338 research outputs found

    Epigenetic modification of the oxytocin and glucocorticoid receptor genes is linked to attachment avoidance in young adults

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    Attachment in the context of intimate pair bonds is most frequently studied in terms of the universal strategy to draw near, or away, from significant others at moments of personal distress. However, important interindividual differences in the quality of attachment exist, usually captured through secure versus insecure – anxious and/or avoidant – attachment orientations. Since Bowlby’s pioneering writings on the theory of attachment, it has been assumed that attachment orientations are influenced by both genetic and social factors – what we would today describe and measure as gene by environment interaction mediated by epigenetic DNA modification – but research in humans on this topic remains extremely limited. We for the first time examined relations between intra-individual differences in attachment and epigenetic modification of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) and glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) gene promoter in 109 young adult human participants. Our results revealed that attachment avoidance was significantly and specifically associated with increased OXTR and NR3C1 promoter methylation. These findings offer first tentative clues on the possible etiology of attachment avoidance in humans by showing epigenetic modification in genes related to both social stress regulation and HPA axis functioning

    Proteomic and Functional Studies Reveal Detyrosinated Tubulin as Treatment Target in Sarcomere Mutation-Induced Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common genetic heart disease. While ≈50% of patients with HCM carry a sarcomere gene mutation (sarcomere mutation-positive, HCMSMP), the genetic background is unknown in the other half of the patients (sarcomere mutation-negative, HCMSMN). Genotype-specific differences have been reported in cardiac function. Moreover, HCMSMN patients have later disease onset and a better prognosis than HCMSMP patients. To define if genotype-specific derailments at the protein level may explain the heterogeneity in disease development, we performed a proteomic analysis in cardiac tissue from a clinically well-phenotyped HCM patient group. METHODS: A proteomics screen was performed in cardiac tissue from 39 HCMSMP patients, 11HCMSMN patients, and 8 nonfailing controls. Patients with HCM had obstructive cardiomyopathy with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and diastolic dysfunction. A novel MYBPC32373insG mouse model was used to confirm functional relevance of our proteomic findings. RESULTS: In all HCM patient samples, we found lower levels of metabolic pathway proteins and higher levels of extracellular matrix proteins. Levels of total and detyrosinated α-tubulin were markedly higher in HCMSMP than in HCMSMN and controls. Higher tubulin detyrosination was also found in 2 unrelated MYBPC3 mouse models and its inhibition with parthenolide normalized contraction and relaxation time of isolated cardiomyocytes. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that microtubules and especially its detyrosination contribute to the pathomechanism of patients with HCMSMP. This is of clinical importance since it represents a potential treatment target to improve cardiac function in patients with HCMSMP, whereas a beneficial effect may be limited in patients with HCMSMN

    Microanatomy of the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque by Single-Cell Transcriptomics

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    RATIONALE: Atherosclerotic lesions are known for their cellular heterogeneity, yet the molecular complexity within the cells of human plaques has not been fully assessed. OBJECTIVE: Using single-cell transcriptomics and chromatin accessibility, we gained a better understanding of the pathophysiology underlying human atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed single-cell RNA and single-cell ATAC sequencing on human carotid atherosclerotic plaques to define the cells at play and determine their transcriptomic and epigenomic characteristics. We identified 14 distinct cell populations including endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, mast cells, B cells, myeloid cells, and T cells and identified multiple cellular activation states and suggested cellular interconversions. Within the endothelial cell population, we defined subsets with angiogenic capacity plus clear signs of endothelial to mesenchymal transition. CD4+ and CD8+ T cells showed activation-based subclasses, each with a gradual decline from a cytotoxic to a more quiescent phenotype. Myeloid cells included 2 populations of proinflammatory macrophages showing IL (interleukin) 1B or TNF (tumor necrosis factor) expression as well as a foam cell-like population expressing TREM2 (triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2) and displaying a fibrosis-promoting phenotype. ATACseq data identified specific transcription factors associated with the myeloid subpopulation and T cell cytokine profiles underlying mutual activation between both cell types. Finally, cardiovascular disease susceptibility genes identified using public genome-wide association studies data were particularly enriched in lesional macrophages, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a transcriptome-based cellular landscape of human atherosclerotic plaques and highlights cellular plasticity and intercellular communication at the site of disease. This detailed definition of cell communities at play in atherosclerosis will facilitate cell-based mapping of novel interventional targets with direct functional relevance for the treatment of human diseas

    Functional investigation of the coronary artery disease gene SVEP1

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    A missense variant of the sushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain containing protein 1 (SVEP1) is genome-wide significantly associated with coronary artery disease. The mechanisms how SVEP1 impacts atherosclerosis are not known. We found endothelial cells (EC) and vascular smooth muscle cells to represent the major cellular source of SVEP1 in plaques. Plaques were larger in atherosclerosis-prone Svep1 haploinsufficient (ApoE^{−/−}Svep1^{+/−}) compared to Svep1 wild-type mice (ApoE^{−/−}Svep1^{+/+}) and ApoE^{−/−}Svep1^{+/−} mice displayed elevated plaque neutrophil, Ly6C^{high} monocyte, and macrophage numbers. We assessed how leukocytes accumulated more inside plaques in ApoE^{−/−}Svep1^{+/−} mice and found enhanced leukocyte recruitment from blood into plaques. In vitro, we examined how SVEP1 deficiency promotes leukocyte recruitment and found elevated expression of the leukocyte attractant chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (CXCL1) in EC after incubation with missense compared to wild-type SVEP1. Increasing wild-type SVEP1 levels silenced endothelial CXCL1 release. In line, plasma Cxcl1 levels were elevated in ApoE^{−/−}Svep1^{+/−} mice. Our studies reveal an atheroprotective role of SVEP1. Deficiency of wild-type Svep1 increased endothelial CXCL1 expression leading to enhanced recruitment of proinflammatory leukocytes from blood to plaque. Consequently, elevated vascular inflammation resulted in enhanced plaque progression in Svep1 deficiency

    Genomic DNA Pooling Strategy for Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Rare Variant Discovery in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Regions of Interest—Challenges and Limitations

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    The costs and efforts for sample preparation of hundreds of individuals, their genomic enrichment for regions of interest, and sufficient deep sequencing bring a significant burden to next-generation sequencing-based experiments. We investigated whether pooling of samples at the level of genomic DNA would be a more versatile strategy for lowering the costs and efforts for common disease-associated rare variant detection in candidate genes or associated loci in a substantial patient cohort. We performed a pilot experiment using five pools of 20 abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) patients that were enriched on separate microarrays for the reported 9p21.3 associated locus and 42 additional AAA candidate genes, and sequenced on the SOLiD platform. Here, we discuss challenges and limitations connected to this approach and show that the high number of novel variants detected per pool and allele frequency deviations to the usually highly false positive cut-off region for variant detection in non-pooled samples can be limiting factors for successful variant prioritization and confirmation. We conclude that barcode indexing of individual samples before pooling followed by a multiplexed enrichment strategy should be preferred for detection of rare genetic variants in larger sample sets rather than a genomic DNA pooling strategy

    PPARγ agonists inhibit growth and expansion of CD133+ brain tumour stem cells

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    Brain tumour stem cells (BTSCs) are a small population of cells that has self-renewal, transplantation, multidrug resistance and recurrence properties, thus remain novel therapeutic target for brain tumour. Recent studies have shown that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonists induce growth arrest and apoptosis in glioblastoma cells, but their effects on BTSCs are largely unknown. In this study, we generated gliospheres with more than 50% CD133+ BTSC by culturing U87MG and T98G human glioblastoma cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). In vitro treatment with PPARγ agonist, 15-Deoxy-Δ12,14-Prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) or all-trans retinoic acid resulted in a reversible inhibition of gliosphere formation in culture. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists inhibited the proliferation and expansion of glioma and gliosphere cells in a dose-dependent manner. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists also induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in association with the inhibition of EGF/bFGF signalling through Tyk2-Stat3 pathway and expression of PPARγ in gliosphere cells. These findings demonstrate that PPARγ agonists regulate growth and expansion of BTSCs and extend their use to target BTSCs in the treatment of brain tumour

    Developmental programming in human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells following fetal growth restriction

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    Background: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is associated with an increased susceptibility for various noncommunicable diseases in adulthood, including cardiovascular and renal disease. During FGR, reduced uteroplacental blood flow, oxygen and nutrient supply to the fetus are hypothesized to detrimentally influence cardiovascular and renal programming. This study examined whether developmental programming profiles, especially related to the cardiovascular and renal system, differ in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) collected from pregnancies complicated by placental insufficiency-induced FGR compared to normal growth pregnancies. Our approach, involving transcriptomic profiling by RNA-sequencing and gene set enrichment analysis focused on cardiovascular and renal gene sets and targeted DNA methylation assays, contributes to the identification of targets underlying long-term cardiovascular and renal diseases. Results: Gene set enrichment analysis showed several downregulated gene sets, most of them involved in immune or inflammatory pathways or cell cycle pathways. seven of the 22 significantly upregulated gene sets related to kidney development and four gene sets involved with cardiovascular health and function were downregulated in FGR (n = 11) versus control (n = 8). Transcriptomic profiling by RNA-sequencing revealed downregulated expression of LGALS1, FPR3 and NRM and upregulation of lincRNA RP5-855F14.1 in FGR compared to controls. DNA methylation was similar for LGALS1 between study groups, but relative hypomethylation of FPR3 and hypermethylation of NRM were present in FGR, especially in male offspring. Absolute differences in methylation were, however, small. Conclusion: This study showed upregulation of gene sets related to renal development in HUVECs collected from pregnancies complicated by FGR compared to control donors. The differentially expressed gene sets related to cardiovascular function and health might be in line with the downregulated expression of NRM and upregulated expression of lincRNA RP5-855F14.1 in FG