56 research outputs found
Overcoming the barriers to implementing urban road user charging schemes
Urban road user charging offers the potential to achieve significant improvements in urban transport, but is notoriously difficult to implement. Cities need guidance on the range of factors to be considered in planning and implementing such schemes. This paper summarises the results of a 3 year programme which has collated evidence on the issues of most concern to cities. A state of the art report has provided evidence on 14 themes, ranging from objectives and design to implementation and evaluation. A set of 16 case studies has reviewed experience in design and implementation across Europe. The paper summarises their findings, provides references to more detailed information, presents the resulting policy recommendations to European, national and local government, and outlines the areas in which further research is needed
StarTEX - a TEX for beginners
This document describes !startex?, a special !tex? format for students writing their first project report. !/abstract? !h1? The basic philosophy of !Startex? !/h1? !Startex? was designed for novice !tex? users. It employs a different notation and a different set of commands from !latex?, and the idea is that this makes it more user-friendly for these users than plain !tex? or !latex?. !p? The notation used in !startex? resembles HTML and some of the commands are the same, but the philosophy of the two is different. HTML was designed to display hypertext information on a computer screen, while !startex? is used to produce a student report on paper. !/body? Figure 1: An example StarT E X document This solution does not solve the problem of obtaining good paragraph breaks, but experience so far has shown that it goes a long way
Entwicklung eines allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodells zur Analyse preispolitischer Maßnahmen im Verkehr
Zur Verbesserung der Umweltbilanz der Verkehrsträger oder auch zur Finanzierung von Straßeninfrastruktur werden verschiedene preispolitische Maßnahmen wie zum Beispiel die CO2-Steuer oder die Pkw-Maut diskutiert. Um ex-ante-Bewertung von Maßnahmen durchführen zu können, sind geeignete Instrumente der Wirkungsanalyse erforderlich. Gegenstand dieses Artikels ist die Beschreibung eines allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodells, das eigens für Deutschland zur Analyse preispolitischer Maßnahmen im Verkehr entwickelt wurde. Eine Besonderheit des Modells ist die integrierte Personenverkehrsnachfrage, differenziert nach Haushaltstypen in Abhängigkeit vom äquivalenzgewichteten Haushaltseinkommen sowie siedlungsstruktureller Wohnlage. Eine derartige Modellerweiterung erlaubt neben der Berechnung von makroökonomischen Folgen der Einführung preislicher Maßnahmen auch die Abschätzung von verteilungspolitischen Effekten der Allokation der im Rahmen der Maßnahme generierten Einnahmen, die zum Beispiel im Sinne einer Kompensation den privaten Haushalten zugeführt werden könnten.
Different pricing policy measures exist to improve the environmental accounting of motorised transport modes as well as to finance road infrastructure investment. A CO2 related tax or road pricing are two examples of such measures. This article describes a computable general equilibrium model for Germany that has been developed specially to assess the impact of pricing policy measures introduced within the transportation sector. One outstanding characteristics of the model is the integrated demand for passenger travel differentiated by household types of equivalence-weighted income quartiles and land use characteristics of the residential location. The setup of the model allows the assessment of macroeconomic effects as well as welfare distributional impacts from the introduction of policy measures (e.g. car user road charges) and the subsequent use of the revenues.
JEL Classifications: D58, R41, H2
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