2,768 research outputs found

    Expected Geochemical and Mineralogical Properties of Meteorites from Mercury: Inferences from Messenger Data

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    Meteorites from the Moon, Mars, and many types of asteroid bodies have been identified among our global inventory of meteorites, however samples of Mercury and Venus have not been identified. The absence of mercurian and venusian meteorites could be attributed to an inability to recognize them in our collections due to a paucity of geochemical information for Venus and Mercury. In the case of mercurian meteorites, this possibility is further supported by dynamical calculations that suggest mercurian meteorites should be present on Earth at a factor of 2-3 less than meteorites from Mars [1]. In the present study, we focus on the putative mineralogy of mercurian meteorites using data obtained from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft, which has provided us with our first quantitative constraints on the geochemistry of planet Mercury. We have used the MESSENGER data to compile a list of mineralogical and geochemical characteristics that a meteorite from Mercury is likely to exhibit

    Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposures - Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond

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    This year marks the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the first time humans set foot on the Moon. The Apollo missions not only help answer questions related to our solar system, they also highlight many hazards associated with human space travel. One major concern is the effect of extraterrestrial dust on astronaut health. In an effort to expand upon previous work indicating lunar dust is respirable and reactive, the authors initiated an extensive study evaluating the role of a particulates innate geochemical features (e.g., bulk chemistry, internal composition, morphology, size, and reactivity) in generating adverse toxicological responses in vitro and in vivo. To allow for a broader planetary and geochemical assessment, seven samples were evaluated: six meteorites from either the Moon, Mars, or Asteroid 4 Vesta and a terrestrial basalt analogue. Even with the relatively small geochemical differences (all samples basaltic in nature), significant difference in cardiopulmonary inflammatory markers developed in both single exposure and multiple exposure studies. More specifically: 1) the single exposure studies reveal relationships between toxicity and a meteorite samples origin, its pre-ejected state (weathered versus un-weathered), and geochemical features (e.g. bulk iron content) and 2) multiple exposure studies reveal a correlation with particle derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and neutrophil infiltration. Extended human exploration will further increase the probability of inadvertent and repeated exposures to extraterrestrial dusts. This comprehensive dataset allows for not only the toxicological evaluation of extraterrestrial materials but also clarifies important correlations between geochemistry and health. The utilization of an array of extraterrestrial samples from Moon, Mars, and asteroid 4Vesta will enable the development of a geochemical based toxicological hazard model that can be used for: 1) mission planning, 2) rapid risk assessment in cases of unexpected exposures, and 3) evaluation of the efficacy of various in situ techniques in gauging surface dust toxicity. Furthermore, by better understanding the importance of geochemical features on exposure related health outcomes in space, it is possible to better understand of the deleterious nature of dust exposure on Earth

    Aubrite and Impact Melt Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites as Potential Analogs to Mercury

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    The MESSENGER (MErcury Sur-face, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging) orbiter measured the Mercurian surface abundances of key rock-forming elements to help us better understand the planet's surface and bulk geochemistry. A major discovery is that the Mercurian surface and interior are characterized by an extremely low oxygen fugacity (O2; Iron-Wstite (IW) -7.3 to IW-2.6. This is supported by low Fe and high S abundances on the surface. This low O2 causes a different elemental partioning from what is observed on Earth. Using surface composition, it was shown that the Mercurian surface mainly consists of normative plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, and exotic sulfides, such as niningerite ((Mg,Mn, Fe)S) and oldhamite (CaS)

    Investigating Astromaterials Curation Applications for Dexterous Robotic Arms

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    The Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation office at NASA Johnson Space Center is currently investigating tools and methods that will enable the curation of future astromaterials collections. Size and temperature constraints for astromaterials to be collected by current and future proposed missions will require the development of new robotic sample and tool handling capabilities. NASA Curation has investigated the application of robot arms in the past, and robotic 3-axis micromanipulators are currently in use for small particle curation in the Stardust and Cosmic Dust laboratories. While 3-axis micromanipulators have been extremely successful for activities involving the transfer of isolated particles in the 5-20 micron range (e.g. from microscope slide to epoxy bullet tip, beryllium SEM disk), their limited ranges of motion and lack of yaw, pitch, and roll degrees of freedom restrict their utility in other applications. For instance, curators removing particles from cosmic dust collectors by hand often employ scooping and rotating motions to successfully free trapped particles from the silicone oil coatings. Similar scooping and rotating motions are also employed when isolating a specific particle of interest from an aliquot of crushed meteorite. While cosmic dust curators have been remarkably successful with these kinds of particle manipulations using handheld tools, operator fatigue limits the number of particles that can be removed during a given extraction session. The challenges for curation of small particles will be exacerbated by mission requirements that samples be processed in N2 sample cabinets (i.e. gloveboxes). We have been investigating the use of compact robot arms to facilitate sample handling within gloveboxes. Six-axis robot arms potentially have applications beyond small particle manipulation. For instance, future sample return missions may involve biologically sensitive astromaterials that can be easily compromised by physical interaction with a curator; other potential future returned samples may require cryogenic curation. Robot arms may be combined with high resolution cameras within a sample cabinet and controlled remotely by curator. Sophisticated robot arm and hand combination systems can be programmed to mimic the movements of a curator wearing a data glove; successful implementation of such a system may ultimately allow a curator to virtually operate in a nitrogen, cryogenic, or biologically sensitive environment with dexterity comparable to that of a curator physically handling samples in a glove box

    Doses for X‐ray and electron diffraction: New features in RADDOSE‐3D including intensity decay models

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    New features in the dose estimation program RADDOSE‐3D are summarised. They include the facility to enter a diffraction intensity decay model which modifies the “Diffraction Weighted Dose” output from a “Fluence Weighted Dose” to a “Diffraction‐Decay Weighted Dose”, a description of RADDOSE‐ED for use in electron diffraction experiments, where dose is historically quoted in electrons/Å2 rather than in gray (Gy), and finally the development of a RADDOSE‐3D GUI, enabling easy access to all the options available in the program

    Fast ultrasonic phased array inspection of complex geometries delivered through robotic manipulators and high speed data acquisition instrumentation

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    Performance of modern robotic manipulators has enabled research and development of fast automated non-destructive testing (NDT) systems for complex geometries. This paper presents recent outcomes of work aimed at removing the bottleneck due to data acquisition rates, to fully exploit the scanning speed of modern 6-DoF manipulators. State of the art ultrasonic instrumentation has been integrated into a large robot cell to enable fast data acquisition, high scan resolutions and accurate positional encoding. A fibre optic connection between the ultrasonic instrument and the server computer enables data transfer rates up to 1.6GB/s. Multiple data collection methods are compared. Performance of the integrated system allows traditional ultrasonic phased array scanning as well as full matrix capture (FMC). In FMC configuration, linear scan speeds up to 156mm/s with 64 pulses per frame are achieved - this speed is only constrained by the acoustic wave propagation in the component. An 8x increase of the speed (up to 1.25m/s) can be achieved using multiple transmission elements, reaching the physical limits for acceptable acoustic alignment of transmission and reception paths. Scan results, relative to a 1.2m × 3m carbon fibre sample, are presented

    Meca500 Robotic Arm Developments Towards Astromaterials Curation Applications

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    As a part of the ongoing efforts to develop new curation tools and techniques for astromaterials within the Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation office at NASAs Johnson Space Center, we are developing a variety of manually and electrically controlled micromanipulation systems. Most current techniques require manual manipulation, and in some cases the manipulation task is being done entirely freehand. The motorized systems avail-able are restricted to three degrees of freedom and use proprietary control systems. For example, the MicroSupport AxisPro manipulation system currently used in microscale particle experiments is limited in its range of motion, as it can only move the manipulators in a three axis Cartesian range over a predetermined area above microscope slides. While having an efficient user interface, the control system is proprietary and prevents custom development and optimization to extend the viable applications of the system. In order to address some of these limitations, we have been testing robotic designs with multiple degrees of freedom and of a variety of designs. We are currently investigating the Meca500 robotic arm by Mecademic as a potential manipulation system to overcome some of these obstacles

    Associations of First Trimester Co-Use of Tobacco and Cannabis with Prenatal Immune Response and Psychosocial Well-Being

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    PURPOSE: This study aims to describe the association of first trimester co-use of tobacco and cannabis with maternal immune response and psychosocial well-being, relative to tobacco use only. METHODS: A preliminary midpoint analysis included 138 pregnant women with biologically verified tobacco use, 38 of whom (28%) also tested positive for recent cannabis use. Maternal perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), depressive symptoms (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale), and serum immune markers (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFα, CRP, MMP8), were collected, although cytokine data were only available for 122 women. RESULTS: Participant average age was 29.1 years, approximately half had a high school education or less, and half were unemployed. Compared to tobacco only users, co-users were more likely to be non-White, younger and more economically disadvantaged. In the adjusted linear regression models, TNF-α levels were significantly lower among co-users relative to tobacco only users, after adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, body mass index and tobacco use group (tobacco cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery devices [ENDS] or both). TNF-α was the only immune marker found to be significant in this analysis. Measured stress levels (M = 5.9, SD = 3.3; potential range 0-16) and depression scores (M = 7.8, SD = 5.8; potential range 0-30) were low across all participants and did not differ as a function of co-use. CONCLUSION: Preliminary results suggest women co-using during the first trimester exhibit decreased pro-inflammatory immune responsivity on one out of eight markers. Further research is needed to determine the impact of this immune modulation on fetal health outcomes and the unique contribution of cannabis

    Reassessing the Formation of CK7 Northwest Africa (NWA) 8186

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    The classification of meteorites is commonly determined using isotopes, modal mineralogy, and bulk compositions [1]. Bulk rare earth elements (REEs) in meteorites are additionally utilized to understand parent body processes. Numerous authors have shown that chondritic groups exhibit REE patterns that may be attributable to their parent bodies [e.g. 2-4], and variations in abundances and concentrations of REEs may reflect early nebular processes, thermal metamorphism, and aqueous alteration on the parent body [5-6]

    Artemis Curation: Preparing for Sample Return from the Lunar South Pole

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    Space Policy Directive-1 mandates that the United States will lead the return of humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations. In addition, the Vice President stated that It is the stated policy of this administration and the United States of America to return American astronauts to the Moon within the next five years, that is, by 2024. These efforts, under the umbrella of the recently formed Artemis Program, include such historic goals as the flight of the first woman to the Moon and the exploration of the lunar south-polar region. Among the top priorities of the Artemis Program is the return of a suite of geologic samples, providing new and significant opportunities for progressing lunar science and human exploration. In particular, successful sample return is necessary for understanding the history of volatiles in the Solar System and the evolution of the Earth-Moon system, fully constraining the hazards of the lunar polar environment for astronauts, and providing the necessary data for constraining the abundance and distribution of resources for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Here we summarize the ef-forts of the Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office (hereafter referred to as the Curation Office) to ensure the success of Artemis sample return (per NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 7100.10E)