14,600 research outputs found

    An Imaging and Spectral Study of Ten X-Ray Filaments around the Galactic Center

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    We report the detection of 10 new X-ray filaments using the data from the {\sl Chandra} X-ray satellite for the inner 6â€Č6^{\prime} (∌15\sim 15 parsec) around the Galactic center (GC). All these X-ray filaments are characterized by non-thermal energy spectra, and most of them have point-like features at their heads that point inward. Fitted with the simple absorbed power-law model, the measured X-ray flux from an individual filament in the 2-10 keV band is ∌2.8×10−14\sim 2.8\times10^{-14} to 10−1310^{-13} ergs cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} and the absorption-corrected X-ray luminosity is ∌1032−1033\sim 10^{32}-10^{33} ergs s−1^{-1} at a presumed distance of 8 kpc to the GC. We speculate the origin(s) of these filaments by morphologies and by comparing their X-ray images with the corresponding radio and infrared images. On the basis of combined information available, we suspect that these X-ray filaments might be pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) associated with pulsars of age 103∌3×10510^3 \sim 3\times 10^5 yr. The fact that most of the filament tails point outward may further suggest a high velocity wind blowing away form the GC.Comment: 29 pages with 7 figures and 3 pages included. Accepted to Ap

    Distribution of Spectral Lags in Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Using the data acquired in the Time To Spill (TTS) mode for long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) collected by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment on board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (BATSE/CGRO), we have carefully measured spectral lags in time between the low (25-55 keV) and high (110-320 keV) energy bands of individual pulses contained in 64 multi-peak GRBs. We find that the temporal lead by higher-energy gamma-ray photons (i.e., positive lags) is the norm in this selected sample set of long GRBs. While relatively few in number, some pulses of several long GRBs do show negative lags. This distribution of spectral lags in long GRBs is in contrast to that in short GRBs. This apparent difference poses challenges and constraints on the physical mechanism(s) of producing long and short GRBs. The relation between the pulse peak count rates and the spectral lags is also examined. Observationally, there seems to be no clear evidence for systematic spectral lag-luminosity connection for pulses within a given long GRB.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Global axisymmetric stability analysis for a composite system of two gravitationally coupled scale-free discs

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    In a composite system of gravitationally coupled stellar and gaseous discs, we perform linear stability analysis for axisymmetric coplanar perturbations using the two-fluid formalism. The background stellar and gaseous discs are taken to be scale-free with all physical variables varying as powers of cylindrical radius rr with compatible exponents. The unstable modes set in as neutral modes or stationary perturbation configurations with angular frequency ω=0\omega=0.Comment: 7 pages using AAS styl

    Phase Separation of Bismuth Ferrite into Magnetite under Voltage Stressing

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    Micro-Raman studies show that under ~700 kV/cm of d.c. voltage stressing for a few seconds, thin-film bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 phase separates into magnetite Fe3O4. No evidence is found spectroscopically of hemite alpha-Fe2O3, maghemite gamma-Fe2O3, or of Bi2O3. This relates to the controversy regarding the magnitude of magnetization in BiFeO3.Comment: 9 pages and 2 figure

    Stabilization of nonlinear velocity profiles in athermal systems undergoing planar shear flow

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    We perform molecular dynamics simulations of model granular systems undergoing boundary-driven planar shear flow in two spatial dimensions with the goal of developing a more complete understanding of how dense particulate systems respond to applied shear. In particular, we are interested in determining when these systems will possess linear velocity profiles and when they will develop highly localized velocity profiles in response to shear. In previous work on similar systems we showed that nonlinear velocity profiles form when the speed of the shearing boundary exceeds the speed of shear waves in the material. However, we find that nonlinear velocity profiles in these systems are unstable at very long times. The degree of nonlinearity slowly decreases in time; the velocity profiles become linear when the granular temperature and density profiles are uniform across the system at long times. We measure the time tlt_l required for the velocity profiles to become linear and find that tlt_l increases as a power-law with the speed of the shearing boundary and increases rapidly as the packing fraction approaches random close packing. We also performed simulations in which differences in the granular temperature across the system were maintained by vertically vibrating one of the boundaries during shear flow. We find that nonlinear velocity profiles form and are stable at long times if the difference in the granular temperature across the system exceeds a threshold value that is comparable to the glass transition temperature in an equilibrium system at the same average density. Finally, the sheared and vibrated systems form stable shear bands, or highly localized velocity profiles, when the applied shear stress is lowered below the yield stress of the static part of the system.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Approximate perturbed direct homotopy reduction method: infinite series reductions to two perturbed mKdV equations

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    An approximate perturbed direct homotopy reduction method is proposed and applied to two perturbed modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equations with fourth order dispersion and second order dissipation. The similarity reduction equations are derived to arbitrary orders. The method is valid not only for single soliton solution but also for the Painlev\'e II waves and periodic waves expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions for both fourth order dispersion and second order dissipation. The method is valid also for strong perturbations.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamic Evolution of a Quasi-Spherical General Polytropic Magnetofluid with Self-Gravity

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    In various astrophysical contexts, we analyze self-similar behaviours of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) evolution of a quasi-spherical polytropic magnetized gas under self-gravity with the specific entropy conserved along streamlines. In particular, this MHD model analysis frees the scaling parameter nn in the conventional polytropic self-similar transformation from the constraint of n+Îł=2n+\gamma=2 with Îł\gamma being the polytropic index and therefore substantially generalizes earlier analysis results on polytropic gas dynamics that has a constant specific entropy everywhere in space at all time. On the basis of the self-similar nonlinear MHD ordinary differential equations, we examine behaviours of the magnetosonic critical curves, the MHD shock conditions, and various asymptotic solutions. We then construct global semi-complete self-similar MHD solutions using a combination of analytical and numerical means and indicate plausible astrophysical applications of these magnetized flow solutions with or without MHD shocks.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in APS


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    In company management, several leadership styles are inherent and utilised by a manager or a leader. This study assessed the leadership styles of a manufacturing company manager and how the styles of leadership influence rank and file employees’ performance. In particular, it evaluated the manager’s leadership styles as affirmed by the rank and file employees, and how these leadership styles influence the performance of said employees from the viewpoint of work quality, work quantity, job innovativeness, customer service and team spirit. The study was carried out through a descriptive survey research design utilising a standardised survey questionnaire. Findings revealed that the branch Manager highly utilised transactional and transformational leadership styles in managing the manufacturing company. The Laissez-faire leadership style was only moderately utilised while the autocratic leadership was the least utilised style also at the moderate level. These utilised leadership styles manifested strong influence on the performance and productivity of rank and file employees of the manufacturing company under study. Accordingly, the employees exhibited outstanding performance towards the delivery of their works. It is concluded that managing the human capital of any company elicits full utilisation of good leadership styles supportive to the attainment of the company’s set goals and objectives and employees’ desired outputs and productivity. The company under study should continuously utilise and sustain the use of transactional and transformational leadership styles to keep employees’ productive performance, although there is always room for improvement. Other related studies may be pursued considering other variables or attributes of leadership styles not covered in this study. Article visualizations
