164 research outputs found

    Conceptual basics of managing the development of relations with stakeholders in the field of medical services

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    The relevance of the research topic lies in the need to find effective ways to optimize the activities of enterprises in the field of medical services based on improving their interaction with all stakeholders, organizations and institutions in the health care industry, which is a critical infrastructure. The main goal of the study was to substantiate the conceptual foundations of managing relationships with stakeholders at medical enterprises. At the same time, the state of the social and economic sphere of Ukraine in 2022-2023 and the main goals of sustainable development were taken into account. The following methods of acquiring scientific knowledge were used in the work: logical generalization, comparative analysis, content analysis, desk research. The list of problems and contradictions in the health care system of Ukraine which require improvement of approaches to managing interaction with stakeholders in the field of medical services, is substantiated. The principles of managing interaction with stakeholders at medical service enterprises are defined. Three groups of principles are proposed, which take into account, firstly, the need to manage the quality of medical services, secondly, the current political and socio-economic situation in Ukraine, and, thirdly, the goals of sustainable development. An improved list of functions of managing relations with stakeholders of enterprises in the field of medical services is proposed, which includes both justification of the specifics of general functions and justification of the list of specific functions. The list and interrelationships between the elements of the concept of managing relationships with stakeholders in the medical services industry are substantiated, including a set of hypotheses and basic provisions of the concept. The developed concept of managing relationships with stakeholders of enterprises in the field of medical services allows to implement a comprehensive and systematic approach to improving interaction between all participants and representatives of this industry and increasing the efficiency of its functioning in modern condition

    Organization of the Educational Process in the Ural Industrial Institute during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

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    The article examines, on the basis of documents of the departmental archive of UrFU and documents of the UPI fund in the State Archives of the Sverdlovsk Region, changes in the educational process of the Institute in the period 1941-1945.В статье рассматриваются на основании документов ведомственного архива УрФУ и документов фонда УПИ в Государственном архиве Свердловской области изменения в учебном процессе института в период 1941–1945 гг

    The ultradian rhythm of glucocorticoid secretion and the time course of target gene regulation

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    Glucocorticoid hormones (cortisol in humans and corticosterone in rodents) are secreted in discrete pulses during a day with a periodicityof approximately 1 h (ultradian rhythm), and this pattern is also maintained in plasma and extracellular fluid. However, the vast majority of studies on gene regulation by glucocorticoids typically assess gene responses regardless the ultradian rhythm. These experiments are usually performed using long-term stimulation with synthetic hormones (dexamethasone and triamcinolone), which form much more stable complexes with glucocorticoid receptor (GR) then natural hormones. This review summarizes the current scarce information, obtained in experiments mimicking the ultradian mode of natural hormone secretion in cultured cells and in animal models. The results of these experiments clearly demonstrate that ultradian stimulation by natural hormones induces rapid GR exchange with glucocorticoid response elements and leads to cyclic GR mediated transcriptional regulation (gene pulsing) at the level of nascent RNA. In contrast, synthetic glucocorticoids, having much higher receptor affinity, fail to disengage from nuclear receptors with sufficient speed to support the ultradian cycles, thereby uncoupling extracellular hormone fluctuations from appropriate receptor function at response elements. This alters RNA accumulation profiles dramatically. These findings suggest potentially important consequences of ultradian secretion. The transcriptional program induced by hormone pulses differs significantly from that generated by constant hormone treatment. Thus, treatment with synthetic glucocorticoids may not provide an accurate assessment of physiological hormone action

    Application of alternative <i>de novo</i> motif recognition models for analysis of structural heterogeneity of transcription factor binding sites: a case study of FOXA2 binding sites

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    The most popular model for the search of ChIP-seq data for transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) is the positional weight matrix (PWM). However, this model does not take into account dependencies between nucleotide occurrences in different site positions. Currently, two recently proposed models, BaMM and InMoDe, can do as much. However, application of these models was usually limited only to comparing their recognition accuracies with that of PWMs, while none of the analyses of the co-prediction and relative positioning of hits of different models in peaks has yet been performed. To close this gap, we propose the pipeline called MultiDeNA. This pipeline includes stages of model training, assessing their recognition accuracy, scanning ChIP-seq peaks and their classif ication based on scan results. We applied our pipeline to 22 ChIP-seq datasets of TF FOXA2 and considered PWM, dinucleotide PWM (diPWM), BaMM and InMoDe models. The combination of these four models allowed a signif icant increase in the fraction of recognized peaks compared to that for the sole PWM model: the increase was 26.3 %. The BaMM model provided the main contribution to the recognition of sites. Although the major fraction of predicted peaks contained TFBS of different models with coincided positions, the medians of the fraction of peaks containing the predictions of sole models were 1.08, 0.49, 4.15 and 1.73 % for PWM, diPWM, BaMM and InMoDe, respectively. Thus, FOXA2 BSs were not fully described by only a sole model, which indicates theirs heterogeneity. We assume that the BaMM model is the most successful in describing the structure of the FOXA2 BS in ChIP-seq datasets under study

    Glucocorticoid receptor: translocation from the cytoplasm to the nuclei, chromatin and intranuclear chaperone cycles

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    Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor, involved in the regulation of hundreds of genes. In the absence of any ligand, GR resides in the cytoplasm where it is sequestered in a multimeric chaperone complex consisting of hsp90, hsp70, p23, Hop, FKBP51, FKBP52, etc. As part of this multiprotein complex, GR undergoes conformational changes that allow glucocorticoid hormone binding. Upon ligand binding, GR dissociates from chaperon complex and translocates into the nucleus, where it interacts with specific DNA sequences (GREs) in the regulatory regions of target genes and modulates their expression. Then unliganded GR is exported to the cytoplasm, completing the nuclear-cytoplasmic cycle. Recent evidence suggests that, in addition to this cycle, chromatin and chaperone GR cycles exist within the nuclei. The chromatin cycle implies repeated interactions of ligand-bound GR with GREs in the chromatin context lasting for few seconds. The chaperone cycle starts after dissociation of the hormone–receptor complex, when GR binds to the nuclear chaperone machinery. As a result, its hormone-binding affinity is regained. Upon hormone binding, GR releases from chaperon complex and binds to GREs again. It is assumed that the chaperone cycle is mainly responsible for prolonged GR retention in nuclei (half-life within 8–12 h upon steroid withdrawal). In this review, we summarize and critically analyze the published data on chromatin and intranuclear chaperone GR cycles

    Analysis of whole-genome binding patterns of GAGA and CNC transcription factors during Drosophila melanogaster development

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    On the basis of available data of ChIP-seq and ChIPchip experiments performed using antibodies against GAGA and CNC transcription factors, genome-wide binding mapping of these factors at hours 0–12 and 16–24 of Drosophila embryogenesis, as well as on white pre-pupae stage, was conducted. It was shown that the bulk of GAGA and CNC binding falls into promoter regions and introns, with the maximal density of peaks in the vicinity of the transcription start site. Moreover, in both 0–12 and 16–24 hour old embryos GAGA and CNC are frequently co-localized, while on white pre-pupae stage there is no co-localization of these factors on a genome–wide scale. In order to select a set of genes potentially co-regulated by GAGA and CNC, the study of their co-binding in annotated regulatory regions (promoter areas and segments corresponding to the 5’-UTR and 3’-UTR of mRNA) was performed. The results obtained clearly demonstrated that the sets of genes characterized by co-binding of both factors vary greatly at different stages. Thus from 353 genes with overlapped GAGA and CNC binding loci on the 0–12 hour old embryos and 611 genes on the 0–12 hour old embryos only 61 genes “belong” to both stages. For an explanation it is proposed that different sets of target genes are regulated by combinations of various GAGA and CNC isoforms, which are characterized by distinct expression patterns during drosophila embryogenesis. Functional annotation analysis of genes, in whose regulatory regions both GAGA and CNC were found at all investigated stages, demonstrates enrichment by genes controlling embryogenesis, neurogenesis and wing development. The data obtained suggest the interaction of GAGA and CNC during D. melanogaster embryogenesis

    Effect of neonatal dexamethasone treatment on cognitive abilities of adult male mice and gene expression in the hypothalamus

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    The early postnatal period is critical for the development of the nervous system. Stress during this period causes negative long-term effects, which are manifested at both behavioral and molecular levels. To simulate the elevated glucocorticoid levels characteristic of early-life stress, in our study we used the administration of dexamethasone, an agonist of glucocorticoid receptors, at decreasing doses at the first three days of life (0.5, 0.3, 0.1 mg/kg, s.c.). In adult male mice with neonatal dexamethasone treatment, an increase in the relative weight of the adrenal glands and a decrease in body weight were observed, while the basal level of corticosterone remained unchanged. Dexamethasone treatment in early life had a negative impact on the learning and spatial memory of adult mice in the Morris water maze. We analyzed the effect of elevated glucocorticoid levels in early life on the expression of the Crh, Avp, Gr, and Mr genes involved in the regulation of the HPA axis in the hypothalami of adult mice. The expression level of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (Mr) was significantly downregulated, and the glucocorticoid receptor gene (Gr) showed a tendency towards decreased expression (p = 0.058) in male mice neonatally treated with dexamethasone, as compared with saline administration. The expression level of the Crh gene encoding corticotropin-releasing hormone was unchanged, while the expression of the vasopressin gene (Avp) was increased in response to neonatal administration of dexamethasone. The obtained results demonstrate a disruption of negative feedback regulation of the HPA axis, which involves glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors, at the level of the hypothalamus. Malfunction of the HPA axis as a result of activation of the glucocorticoid system in early life may cause the development of cognitive impairment in the adult mice

    Detection of new regulatory SNPs associated with colorectal cancer predisposition

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    A new approach to the search for regulatory SNPs (rSNPs) based on the use of ENCODE project data on ChIP-seq and RNA-seq experiments was developed. The approach was successfully used for the detection of rSNPs associated with colorectal cancer susceptibility. To start out with, we used raw sequence data of 15 independent ChIP-seq experiments run on colorectal cancer cell line HCT-116, which allowed us to generate the initial pool of 7985 SNPs located in regulatory regions. For further selection of functional SNPs, we used the ChIP-seq binding bias analysis and revealed 775 SNPs that are more likely to influence transcription regulation in HCT-116 cells. Then the RNA-seq bias analysis in HCT-116 cells was performed. As a result, we confirmed the functionality of 231 SNPs, which were classified as rSNPs. In order to select rSNPs potentially associated with colorectal cancer we chose those in strong linkage disequilibrium with SNPs asso-ciated with this pathology according to GWAS and ClinVar data. Functional annotation analysis of genes containing the rSNPs selected confirmed the involvement of BAIAP2L1 and BUB3 genes in colorectal cancer predisposition. We also found two genes (RRAGD and FZD6) playing a role in the RAS/MAРK and WNT signaling pathways. Although the involvement of the RAS/MAРK and WNT pathways in colon cancer is a well-known fact, these two genes are still unknown candidates. Moreover, we found 14 new candidate genes with promise for further study of colorectal cancer predisposition


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    We performed a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of self‐similarity of seismicity and the fault network within the Sikhote Alin orogenic belt and the adjacent areas. It has been established that the main features of seismicity are controlled by the crustal earthquakes. Differentiation of the study area according to the density of earthquake epicenters and the fractal dimension of the epicentral field of earthquakes (De) shows that the most active crustal areas are linked to the Kharpi‐Kur‐Priamurye zone, the northern Bureya massif and the Mongol‐Okhotsk folded system. The analysis of the earthquake recurrence plot slope values reveals that the highest b‐values correlate with the areas of the highest seismic activity of the northern part of the Bureya massif and, to a less extent, of the Mongol‐Okhotsk folded system. The increased fractal dimension values for the fault network (Df) correlate with the folded systems (Sikhote Alin and Mongol‐Okhotsk), while the decreased values conform to the depressions and troughs (Middle Amur, Uda and Torom). A comparison of the fractal analysis results for the fault network with the recent stress‐strain data gives evidence of their general confineness to the contemporary areas of intense compression. The correspondence between the field of the parameter b‐value for the upper crustal earthquakes and the fractal dimension value for the fault network (Df) suggests a general consistency between the self‐similar earthquake magnitude (energy) distribution and the fractal distribution of the fault sizes. The analysis results demonstrate that the selfsimilarity parameters provide an important quantitative characteristic in seismotectonics and can be used for the neotectonic and geodynamic analyses.Проведен комплексный анализ характеристик самоподобия сейсмичности и сети разломов в пределах Сихотэ‐Алиньского орогенного пояса и прилегающих территорий. Установлено, что основные осо‐ бенности сейсмичности определяются коровыми землетрясениями. Дифференциация исследуемой территории по плотности эпицентров и величине фрактальной размерности поля эпицентров (De) показывает, что наиболее активные участки земной коры связаны с Харпийско‐Курско‐Приамурской зоной, с северной частью Буреинского массива и Монголо‐Охотской складчатой системой. Анализ значений наклона графика повторяемости землетрясений (b) показывает, что наибольшие его величины соответствует районам наибольшей сейсмической активности: северной части Буреинского массива и, в меньшей степени, – Монголо‐Охотской системе. Повышенные значения фрактальной размерности разломной сети (Df) соответствуют складчатым системам (Сихотэ‐Алиньской и Монголо‐Охотской), а пониженные – впадинам и прогибам (Среднеамурская, Удский и Торомский). Сопоставление результатов фрактального анализа сети разломов с данными по современному напряженно‐деформированному состоянию показывает их общую приуроченность к областям интенсивного современного сжатия. Соответствие поля параметра b для верхнекоровых землетрясений и поля размерности сети разломов Df указывает на общую согласованность самоподобного распределения магнитуды (энергии) землетрясений и фрактального распределения размеров разрывных нарушений. Полученные результаты показывают, что параметры самоподобия являются важной количественной характеристикой в сейсмотектонике и могут использоваться при неотектоническом и геодинамическом анализе

    Peripheral post-ischemic vascular repair is impaired in a murine model of Alzheimer&#039;s disease

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    The pathophysiology of sporadic Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) remains uncertain. Along with brain amyloid-β (Aβ) deposits and neurofibrillary tangles, cerebrovascular dysfunction is increasingly recognized as fundamental to the pathogenesis of AD. Using an experimental model of limb ischemia in transgenic APPPS1 mice, a model of AD (AD mice), we showed that microvascular impairment also extends to the peripheral vasculature in AD. At D70 following femoral ligation, we evidenced a significant decrease in cutaneous blood flow (- 29%, P &lt; 0.001), collateral recruitment (- 24%, P &lt; 0.001), capillary density (- 22%; P &lt; 0.01) and arteriole density (- 28%; P &lt; 0.05) in hind limbs of AD mice compared to control WT littermates. The reactivity of large arteries was not affected in AD mice, as confirmed by unaltered size, and vasoactive responses to pharmacological stimuli of the femoral artery. We identified blood as the only source of Aβ in the hind limb; thus, circulating Aβ is likely responsible for the impairment of peripheral vasculature repair mechanisms. The levels of the majority of pro-angiogenic mediators were not significantly modified in AD mice compared to WT mice, except for TGF-β1 and PlGF-2, both of which are involved in vessel stabilization and decreased in AD mice (P = 0.025 and 0.019, respectively). Importantly, endothelin-1 levels were significantly increased, while those of nitric oxide were decreased in the hind limb of AD mice (P &lt; 0.05). Our results suggest that vascular dysfunction is a systemic disorder in AD mice. Assessment of peripheral vascular function may therefore provide additional tools for early diagnosis and management of AD