2,124 research outputs found

    The Manufacture and Uses of Aluminum and Its Alloys

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    Waterborne GPR survey for estimating bottom-sediment variability: A survey on the Po River, Turin, Italy

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    We conducted an integrated geophysical survey on a stretch of the river Po in order to check the GPR ability to discriminate the variability of riverbed sediments through an analysis of the bottom reflection amplitudes. We conducted continuous profiles with a 200-MHzGPR system and a handheld broadband EM sensor.Aconductivity meter and a TDR provided punctual measurements of water conductivity, permittivity, and temperature. The processing and interpretation of the GEM-2 and GPR data were enhanced by reciprocal results and by integration with the punctual measurements of the EM properties of the water. We used a processing flow that improved the radargram images and preserved the amplitude ratios among the different profiles and the frequency content at the bottom reflection signal.We derived the water attenuation coefficient both from the punctual measurements using the Maxwell formulas and from the interpretation of the GPR data, finding an optimal matching between the two values. The GPR measurements provided maps of the bathymetry and of the bottom reflection amplitude. The high reflectivity of the riverbed, derived from the GPR interpretation, agreed with the results of the direct sampling campaign that followed the geophysical survey. The variability of the bottom-reflection-amplitudes map, which was not confirmed by the direct sampling, could also have been caused by scattering phenomena due to the riverbed clasts which are dimensionally comparable to the wavelength of the radar pulse

    Klimaatverandering op de hoge zandgronden: effecten en adaptatie : betekenis van klimaatverandering voor het landelijk gebied in de provincie Gelderland : een uitwerking voor de gebiedsontwikkeling in Baakse Beek en Blauwe Bron

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    Doel van het project: kennis uitwisselen over klimaatverandering en functies in het landelijk gebied. Tussen wetenschap en de praktijk van gebiedsontwikkeling. Daarnaast: vanuit de gebiedsontwikkeling onderzoeksvragen formuleren voor vervolgonderzoek

    Degradation of isazofos in the soil environment

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    Field and laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the degradation of the organophosphorus insecticide isazofos (0-5-chloro-l-isopropyl-1H-l,2,4-triazol-3-ylO,O-diethyl phosphorothioate) in soil. In a 6-year field study, soil pH was an important factor influencing the degradation of isazofos inasmuch as an increased rate of degradation was observed in soils with previous isazofos applications and pH of 6.9 or more. A laboratory study of [14Clisazofos confirmed the rapid degradation of this insecticide in high pH soils. No increased degradation rate, however, was observed in sterilized high-pH soils. The availability of isazofos to microorganisms, based on sorption of isazofos to soil, seems to be an important factor influencing the degradation of isazofos in soil. Sorption coefficients were negatively correlated with isazofos degradation rate

    Time Interval Between Cover Crop Termination and Planting Influences Corn Seedling Disease, Plant Growth, and Yield

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    Experiments were established in a controlled-growth chamber and in the field to evaluate the effect of the length of time intervals between winter rye cover crop termination and corn planting on corn seedling disease, corn growth, and grain yield in 2014 and 2015. Rye termination dates ranged from 25 days before planting (DBP) to 2 days after planting (DAP) corn in the field and from 21 DBP to 1 DAP in controlled studies. Results were similar in both environments. In general, shorter intervals increased seedling disease and reduced corn emergence, shoot growth, and grain yield of corn following winter rye compared with corn planted 10 or more days after rye termination or without rye. Incidence of Pythium spp. increased with shorter intervals (less than 8 DBP); incidence of Fusarium spp. was not consistent between runs and experiments. In 2014, in the 1-DAP treatment, number of ears and grain yield were reduced (P = 0.05 and 0.02, respectively). In 2015, all termination intervals reduced plant population, number of ears, and yield (P = 0.01), with the 2-DBP treatment causing the biggest decrease. A 10- to 14-day interval between rye termination and corn planting should be followed to improve corn yield following a rye cover crop

    Effects of tillage and poultry manure application rates on Salmonella and fecal indicator bacteria concentrations in tiles draining Des Moines Lobe soils

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    Application of poultry manure (PM) to cropland as fertilizer is a common practice in artificially drained regions of the Upper Midwest United States. Tile-waters have the potential to contribute pathogenic bacteria to downstream waters. This 3-year study (2010–2012) was designed to evaluate the impacts of manure management and tillage practices on bacteria losses to drainage tiles under a wide range of field conditions. PM was applied annually in spring, prior to planting corn, at application rates ranging from 5 to 40 kg/ha to achieve target rates of 112 and 224 kg/ha nitrogen (PM1 and PM2). Control plots received no manure (PM0). Each treatment was replicated on three chisel-plowed (CP) plots and one no-till (NT) plot. Tile-water grab samples were collected weekly when tiles were flowing beginning 30 days before manure application to 100 days post application, and additional grab samples were obtained to target the full spectrum of flow conditions. Manure and tile-water samples were analyzed for the pathogen,Salmonella spp. (SALM), and fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), Escherichia coli (EC), and enterococci (ENT). All three bacterial genera were detected more frequently, and at significantly higher concentrations, in tile-waters draining NT plots compared to CP plots. Transport of bacteria to NT tiles was most likely facilitated by macropores, which were significantly more numerous above tiles in NT plots in 2012 as determined by smoke-testing. While post-manure samples contained higher concentrations of bacteria than pre-manure samples, significant differences were not seen between low (PM1) and high (PM2) rates of PM application. The highest concentrations were observed under the NT PM2 plot in 2010 (6.6 × 103 cfu/100 mL EC, 6.6 × 105 cfu/100 mL ENT, and 2.8 × 103 cfu/100 mL SALM). Individual and 30-day geometric mean ENT concentrations correlated more strongly to SALM than EC; however, SALM were present in samples with little or no FIB

    Electrical stimulation for enhanced denitrification in woodchip bioreactors: Opportunities and challenges

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    Woodchip bioreactors are being implemented for the removal of nitrates in groundwater and tile water drainage. However, low nitrate removals in denitrifying woodchip bioreactors have been observed for short hydraulic retention time (HRT) and low water temperature (°C). One potential approach to improve woodchip bioreactor performance is to provide an alternative and readily available electron source to the denitrifying microorganisms through electrical stimulation. Previous work has demonstrated the capability of bio-electrochemical reactors (BER) to remove a variety of water contaminants, including nitrate, in the presence of a soluble carbon source. The objective of this study was to evaluate the denitrification efficiency of electrically augmented woodchip bioreactors and conduct a simple techno-economic analysis (TEA) to understand the possibilities and limitations for full-scale BER implementation for treatment of agricultural drainage. Up-flow column woodchip bioreactors were studied included two controls (non-energized, and without electrodes), two electrically enhanced bioreactors, each using a single 316 stainless steel anode coupled with graphite cathodes, and two electrically enhanced bioreactors, each with graphite for both anode and cathodes. Both pairs of electrically enhanced bioreactors demonstrated higher denitrification efficiencies than controls when 500 mA of current was applied. While this technology appeared promising, the techno-economic analysis showed that the normalized N removal cost ($/kg N) for BERs was 2–10 times higher than the base cost with no electrical stimulation. With our current reactor design, opportunities to make this technology cost effective require denitrification efficiency of 85% at 100 mA. This work informs the process and design of electrically stimulated woodchip bioreactors with optimized performance to achieve lower capital and maintenance costs, and thus lower N removal cost

    Occurrence of Atrazine and Degradates as Contaminants of Subsurface Drainage and Shallow Groundwater

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    Atrazine is a commonly used herbicide in corn (Zea mays L.) growing areas of the USA. Because of its heavy usage, moderate persistence, and mobility in soil, monitoring of atrazine movement under field conditions is essential to assess its potential to contaminate groundwater. Concentrations of atrazine, deisopropylatrazine (DIA), and deethylatrazine (DEA) were measured in subsurface drainage and shallow groundwater beneath continuous, no-till corn. Water samples were collected from the subsurface drain (tile) outlets and suction lysimeters in the growing seasons of 1990 and 1991, and analyzed for atrazine and two principle degradates using solid-phase extraction and HPLC. In 1990, atrazine concentration ranged from 1.3 to 5.1 ”g L−1 in tile-drain water and from 0.5 to 20.5 ”g L−1 in lysimeter water. In general, concentrations of parent and degradates in solution were atrazine \u3e DEA \u3e DIA. Lesser levels of atrazine were measured in 1991 from Plots 2 and 4; however, greater concentrations of atrazine (6.0–8.4 ”g L−1) were measured from Plot 5. Throughout the two growing seasons, atrazine concentration in Plot 5 tile-drain water was greater than that of Plots 2 and 4, suggesting a preferential movement of atrazine. Concentrations of DIA and DEA ranged from 0.1 to 2.2 and 0.9 to 3.2 ”g L−1, respectively, indicating that the degradation products by themselves or in combination with parent atrazine can exceed the maximum contaminant level (mcl) of 3 ”g L−1 even though atrazine by itself may be \u3c3 ”g L−1. The deethylatrazineto-atrazine ratio (DAR) is an indicator of residence time in soil during transport of atrazine to groundwater. In Plots 2 and 4, DAR values for tile-drain water ranged from 0.43 to 2.70 and 0.50 to 2.66, respectively. By comparison, a DAR of 0.38 to 0.60 was observed in Plot 5, suggesting less residence time in the soil

    Effect of tillage, crop rotation and innovative nitrogen and pesticide management practices on productivity, sustainability and water quality

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    Better nitrogen (N) management practices can improve nitrogen uptake and possibly reduce nitrogen leaching to groundwater. More efficient herbicide use can decrease or eliminate the herbicide leaching losses to water sources. In this project, the effects of seven N management practices on water quality were evaluated after collecting data from 40 experimental plots. Lower rates of N application and strip and hay cropping systems help produce lower concentrations of NO3-N in the shallow groundwater in comparison with the higher rate of N application. Also, banding of herbicides has resulted in lower herbicide losses to shallow groundwater. The use of the late spring NO3-N test (LSNT) and strip cropping show a great deal of promise to protect water quality
