14 research outputs found

    A pilot study of 4CYTE

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    The primary goal of this pilot study was to assess, the efficacy of a new nutraceutical, 4CYTE™ Epiitalis® Forte, containing, as a standalone, a proprietary plant oil extract, Epiitalis, in dogs presenting with signs of osteoarthritis (OA). Fifty dogs aged 9.2 (±3.2) years with signs of naturally occurring OA were included in this report. They were free of other comorbidities and were not on any medications except for those utilised for managing their OA. In these dogs, the current treatments were continued to avoid any sudden changes in their disease management. The effects of the 4CYTE Epiitalis Forte were assessed both at the beginning and at the end of a 1 month-long treatment period. The evaluation consisted of an objective lameness assessment (TPI%[total pressure index]) using a gait analysis (GAITRite® Portable Walkway System) and a subjective quality-of-life questionnaire, the Helsinki Chronic Pain Index (HCPI). Additional exploratory objective measurements included the Symmetry Index (SI) and the fore/hind limb ratio (T/P TPI%). Of dogs, 74% (34/46) registered a numerical improvement in TPI% in their worse limb. In addition, of the 93.5% of the dogs that demonstrated improvement in their HCPI scores by at least 5% on the quality-of-life questionnaire, 79% demonstrated improvements in gait based on TPI%. Finally, there were improvements measured in both exploratory objective endpoints SI and T/P TPI%. These encouraging results will be used to develop a protocol for a follow-up placebo-controlled randomised study to confirm the efficacy of this new nutraceutical for dogs suffering from OA

    Pressure mat analysis of naturally occurring lameness in young pigs after weaning

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    BACKGROUND: Lameness is a common problem in modern swine husbandry. It causes welfare problems in affected pigs as well as financial problems for farmers. To minimize these negative consequences of lameness, new treatment and prevention strategies need to be developed and validated using objective and quantitative measurement techniques. An example of such a putative diagnostic tool is the use of a pressure mat. Pressure mats are able to provide both objective loading (kinetic) as well as objective movement (kinematic) information on pig locomotion.In this study, pressure mat analysis was used to assess compensatory force redistribution in lame pigs; in particular a predefined set of four pressure mat parameters was evaluated for its use to objectively distinguish clinically lame from sound pigs. Kinetic data from 10 clinically lame and 10 healthy weaned piglets were collected. These data were analyzed to answer three research questions. Firstly the pattern of compensatory weight distribution in lame animals was studied using the asymmetry indices (ASI) for several combinations of limbs. Secondly, the correlation between total left-right asymmetry index and visual scores of lameness was assessed. Thirdly, by using receiver-operated curve (ROC) analysis, optimal cutoff values for these ASIs were then calculated to objectively detect lame pigs. RESULTS: Lame animals generally showed a shift in loading towards their diagonal and contralateral limbs, resulting in a clear left-right asymmetry. The degree of lameness as graded by visual scoring correlated well with the total left-right ASIs. Lame pigs could be objectively distinguished from sound pigs based on clear cutoff points calculated by ROC analysis for the complete set of four evaluated parameters. CONCLUSIONS: The gait of lame pigs is asymmetric, due to the unloading of the affected limb and concomitant weight redistribution towards other limbs. This asymmetry objectively expressed as total left-right asymmetry, correlates well with the subjective visual lameness scoring and can be used to objectively distinguish lame from sound pigs. Pressure mat gait analysis of pigs, therefore, appears to be a promising and useful tool to objectively quantify and possibly early detect lameness in pigs