229 research outputs found

    An extreme, blueshifted iron line profile in the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 PG 1402+261; an edge-on accretion disk or highly ionized absorption?

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    We report on a short XMM-Newton observation of the radio-quiet Narrow Line Seyfert 1 PG 1402+261. The EPIC X-ray spectrum of PG 1402+261 shows a strong excess of counts between 6-9 keV in the rest frame. This feature can be modeled by an unusually strong (equivalent width 2 keV) and very broad (FWHM velocity of 110000 km/s) iron K-shell emission line. The line centroid energy at 7.3 keV appears blue-shifted with respect to the iron Kalpha emission band between 6.4-6.97 keV, while the blue-wing of the line extends to 9 keV in the quasar rest frame. The line profile can be fitted by reflection from the inner accretion disk, but an inclination angle of >60 deg is required to model the extreme blue-wing of the line. Furthermore the extreme strength of the line requires a geometry whereby the hard X-ray emission from PG 1402+261 above 2 keV is dominated by the pure-reflection component from the disk, while little or none of the direct hard power-law is observed. Alternatively the spectrum above 2 keV may instead be explained by an ionized absorber, if the column density is sufficiently high (N_H > 3 x 10^23 cm^-2) and if the matter is ionized enough to produce a deep (tau~1) iron K-shell absorption edge at 9 keV. This absorber could originate in a large column density, high velocity outflow, perhaps similar to those which appear to be observed in several other high accretion rate AGN. Further observations, especially at higher spectral resolution, are required to distinguish between the accretion disk reflection or outflow scenarios.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (18 pages, 5 figures, 1 table

    The X-ray Spectral Properties and Variability of Luminous High-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We perform a detailed investigation of moderate-to-high quality X-ray spectra of ten of the most luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs) known at z>4 (up to z~6.28). This study includes five new XMM observations and five archived X-ray observations (four by XMM and one by Chandra). We find that the X-ray power-law photon indices of our sample, composed of eight radio-quiet sources and two that are moderately radio loud, are not significantly different from those of lower redshift AGNs. The upper limits obtained on intrinsic neutral hydrogen column densities, N_H<~10^{22}-10^{23} cm^{-2}, indicate that these AGNs are not significantly absorbed. A joint fit performed on our eight radio-quiet sources, with a total of ~7000 photons, constrains the mean photon index of z>4 radio-quiet AGNs to Gamma=1.97^{+0.06}_{-0.04}, with no detectable intrinsic dispersion from source to source. We also obtain a strong constraint on the mean intrinsic column density, N_H<~3x10^{21} cm^{-2}, showing that optically selected radio-quiet AGNs at z>4 are, on average, not more absorbed than their lower-redshift counterparts. All this suggests that the X-ray production mechanism and the central environment in radio-quiet AGNs have not significantly evolved over cosmic time. The mean equivalent width of a putative neutral narrow Fe Ka line is constrained to be <~190 eV, and similarly we place constraints on the mean Compton reflection component (R<~1.2). None of the AGNs varied on short (~1 hr) timescales, but on longer timescales (months-to-years) strong variability is observed in four of the sources. In particular, the X-ray flux of the z=5.41 radio-quiet AGN SDSS 0231-0728 dropped by a factor of ~4 over a rest-frame period of 73 d. This is the most extreme X-ray variation observed in a luminous z>4 radio-quiet AGN.Comment: 10 pages (emulateapj), 5 figures. Accepted by Ap

    The XMM-Newton view of the relativistic spectral features in AXJ0447-0627

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    The XMM-Newton observation of the optically Type 1 AGN AXJ0447-0627 (z=0.214) unambiguously reveals a complex, bright and prominent set of lines in the 4-8 keV rest frame energy range. Although, from a phenomenological point of view, the observed properties can be described by a simple power law model plus 5 narrow Gaussian lines (at rest frame energies of nearly 4.49, 5.55, 6.39, 7.02 and 7.85 keV), we find that a model comprising a power law (Gamma of the order of 2.2), a reflected relativistic continuum, a narrow Fe I Kalpha line from neutral material as well as a broad Fe Kalpha relativistic line from a ionized accretion disk represents a good physical description of the data. The ''double horned'' profile of the relativistic line implies an inclination of the accretion disk of the order of 45 degree, and an origin in a narrow region of the disk, from R_in of the order of 19 GM/c^2 to R_out of the order of 30 GM/c^2. The narrow Fe I Kalpha line from neutral material is probably produced far from the central black hole, most likely in the putative molecular torus. Although some of these properties have been already found in other Type 1 AGN and discussed in the literature, at odd with the objects reported so far we measure high equivalent widths (EWs) of the observed lines: nearly 1.4 keV for the ``double horned'' relativistic line and nearly 0.4 keV for the narrow line.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, Latex manuscript; accepted for publication in Ap

    Simultaneous EUVE/ASCA/RXTE Observations of NGC 5548

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    We present simultaneous observations by EUVE, ASCA, and RXTE of the type~1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 5548. These data indicate that variations in the EUV emission (at 0.2\sim 0.2 keV) appear to lead similar modulations in higher energy (\ga 1 keV) X-rays by \sim10--30 ks. This is contrary to popular models which attribute the correlated variability of the EUV, UV and optical emission in type~1 Seyferts to reprocessing of higher energy radiation. This behavior instead suggests that the variability of the optical through EUV emission is an important driver for the variability of the harder X-rays which are likely produced by thermal Comptonization. We also investigate the spectral characteristics of the fluorescent iron Kα\alpha line and Compton reflection emission. In contrast to prior measurements of these spectral features, we find that the iron Kα\alpha line has a relatively small equivalent width (WKα100W_{K\alpha} \sim 100 eV) and that the reflection component is consistent with a covering factor which is significantly less than unity (Ω/2π0.4\Omega/2\pi \sim 0.4--0.5). Notably, although the 2--10 keV X-ray flux varies by ±25\sim \pm 25% and the derived reflection fraction appears to be constant throughout our observations, the flux in the Fe~Kα\alpha line is also constant. This behavior is difficult to reconcile in the context of standard Compton reflection models.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX, uses emulateapj.sty and apjfonts.sty, submitted to Ap

    Variable Iron K-alpha Lines in Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We find that variability of the iron K-alpha line is common in Seyfert 1 galaxies. Using data from the ASCA archive for objects that have been observed more than once during the mission, we study the time-averaged spectra from individual observations, thereby probing variability on timescales that range from days to years. Since the statistics of the data do not warrant searches for line variability in terms of a complex physical model, we use a a simple Gaussian to model the gross shape of the line, and then use the centroid energy, intensity and equivalent width as robust indicators of changes in the line profile. We find that ~70% of Seyfert 1s (ten out of fifteen) show variability in at least one of these parameters: the centroid energy, intensity, and equivalent width vary in six, four, and eight sources respectively. Due to the low S/N, limited sampling and time averaging, we consider these results to represent lower limits to the rate of incidence of variability. In most cases changes in the line do not appear to track changes in the continuum. In particular, we find no evidence for variability of the line intensity in NGC 4151, suggesting an origin in a region larger than the putative accretion disk, where most of the iron line has been thought to originate. Mkn 279 is investigated on short timescales. The time-averaged effective line energy is 6.5 keV in the galaxy rest frame. As the continuum flux increases by 20% in a few hours, the Fe K line responds with the effective line energy increasing by 0.22 keV (~10,500 km s^-1). Problems with the ASCA and Rosat calibration that affect simultaneous spectral fits are discussed in an appendix.Comment: 26 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Fe XXV and Fe XXVI Diagnostics of the Black Hole and Accretion Disk in Active Galaxies: Chandra Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of NGC 7314

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    We report the detection of Fe XXV and Fe XXVI KαK\alpha emission lines from a Chandra HETGS observation of the Seyfert~1 galaxy NGC 7314, made simultaneously with RXTE. The lines are redshifted (cz ~ 1500 km/s) relative to the systemic velocity and unresolved. We argue that the lines originate in a near face-on (<7 degrees) disk having a radial line emissivity flatter than r^-2. Line emission from ionization states of Fe in the range ~Fe I up to Fe XXVI is observed. The ionization balance of Fe responds to continuum variations on timescales less than 12.5 ks, supporting an origin of the lines close to the X-ray source. We present additional, detailed diagnostics from this rich data set. These results identify NGC 7314 as a key source to study in the future if we are to pursue reverberation mapping of space-time near black-hole event horizons. This is because it is first necessary to understand the ionization structure of accretion disks and the relation between the X-ray continuum and Fe K line emission. However, we also describe how our results are suggestive of a means of measuring black-hole spin without a knowledge of the relation between the continuum and line emission. Finally, these data emphasize that one {\it can} study strong gravity with narrow (as opposed to very broad) disk lines. In fact narrow lines offer higher precision, given sufficient energy resolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 30 pages, six figures, five of them color. Abstract is abridge

    Broad-band X-Ray Spectra of the Black Hole Candidate GRO J1655-40

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    We present broad-band (2 keV to 2 MeV) X-ray spectra of GRO J1655-40, a luminous X-ray transient and occasional source of relativistic radio jets, obtained with RXTE and OSSE. In one observation, the luminosity is found to be 18% of the Eddington limit, which is one of the highest luminosities ever observed from GRO J1655-40. For this observation, we find that an adequate fit is obtained when a broad iron line and a reflection component are added to a model consisting of a power-law plus a soft excess component. The 95% confidence lower limit on the rms line width is 0.86 keV. The power-law component has a photon index of 2.72 and extends to at least 800 keV without a cutoff. After this observation, a significant drop in the (5-12 keV)/(1.5-5 keV) hardness ratio occurred on a timescale less than 2 hours. From an RXTE observation of GRO J1655-40 made after the hardness transition, we find that the power-law index is harder (2.415 +/- 0.011), the flux of the power-law component is lower, and the total luminosity is 10% of the Eddington limit. The change in the power-law component is consistent with the correlation between the spectral index and power-law flux previously reported for GRO J1655-40.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    An Observational Determination of the Bolometric Quasar Luminosity Function

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    We combine a large set of quasar luminosity function (QLF) measurements from the rest-frame optical, soft and hard X-ray, and near- and mid-infrared bands to determine the bolometric QLF in the redshift interval z=0-6. Accounting for the observed distributions of quasar column densities and variation of spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes, and their dependence on luminosity, makes it possible to integrate the observations in a reliable manner and provides a baseline in redshift and luminosity larger than that of any individual survey. We infer the QLF break luminosity and faint-end slope out to z~4.5 and confirm at high significance (>10sigma) previous claims of a flattening in both the faint- and bright-end slopes with redshift. With the best-fit estimates of the column density distribution and quasar SED, which both depend on luminosity, a single bolometric QLF self-consistently reproduces the observed QLFs in all bands and at all redshifts for which we compile measurements. Ignoring this luminosity dependence does not yield a self-consistent bolometric QLF and there is no evidence for any additional dependence on redshift. We calculate the expected relic black hole mass function and mass density, cosmic X-ray background, and ionization rate as a function of redshift and find they are consistent with existing measurements. The peak in the total quasar luminosity density is well-constrained at z=2.15+/-0.05. We provide a number of fitting functions to the bolometric QLF and its manifestations in various bands, and a script to return the QLF at arbitrary frequency and redshift from these fits, as the most simple inferences from the QLF measured in a single band can be misleading.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ. A routine to return the QLF from the fits herein is available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~phopkins/Site/qlf.htm

    The nature of a broad line radio galaxy: Simultaneous RXTE and Chandra HETG observations of 3C 382

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    We present the results from simultaneous chandra and rxte observations of the X-ray bright Broad-Line Radio Galaxy (BLRG) 3C 382. The long (120 ks) exposure with chandra HETG allows a detailed study of the soft X-ray continuum and of the narrow component of the Fe Kalpha line. The rxte PCA data are used to put an upper limit on the broad line component and constrain the hard X-ray continuum. A strong soft excess below 1 keV is observed in the time-averaged HETG spectrum, which can be parameterized with a steep power law or a thermal model. The flux variability at low energies indicates that the origin of the soft excess cannot be entirely ascribed to the circumnuclear diffuse emission, detected by chandra on scales of 20-30 arcsec (22-33 kpc). A narrow (sigma<90 eV) Fe Kalpha line (with EW< 100 eV) is observed by the chandra HEG. Similar values for the line parameters are measured by the rxte PCA, suggesting that the contribution from a broad line component is negligible. The fact that the exposure is split into two observations taken three days apart allows us to investigate the spectral and temporal evolution of the source on different timescales. Significant flux variability associated with spectral changes is observed on timescales of hours and days. The spectral variability is similar to that observed in radio-quiet AGN ruling out a jet-dominated origin of the X-rays.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Suzaku Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected in the Swift/BAT Survey: Discovery of "New Type" of Buried Supermassive Black Holes

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    We present the Suzaku broad band observations of two AGNs detected by the Swift/BAT hard X-ray (>15 keV) survey that did not have previous X-ray data, Swift J0601.9-8636 and Swift J0138.6-4001. The Suzaku spectra reveals in both objects a heavily absorbed power law component with a column density of NH =~ 10^{23.5-24} cm^{-2} that dominates above 10 keV, and an intense reflection component with a solid angle >~ 2π2\pi from a cold, optically thick medium. We find that these AGNs have an extremely small fraction of scattered light from the nucleus, <~ 0.5% with respect to the intrinsic power law component. This indicates that they are buried in a very geometrically-thick torus with a small opening angle and/or have unusually small amount of gas responsible for scattering. In the former case, the geometry of Swift J0601.9-8636 should be nearly face-on as inferred from the small absorption for the reflection component. The discovery of two such objects in this small sample implies that there must be a significant number of yet unrecognized, very Compton thick AGNs viewed at larger inclination angles in the local universe, which are difficult to detect even in the currently most sensitive optical or hard X-ray surveys.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Lette