779 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of transverse oscillations in radiatively cooling coronal loops

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    We aim to study the influence of radiative cooling on the standing kink oscillations of a coronal loop. Using the FLASH code, we solved the 3D ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. Our model consists of a straight, density enhanced and gravitationally stratified magnetic flux tube. We perturbed the system initially, leading to a transverse oscillation of the structure, and followed its evolution for a number of periods. A realistic radiative cooling is implemented. Results are compared to available analytical theory. We find that in the linear regime (i.e. low amplitude perturbation and slow cooling) the obtained period and damping time are in good agreement with theory. The cooling leads to an amplification of the oscillation amplitude. However, the difference between the cooling and non-cooling cases is small (around 6% after 6 oscillations). In high amplitude runs with realistic cooling, instabilities deform the loop, leading to increased damping. In this case, the difference between cooling and non-cooling is still negligible at around 12%. A set of simulations with higher density loops are also performed, to explore what happens when the cooling takes place in a very short time (tcool = 100 s). We strengthen the results of previous analytical studies that state that the amplification due to cooling is ineffective, and its influence on the oscillation characteristics is small, at least for the cases shown here. Furthermore, the presence of a relatively strong damping in the high amplitude runs even in the fast cooling case indicates that it is unlikely that cooling could alone account for the observed, flare-related undamped oscillations of coronal loops. These results may be significant in the field of coronal seismology, allowing its application to coronal loop oscillations with observed fading-out or cooling behaviour

    Cyclotron resonant scattering feature simulations. I. Thermally averaged cyclotron scattering cross sections, mean free photon-path tables, and electron momentum sampling

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    Electron cyclotron resonant scattering features (CRSFs) are observed as absorption-like lines in the spectra of X-ray pulsars. A significant fraction of the computing time for Monte Carlo simulations of these quantum mechanical features is spent on the calculation of the mean free path for each individual photon before scattering, since it involves a complex numerical integration over the scattering cross section and the (thermal) velocity distribution of the scattering electrons. We aim to numerically calculate interpolation tables which can be used in CRSF simulations to sample the mean free path of the scattering photon and the momentum of the scattering electron. The tables also contain all the information required for sampling the scattering electron's final spin. The tables were calculated using an adaptive Simpson integration scheme. The energy and angle grids were refined until a prescribed accuracy is reached. The tables are used by our simulation code to produce artificial CRSF spectra. The electron momenta sampled during these simulations were analyzed and justified using theoretically determined boundaries. We present a complete set of tables suited for mean free path calculations of Monte Carlo simulations of the cyclotron scattering process for conditions expected in typical X-ray pulsar accretion columns (0.01<B/B_{crit}<=0.12, where B_{crit}=4.413x10^{13} G and 3keV<=kT<15keV). The sampling of the tables is chosen such that the results have an estimated relative error of at most 1/15 for all points in the grid. The tables are available online at http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/research/cyclo.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Two-dimensional Superfluidity and Localization in the Hard-Core Boson Model: a Quantum Monte Carlo Study

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    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations are used to investigate the two-dimensional superfluid properties of the hard-core boson model, which show a strong dependence on particle density and disorder. We obtain further evidence that a half-filled clean system becomes superfluid via a finite temperature Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The relationship between low temperature superfluid density and particle density is symmetric and appears parabolic about the half filling point. Disorder appears to break the superfluid phase up into two distinct localized states, depending on the particle density. We find that these results strongly correlate with the results of several experiments on high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures upon request, RevTeX version 3, (accepted for Phys. Rev. B

    Spectral and Timing Analysis of the accretion-powered pulsar 4U 1626-67 observed with Suzaku and NuSTAR

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    We present an analysis of the spectral shape and pulse profile of the accretion-powered pulsar 4U 1626-67 observed with Suzaku and NuSTAR during a spin-up state. The pulsar, which experienced a torque reversal to spin-up in 2008, has a spin period of 7.7 s. Comparing the phase-averaged spectra obtained with Suzaku in 2010 and with NuSTAR in 2015, we find that the spectral shape changed between the two observations: the 3-10 keV flux increased by 5% while the 30-60 keV flux decreased significantly by 35%. Phase-averaged and phase-resolved spectral analysis shows that the continuum spectrum observed by NuSTAR is well described by an empirical NPEX continuum with an added broad Gaussian emission component around the spectral peak at 20 keV. Taken together with the observed Pdot value obtained from Fermi/GBM, we conclude that the spectral change between the Suzaku and NuSTAR observations was likely caused by an increase of the accretion rate. We also report the possible detection of asymmetry in the profile of the fundamental cyclotron line. Furthermore, we present a study of the energy-resolved pulse profiles using a new relativistic ray tracing code, where we perform a simultaneous fit to the pulse profiles assuming a two-column geometry with a mixed pencil- and fan-beam emission pattern. The resulting pulse profile decompositions enable us to obtain geometrical parameters of accretion columns (inclination, azimuthal and polar angles) and a fiducial set of beam patterns. This information is important to validate the theoretical predictions from radiation transfer in a strong magnetic field.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ on May 5, 201

    Canonical formulation of N = 2 supergravity in terms of the Ashtekar variable

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    We reconstruct the Ashtekar's canonical formulation of N = 2 supergravity (SUGRA) starting from the N = 2 chiral Lagrangian derived by closely following the method employed in the usual SUGRA. In order to get the full graded algebra of the Gauss, U(1) gauge and right-handed supersymmetry (SUSY) constraints, we extend the internal, global O(2) invariance to local one by introducing a cosmological constant to the chiral Lagrangian. The resultant Lagrangian does not contain any auxiliary fields in contrast with the 2-form SUGRA and the SUSY transformation parameters are not constrained at all. We derive the canonical formulation of the N = 2 theory in such a manner as the relation with the usual SUGRA be explicit at least in classical level, and show that the algebra of the Gauss, U(1) gauge and right-handed SUSY constraints form the graded algebra, G^2SU(2)(Osp(2,2)). Furthermore, we introduce the graded variables associated with the G^2SU(2)(Osp(2,2)) algebra and we rewrite the canonical constraints in a simple form in terms of these variables. We quantize the theory in the graded-connection representation and discuss the solutions of quantum constraints.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, corrected some typos and added a referenc

    Clinical chemistry, haematology, immune response and histological evaluation of rabbits after immunisation and challenge with rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) virus

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    [EN] Following their immunisation and infection with a VSHI-CN-6 viral strain, a group of 15 rabbits were examined in a study of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD). Serum samples were collected from the external ear vein at 0, 15, 30 and 60 days post-immunisation. The recorded platelet numbers were closer to the lower physiological limit, indicating a mild thrombocytopenia, with values ranging from 26.6 to 30.43×104/mm3. The phagocytic index revealed significant differences (P<0.001) between the mean values obtained before vaccination (day 0) and the 3 post-vaccination measurements, confirming the increase in phagocytic capacity after immunisation. Additionally, the serum lysozyme average value equalled 9.14 mg/mL post-vaccination. The analysis of variance revealed significant statistical differences (P<0.05) between the average values obtained before vaccination (0) and the post-vaccination values, measured on day 14 and 30, respectively. The morphology of the samples collected from the main organs involved in immune protection, spleen and gastric and portal lymph nodes highlighted changes corresponding to the post-vaccination immunological response. The white pulp of the spleen appeared as a diffuse lymphoid tissue, presenting with primary and secondary lymphoid follicles. The ratio of white/red pulp was in favour of the white pulp and multiple lymphoid follicles were present, indicating their reactivation. In the medullary area of gastric and portal lymph nodes, narrow lymphoid cords, circumscribed by relatively large lymphatic sinuses, and well defined lymphocytolysis were observed. Moreover, the exudate and lymphoid follicles during activation were noted in the cortical area. Furthermore, the inflammatory processes were identified, morphologically manifested by the thickening of connective tissue in the lymph node capsule, dilacerations of the connective fibres and the presence of light acidophilic serous exudate with rare inflammatory cells (serous lymphoreticulitis).Stancu, CA.; Cărpinișan, L.; Ghișe, A.; Marcu, A.; Pentea, MC.; Dumitrescu, E.; Muselin, F.... (2017). Clinical chemistry, haematology, immune response and histological evaluation of rabbits after immunisation and challenge with rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) virus. World Rabbit Science. 25(4):357-365. doi:10.4995/wrs.2017.7500SWORD35736525

    Note on Gauge Theory on Fuzzy Supersphere

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    We construct a supermatrix model whose classical background gives two-dimensional noncommutative supersphere. Quantum fluctuations around it give the supersymmetric gauge theories on the fuzzy supersphere constructed by Klimcik. This model has a parameter β\beta which can tune masses of the particles in the model and interpolate various supersymmetric gauge theories on sphere.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe