319 research outputs found

    Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of Antiparallel β-Sheet Secondary Structure

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    We investigate the sensitivity of femtosecond Fourier transform two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy to protein secondary structure with a study of antiparallel β-sheets. The results show that 2D IR spectroscopy is more sensitive to structural differences between proteins than traditional infrared spectroscopy, providing an observable that allows comparison to quantitative models of protein vibrational spectroscopy. 2D IR correlation spectra of the amide I region of poly-L-lysine, concanavalin A, ribonuclease A, and lysozyme show cross-peaks between the IR-active transitions that are characteristic of amide I couplings for polypeptides in antiparallel hydrogen-bonding registry. For poly-L-lysine, the 2D IR spectrum contains the eight-peak structure expected for two dominant vibrations of an extended, ordered antiparallel β-sheet. In the proteins with antiparallel β-sheets, interference effects between the diagonal and cross-peaks arising from the sheets, combined with diagonally elongated resonances from additional amide transitions, lead to a characteristic “Z”-shaped pattern for the amide I region in the 2D IR spectrum. We discuss in detail how the number of strands in the sheet, the local configurational disorder in the sheet, the delocalization of the vibrational excitation, and the angle between transition dipole moments affect the position, splitting, amplitude, and line shape of the cross-peaks and diagonal peaks.

    Epidermal growth factor receptor expression in pancreatic lesions induced in the rat by azaserine.

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    In the present study, the expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was investigated in putative preneoplastic and neoplastic acinar cell lesions induced in the rat pancreas by azaserine, using Northern blotting, in situ hybridisation (ISH) and immunohistochemistry. EGFR protein levels were decreased in putative preneoplastic eosinophilic acinar cell lesions (atypical acinar cell nodules, AACN) in comparison with normal acinar cells of the pancreas. However, EGFR mRNA expression correlated positively with the volume of AACN in pancreatic homogenates and ISH showed equal or stronger EGFR mRNA expression in AACN than in the surrounding normal acinar cells. Neither EGFR protein nor EGFR mRNA was detected in more advanced lesions such as acinar adenocarcinomas (in situ). Moreover, EGFR protein expression showed an inverse relationship with the mitotic rate of the acinar cells. These findings suggest that down-regulation of EGFR at the protein level may abrogate negative constraints on cell growth, which may stimulate the development of putative preneoplastic AACN to more advanced lesions and, ultimately, acinar adenocarcinomas

    Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy of Extended Molecular Systems: Applications to Energy Transport and Relaxation in an α-Helix

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    A simulation study of the coupled dynamics of amide I and amide II vibrations in an α-helix dissolved in water shows that two-dimensional (2D) infrared spectroscopy may be used to disentangle the energy transport along the helix through each of these modes from the energy relaxation between them. Time scales for both types of processes are obtained. Using polarization-dependent 2D spectroscopy is an important ingredient in the method we propose. The method may also be applied to other two-band systems, both in the infrared (collective vibrations) and the visible (excitons) parts of the spectrum.

    Vibrational Spectra of a Mechanosensitive Channel

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    We report the simulated vibrational spectra of a mechanosensitive membrane channel in different gating states. Our results show that while linear absorption is insensitive to structural differences, linear dichroism and sum-frequency generation spectroscopies are sensitive to the orientation of the transmembrane helices, which is changing during the opening process. Linear dichroism cannot distinguish an intermediate structure from the closed structure, but sum-frequency generation can. In addition, we find that two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy can be used to distinguish all three investigated gating states of the mechanosensitive membrane channel.

    Effects of orchiectomy, alone or in combination with testosterone, and cyproterone acetate on exocrine pancreatic carcinogenesis in rats and hamsters

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    The results of a previous 4-mo study in azaserine-treated rats and BOP-treated hamsters indicated that orchiectomy inhibited pancreatic growth and development of putative preneoplastic lesions in the exocrine pancreas of rats but not hamsters. This 12-mo study was carried out to investigate the effects of orchiectomy, alone and in combination with testosterone, and of treatment with cyproterone acetate on pancreatic carcinogenesis in azaserine-treated rats and BOP-treated hamsters. Treatment started 4 mo after injection of the carcinogen. In orchiectomized rats, pancreatic wt was lower than in controls, whereas pancreatic wt of orchiectomized rats treated with testosterone was similar to that of controls. Both orchiectomy and cyproterone acetate caused a decrease in body wt gain and had an inhibitory effect on pancreatic carcinogenesis. Testosterone treatment did not influence the inhibitory effects of orchiectomy on body wt gain and on pancreatic carcinogenesis. In hamsters, neither orchiectomy, alone or in combination with testosterone, nor cyproterone acetate (CA) affected pancreatic growth or pancreatic carcinogenesis. This study indicates that testosterone plays a minor role in the development of pancreatic tumors induced in rats by azaserine but not in that of pancreatic tumors induced in hamsters by BOP

    Nonergodicity transitions in colloidal suspensions with attractive interactions

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    The colloidal gel and glass transitions are investigated using the idealized mode coupling theory (MCT) for model systems characterized by short-range attractive interactions. Results are presented for the adhesive hard sphere and hard core attractive Yukawa systems. According to MCT, the former system shows a critical glass transition concentration that increases significantly with introduction of a weak attraction. For the latter attractive Yukawa system, MCT predicts low temperature nonergodic states that extend to the critical and subcritical region. Several features of the MCT nonergodicity transition in this system agree qualitatively with experimental observations on the colloidal gel transition, suggesting that the gel transition is caused by a low temperature extension of the glass transition. The range of the attraction is shown to govern the way the glass transition line traverses the phase diagram relative to the critical point, analogous to findings for the fluid-solid freezing transition.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. E (1 May 1999
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