23,202 research outputs found

    Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement Algorithm for Propositional Circumscription

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    Circumscription is a representative example of a nonmonotonic reasoning inference technique. Circumscription has often been studied for first order theories, but its propositional version has also been the subject of extensive research, having been shown equivalent to extended closed world assumption (ECWA). Moreover, entailment in propositional circumscription is a well-known example of a decision problem in the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. This paper proposes a new Boolean Satisfiability (SAT)-based algorithm for entailment in propositional circumscription that explores the relationship of propositional circumscription to minimal models. The new algorithm is inspired by ideas commonly used in SAT-based model checking, namely counterexample guided abstraction refinement. In addition, the new algorithm is refined to compute the theory closure for generalized close world assumption (GCWA). Experimental results show that the new algorithm can solve problem instances that other solutions are unable to solve

    miR-375 gene dosage in pancreatic β-cells: implications for regulation of β-cell mass and biomarker development

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    MicroRNAs play a crucial role in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. Mice with genetic deletion of miR-375 exhibit impaired glycemic control due to decreased β-cell and increased α-cell mass and function. The relative importance of these processes for the overall phenotype of miR-375KO mice is unknown. Here, we show that mice overexpressing miR-375 exhibit normal β-cell mass and function. Selective re-expression of miR-375 in β-cells of miR-375KO mice normalizes both, α- and β-cell phenotypes as well as glucose metabolism. Using this model, we also analyzed the contribution of β-cells to the total plasma miR-375 levels. Only a small proportion (≈1 %) of circulating miR-375 originates from β-cells. Furthermore, acute and profound β-cell destruction is sufficient to detect elevations of miR-375 levels in the blood. These findings are supported by higher miR-375 levels in the circulation of type 1 diabetes (T1D) subjects but not mature onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients. Together, our data support an essential role for miR-375 in the maintenance of β-cell mass and provide in vivo evidence for release of miRNAs from pancreatic β-cells. The small contribution of β-cells to total plasma miR-375 levels make this miRNA an unlikely biomarker for β-cell function but suggests a utility for the detection of acute β-cell death for autoimmune diabetes

    The Penguin: a Low Reynolds Number Powered Glider for Station Keeping Missions

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    The Penguin is a low Reynolds number (approx. 100,000) remotely piloted vehicle (RPV). It was designed to fly three laps indoors around two pylons in a figure-eight course while maximizing loiter time. The Penguin's low Reynolds number mission is an important one currently being studied for possible future flights in the atmospheres of other planets and for specialized military missions. Although the Penguin's mission seemed quite simple at first, the challenges of such low Reynolds number flight have proven to be quite unique. In addition to the constraint of low Reynolds number flight, the aircraft had to be robust in its control, highly durable, and it had to carry a small instrument package. The Penguin's flight plan, concept, performance, aerodynamic design, weight estimation, structural design, propulsion, stability and control, and cost estimate is detailed

    Trend in ice moistening the stratosphere – constraints from isotope data of water and methane

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    Water plays a major role in the chemistry and radiative budget of the stratosphere. Air enters the stratosphere predominantly in the tropics, where the very low temperatures around the tropopause constrain water vapour mixing ratios to a few parts per million. Observations of stratospheric water vapour show a large positive long-term trend, which can not be explained by change in tropopause temperatures. Trends in the partitioning between vapour and ice of water entering the stratosphere have been suggested to resolve this conundrum. We present measurements of stratospheric H_(2)O, HDO, CH_4 and CH_(3)D in the period 1991–2007 to evaluate this hypothesis. Because of fractionation processes during phase changes, the hydrogen isotopic composition of H_(2)O is a sensitive indicator of changes in the partitioning of vapour and ice. We find that the seasonal variations of H_(2)O are mirrored in the variation of the ratio of HDO to H_(2)O with a slope of the correlation consistent with water entering the stratosphere mainly as vapour. The variability in the fractionation over the entire observation period is well explained by variations in H_(2)O. The isotopic data allow concluding that the trend in ice arising from particulate water is no more than (0.01±0.13) ppmv/decade in the observation period. Our observations suggest that between 1991 and 2007 the contribution from changes in particulate water transported through the tropopause plays only a minor role in altering in the amount of water entering the stratosphere

    Aql X-1 in Outburst and Quiescence

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    We present photometry and spectroscopy of the soft x-ray transient Aql X-1. Optical photometry during an active state shows a strong (0.6 mag peak-to-peak) modulation at a period of 19 hours. Infrared (K'-band) photometry during a quiescent state limits any ellipsoidal variations to <0.07 mag (peak-to-peak), which implies an inclination i<31 (90% limit). Spectroscopy in a quiescent state shows at most very small radial velocity variations, which implies a very low inclination of i<12 (90% limit). The low inclination is rather unexpected given the large photometric modulation seen in the active state. The upper limit to the equivalent width of the anomalous Li 6707A line is <0.3A, which is similar to the measured strength of this line in several other x-ray transients.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 12 pages, 5 figure