-milling enabled tertiary amine catalyzed aza-Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction is reported. The reaction process does not require solvent, has significantly shorter reaction times than previous methods and is reported on a range of imines and acrylate Michael acceptors across than 26 examples. A 12-fold scaled-up example is also reported as well as experimental comparisons to solution-based experiments and neat-stirred reactions
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